


    **SAMPLE 4000K PER DAY MEAL PLAN.** If you're trying to pack on some mass, you need to be sure you are eating enough food. Most people who think they have a hard time gaining mass are simply not eating enough food to support mass gain. You can use our [calorie intake calculator][] to get an...
  2. N

    Napsgear Napsgear: 10 Budget-Friendly Ways to Fuel Your Body For Your Fitness Goals

    The dollar isn't what it once was, and this is most evident at the grocery store. Over the past year, inflation has significantly raised the price of food around the world. Fruits and vegetables climbed by just around 8% in the US during the same time period, compared to a roughly 15% growth...
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    Napsgear Napsgear: 12 REASONS PEOPLE FAIL AT FITNESS

    How often have you had the best of intentions when beginning a new exercise regimen, only to quickly revert to your old routines? Everybody has goals they are working toward, and it can be discouraging to feel like you are falling short while others are thriving. What sets you apart from the...
  4. N

    Napsgear Spot Reduction: Myth or Fact?

    Do you wish to reduce the fat in your thighs, arms, or stomach? Is spot reduction a well-established fact or a myth? It's a common belief that exercising in a certain area can increase your calorie burn and help you lose body fat there. But regrettably, it is a legend! Discover the spot...
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    Napsgear Want To Reveal Your Lower Abs? Here’s How

    With these easy techniques, you can complete your six-pack. It takes weeks, maybe months, of diligent work and commitment to your exercise, diet, and sleep in order to get a killer six-pack. How to reveal your lower abs is a fairly common query that comes up if you've been working out, eating...
  6. N

    Want Results? The 5 Most Important Things You Need to Know

    Being physically and mentally healthy offers numerous advantages for your health. Many people, however, might not fully comprehend what is necessary to fully achieve their goals. To assist you get outstanding results, use these 5 fitness suggestions. 1. BE CONSISTENT The easiest route to...
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    IIFYM vs Clean Eating: An Interpretation

    We hear all too often that the amount of processed food in your diet is unimportant for body composition as long as your caloric, macros (particularly protein), and fiber are all balanced. Is this accurate, however, in terms of how such a diet affects your regular calorie intake and ad libitum...
  8. N

    Whey Protein vs Vegan Protein

    Supplementing your diet with high-quality protein powder derived from whey or plant sources will help you build muscle, improve post-workout recovery, maintain a healthy metabolism, lose weight, and tone and define your body. But which protein, whey or plant, is the most worthwhile investment...
  9. jasonhill800

    Avoid These Diet Mistakes: Part 2

    Fitness advice from the “mainstream” is full of nonsense and misinformation. Here is part 2 of “Avoid These Diet Mistakes” to help you reach your goals. #11 You’re Overdoing It with Cheat Meals and Days This is the polar opposite of the preceding error from part 1 of this series and...
  10. N

    Avoid These Diet Mistakes: Part 1

    Fitness advice from the "mainstream" is full of nonsense and misinformation. Despite significant advances in the field of nutritional science, the majority of fat reduction hopefuls continue to make the same basic mistakes over and over. Mistakes that excessively complicate their diet have a...
  11. N

    Body Recomposition: Burn Fat and Build Muscle Together

    Contrary to popular assumption, it is possible to increase muscle mass while simultaneously reducing body fat. Here's how to do it. When it comes to increasing muscle tissue, many men's bodybuilding and fitness articles recommend bulking up. However, many women (and some men) have no desire to...
  12. jasonhill800

    Clean Eating Meal Plan for Beginners

    The appropriate food plan can help you gain weight, reduce weight, or simply be healthier in general! This beginner’s guide offers everything you need to get started with meal planning if you’ve never done it before! Whether you’re trying to bulk up, lose weight, or simply stay healthy...
  13. N

    The Best Thing You Can Eat Before Bed

    Have you ever wondered what you should eat before going to bed? Or even if you should eat anything at all before going to bed?! We hear, see, and read a lot of contradictory information, which might leave you perplexed and make it difficult to respond to questions like: What is the best...
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    SKINNY GUYS HAVE TWO OPTIONS. There are two options for skinny guys: Accept their fate and spend the rest of their lives looking skinny and feeble. Take action to correct the situation. Consume extra calories. Work hard in the gym. Gain weight and turn their body into a suit of armor. The...
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    The Benefits of Nitric Oxide

    What comes to mind when you hear the word nitric oxide (NO)? Isn't it likely that you're thinking of a dentist's office? The trouble is, instead of nitric oxide, they employ nitrous oxide. Nitric oxide is a whole distinct substance, and while you may be familiar with "laughing gas" at the...
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    💪💪Napsgear: In search of AAS cycle log volunteers! 💪💪

    We want to thank you all for such a warm welcome back to the forum world! With a successful restart to our forum journey, we have decided to get some sponsored cycle logs going! If you are interested in keeping a live journal of your progress, take a look at the criteria below to see if you are...
  17. jasonhill800

    Dump the Wine, Burn Fat Better with Ellagic Acid

    Ellagic acid may not be a household word, but it's a potent polyphenol that's been linked to a slew of health advantages. Ellagic acid, in instance, has been shown in tests to reduce cancer cell proliferation, reduce inflammation, and protect brain function. It's also found in a variety...
  18. drtbear1967

    The Benefits of a High Protein Diet, when dieting

    The Benefits of a High Protein Diet, when dieting⭕️⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Protein has long been identified as a critical macronutrient to consider in skeletal muscle repair and synthesis. Indeed, resistance trained athletes have advocated high protein diets for many years, therefore let's see what the...
  19. D

    Sodium secret weapon

    In ancient times, salt was precious. It was traded as the most valued of all commodities, and having a good supply of salt was as close to life insurance as you could get. Age-old aphorisms like "salt of the earth" and "worth your salt" remind us how important salt has always been. So all...
  20. bigheinz

    Heinz Senior. My new High Intensity Training Ebook.

    NOW AVAILABLE! My app and ebook about my version and experience for 27 years practicing High Intensity Training, witch I learned initially in 1994 directly from Mike Mentzer. Your will have access to: 1.- P3AK SOCIAL, a social network created to share with the community everything related to...