
  1. Presser

    Four Testosterone Esters , 2 Short , 2 Long esters make up this Steroid Omnadren 250 Ampules

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif; font-size: 18px; line-height: 29px; ">Omnadren is an anabolic steroid that is made up of four testosterone esters, unlike what most people believe that it is made up of four different...
  2. Presser

    Testosterone Propionate Cycle Increases IGF-1 Levels. When to Inject Prop dose

    Testosterone Propionate is the shortest-estered testosterone steroid. It's an injectable compound with a slower rate of release than un-esterified Testosterone, but a faster rate of release than all the rest of esterified testosterones.There are some advantages and disadvantages to the short...
  3. cybrsage

    48 Hour Sale this Friday 6/26......TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE 10mL Vials for 30% off!

    This Friday 6/26, for 48 hours only....all Euro-Pharmacies TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE 10mL vials are about 30% off! Testosterone Propionate is testosterone attached to a fast acting ester, meaning it takes the body very little time to remove the ester and start using the wonderful testosterone...
  4. Powderguy

    Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate NPP Steroid

    Nandrolone phenylpropionate is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It is basically Deca, with a shorter ester ( phenylpropionate instead of decanoate ester found in deca durabolin or nandrolone decanoate), resulting in quicker release into the bloodstream. Although its shorter ester...
  5. S

    Esters: Much more than just half-life…

    By the end of this article, you’re going to know: • What an ester is and how it works • Esters greatly impact much more than just half-life • Esters influence the degree of a steroid’s conversion to estrogen • Esters actually make a given steroid more or less anabolic • Esters influence peak...