
  1. blacktail

    Tren well being affect

    On tren 75mg EOD now for 5 days and today I'm noticing a well being affect. Never heard of this with tren. Anyone else have this before?
  2. B

    Looking for assistance with correcting cholesterol while on cycle

    Hey all, It seems my LDL/HDL profile is in the shitter! Got my cholesterol checked by my GP and the LDL/HDL numbers are ugly: Cholesterol: 211 HDL: 25 LDL: 163 Triglycerides: 116 Now my Doc wants me to go on Lipitor. Don't like the look of those sides! I've been running gear for the past 3...
  3. T

    Is Winnie necessary for cutting?

    Hey all, I'm planning on 8 weeks of the following: Test Phenylprop - 60mg EOD Tren Ace - 60mg EOD Mast Prop - 75mg EOD So...not a whopping cycle, just about 660mg total compound per week. I've run over 1,500mg/week before, but just looking to get cut up this time. Is Winnie necessary for...
  4. R


    Wanted to get your input. Starting a cycle today. Tren a 50 mg eod test pro 75 mg eod and was going to add test cyp 25 mg to it eod just cause I have extra cyp. Let me know if you think I should adjust. Rangers Lead The Way
  5. B

    Best Way To Set Up An HGH Cycle?

    Hello Fellas.. I have researched for a long time and its now time for my first long HGH cycle. 3 years on steroids and and now was the right time to jump into it. I am finished a Test 300 mg/Tren 225-250mgs/week and anavar cycle a 2 months ago, so my break is now over. I had 1500 EURO, and i...
  6. E

    Dosing masteron prop

    I just got a small order if mast prop. Small and prop because I want to see how I respond to this stuff and I figure if it doesn't agree with me it will clear quickly, and hopefully any side effects will also, hopefully. I've never used a short ester in anything. It's dosed 100 mg/ml. So, if I...
  7. 3J

    3J's blast with MC"s IGF-LR3!

    its been well over a year since i last blasted.... and after having a long talk with the wife and giving up on this whole fertility thing, its time i went back to the dark side :D proposed 20 week cycle test e 500mg 1-10, 750mg 10-20 Deca 250mg 1-20 (this is strictly for injury prevention and...
  8. V

    Has aney one just stayed on tren a trt style

    I feel grate on it but feel like shit now im off maybe just 25 mg eod for ever
  9. zuke

    5 weeks into my test prop cycle

    hello guys i am back.5 weeks into my first test prop cycle and this is my 6 th week so far so good.no side effects got some descent gains not great though.i had low test when i started the cycle it was 177 and my doctor told to go ahead with the cycle.and now the question is if i should up my...
  10. Iron Game

    What You Need To Know About Human Growth Hormone

    What You Need To Know About Human Growth Hormone Factors determining HGH dosage Health state. Using solo or in combination. Cycle duration and Protocol Financial capacities. Purpose Different quantities of the hormone show different results. To improve your skin, and, feel younger, and...
  11. Iron Game

    Solid Cycle Examples on cutting, bulking, beginners, advanced and Bridging Cycles

    Found these cycles on another site. Hope it gives some ideas for anyone looking for there next cycle. This thread is for newbies and vets looking for cycles for specific goals. I have revised this as the Iron Game is constantly evolvoing and we need to keep up. Now before I get started, I...
  12. P

    Could I just be that estrogen sensitive?

    Ok I'm starting to get a little pain under my nipples usually just up my aromasim and it eventually goes away. But I'm taking like 25mg a day and probably going to up it to 40mg a day. That's ALOT from what I have been reading so is it possible I'm just that estrogen sensitive? I suppose...
  13. P

    I know 2 nor-19 but what you guys think of my next cycle

    1-16 200mg test phenyl prop eod 1-14 200mg NPP eod 1-12 75mg tren ace eod 8-16 50mg anavar ed 1-16 1mg caber twice a week 1-16 30mg aromasin ed 8-16 500iu HCG twice a week 1-16 20mg cardarine eod Not going to go into pct but yes I'll have good pct
  14. D

    trenbolone cycle

    Can some please suggest a good cycle for trebolone. I have a buddy who just informed he has been taking it for a month now by itself. He has been doing 1 ml a week and its 100 mg. I was going to suggest 1 ml EOD with test prop 1ml EOD (100mg) but wanted to make sure first. I just sent him some...
  15. Mountain_Man

    Testosterone Propionate and (stanozolo) aka winstrol

    my first cutting cycle years ago was a suggestion of a ifbb pro one of my best friends. i went in at 16$ bf about210 lbs when i finished a 8 week cycle of cardio diet and weight tranning i was at 198 and 6 % bf i was so excited for spring that year this is my cycle and i think a great one for...
  16. crash

    Spring cycle what ya think?

    Ok guys I will give my stats and then my cycle plan 6' 214 lbs 11.5% bf 37 years old currently running test e test c blend 800 mg a week 4 g d bol a day just bumped to 50 2days ago. I blast and cruise been blasting for about 26 weeks will cruise for about 6 then start new cycle. Here goes test...
  17. K

    tren a and test p cycle

    I'm on my first week cycle of tren a and test p I started at Tren a .75mg eod test p .50 mg eod but I think that I'm not going to have enough gear for a full 8 week cycle since I have 100mg 10cc of each so I was thinking of lowering the dosage of Tren .50 test . 25 for this first 4 weeks...
  18. Nikon

    MC IGF-1 LR3 Re-comp Cycle Log

    WEEK 1: 3/16/15 What's up guys? I started a new cycle today in order to get ready for the summer. My goal is to get a nice recomp. I still have a bit of fat to get rid of, but I would really like to get up to 175-180 in the next 2 months. I have lost a total of 40lbs of fat, and gained 10lbs...
  19. Get_Swole

    hair loss issues on 300mg of prop ugh.....

    Like the title says, for the past 6 weeks or so I have been noticing more and more coming out, not really any big time thinning, but a man knows when more hair is coming out then normal. I am only running prop 100mg eod bout to drop it to 50 eod, then switch to test E for cruise. Thinking of...
  20. franj

    My Pre Contest (12 weeks out)

    Hi guys, I'm 12 weeks out contest, going to do a few ones this year. I have setup my cycle, very basic cycle, don't like to get crazy with things. - 12-8 weeks out 500mg sustanon + 200mg tren E + 500mg EQ + 200mg Primo + 25mg Proviron ED + 25mg Aromasin EOD + 25mcg T3 - 8 - 6 weeks out...