
  1. drtbear1967

    The Importance of a good PCT Program.

    Post Cycle Therapy Introduction To Post Cycle Therapy Post cycle therapy (PCT) is perhaps the most important aspect of anabolic steroid use. The concept of PCT did not exist prior to the late 1980s and early 1990s, as the understanding of the mechanisms by which anabolic steroids affected...
  2. drtbear1967

    Raloxifene (Evista) Anti Estrogenic

    Raloxifene (Evista) Review and History of Raloxifene Raloxifene hydrochloride (trade name Evista) is very new anti-estrogenic drug on the prescription market, and it is a member of the category of drugs known as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), which is actually a sub-category...
  3. drtbear1967

    Aromasin - The Best Choice

    Estrogen is an unwanted by-product of steroid use. In some tissues of the male body, there is a nasty little enzyme called the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for turning testosterone and other male hormones into female ones like estrogen, and estradiol or other girly-like...
  4. Iron Game

    The Ultimate Cutting Cycle

    WEEK 1-4: 1) 1000mg Testosterone blend-sustanon (500mg twice per week) 2) 600mg Methenolone enanthate (300mg twice per week) 3) 400mg Parabolan (trenbolone hexa-200mg twice per week) 4) hGH 4iu AM 30′ before breakfast 5) 1000mg metformin with breakfast 6) 12.5μg T3 & 12.5μg T4 with breakfast 7)...
  5. drtbear1967

    The Science of Steroid Stacking.

    The Science of Steroid Stacking The infamous steroid stack; what is it and what is its purpose? A stack is the combining of various steroids where the ultimate goal is the sum effects are greater than that of the individual sum of its parts. Basically it is combining steroids where the...
  6. 3J

    AI's which one is the best for you

    article credit: Jimithing Part 1: I see alot of reference to ai's, their applications, which one is "best", and how often they should be taken inn addition to proper dosage. I have personally had experience with all 2 main ai's, in addition to doing a good bit of research on them as well. I...
  7. Iron Game


    One of the most common question I'm asked is "what should I do for a first cycle?" The questions are; what steroid should I take? How long should I take it?� and What will the effects be?� There are literally dozens of steroids available and that makes it difficult for a first time user to...
  8. Iron Game

    Battle of the Aromatase Inhibitors

    by Mike Arnold There has been considerable debate as to which of the 3rd generation aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, exemestane, and letrozole) possesses the most ideal risk to benefit ratio; a question which has thus far been difficult to answer due to significant diversity in individual...
  9. Masher59

    Steroid Use Over 40

    Anabolic Steroid Use Over Age Forty All Articles, Mike Arnold January 29, 2015 by Mike Arnold At some point during adulthood, the reality of our mortality begins to sink in, leading us to contemplate the consequences of our actions and re-evaluate our priorities. For most of us, this...
  10. R

    Vehicle for exemestane

    Hi guys! I search a vehicle for Aromasin oral liquid, or a alternative for dissolve my exemestane in a form homogene for be used. Thanks everybody:sport: