
  1. drtbear1967

    To Train or Not when you're sick.

    Getting sick is a part of every day life, however, many bodybuilders want to train through their illnesses. For mild symptoms, this is probably fine and simply requires some fine tuning in your workout. More severe illnesses will more than likely force you to take a day off. Training with a...
  2. drtbear1967

    Post Exhaustion Training

    Pre-exhaustion involves exhausting the prime mover in a compound movement before performing the compound movement – like doing chest flyes immediately before a bench press. However, this can easily lead to failure on bench which might not be the safest option when training alone. The good news...
  3. jimbosmith316

    Anti-Aging Human Study on Metformin Wins FDA Approval

    March 2016 By Judy Stevens News Reports around World Describe Multiple Benefits The media has caught up to the potential health benefits of metformin, something our long-term supporters discovered long ago. What caught the media’s attention was the FDA’s approval of the first human study to...
  4. drtbear1967

    Don't stop just because it hurts!!!

    Don’t quit doing an exercise just because it hurts. . Let me say this again. If you’re doing an exercise and it begins to hurt, and it has not hurt in the past, then your body is trying to make you aware of something. The pain you feel is your body’s way of saying, “Pay attention to me...
  5. drtbear1967

    New exercise to build Traps

    Bigger Traps? I got you. . I call this one the “ upside down DB shrug”. Does it have a different name? Until someone says otherwise or knows something cooler we will roll with this. . This is not an easy exercise but if you can master it, it will benefit all other direct trapezius exercises due...
  6. drtbear1967

    Caffeine - To much of a good thing?

    by Matt Weik Caffeine supplementation is extremely popular and has been known to be an ergogenic aid that can help enhance performance in the gym and on the playing field. Athletes around the globe have been using caffeine as a pre-workout or pre-competition performance enhancement for years...
  7. drtbear1967

    Adaptions to Training

    One variable of research that’s always important to consider is the training status of the subjects used. Untrained subjects will make gains of all kinds with pretty much any type of exercise – this is because exercise in general is a new stimulus to them! However, trained subjects follow the...
  8. drtbear1967

    Change up your training order for new gains.

    Changing up the order of your exercises can greatly impact workout volume and the stimulus from each exercise. Generally, you’ll want to follow the Tier System on this infographic for best results on every exercise. Use more complex and challenging exercises at the beginning of your workout and...
  9. drtbear1967

    Diet and Exercise Fights Cancer.

    Diet and exercise affects you in more ways than you think! . A randomized control trail of patients with low grade prostate cancer who had chosen not to undergo treatment divided 93 patients into two groups, one control group and one of which were given a vegan diet with fruits, vegetables...
  10. drtbear1967

    The Best Glute Med Weight-Bearing Exercises

    Ever wonder what the BEST glute med weight-bearing exercises are? Look no further than this infographic. In order, it’s the: . 1️⃣ Side Bridge 2️⃣ Single Leg Squat 3️⃣ Single Leg Deadlift 4️⃣ Pelvic Drop . This is from a systematic review by Reinman et al 2011. I'm going to highlight some...
  11. drtbear1967

    When do you need to stretch?

    Many think that stretching before a workout can help prevent injuries. However, very little data exists to support this opinion. Stretching can, in certain cases, increase injury risk and will more than likely impair performance when done before a workout. Keep your warm-ups to dynamic movements...
  12. drtbear1967

    Deadlifters Advantage

    Last but not least, use your natural build for a deadlift advantage. Lifters with longer legs and shorter torsos will usually be able to lift more weight in a sumo stance - this is why women are typically better sumo deadlifters than conventional deadlifters. If you have a long torso and shorter...
  13. drtbear1967

    Ice Baths - Post Workout Recovery

    Tag the coolest (❄) person you know . Ice baths and cooling body parts after excercise are methods used by some athletes to enhance their results. . Interestingly the evidence that exists isn't strong enough to support this method. Significantly lower increases in strength and muscle size where...
  14. drtbear1967

    HITT Cardio Less the 4 min = Improved Health

    150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise is the recommendation for improving health markers in adults. However, adherence to these recommendations remains low in the overall population. Lack of time has been identified as one of the main barriers to becoming and remaining...
  15. drtbear1967


    Beetroot is a common addition to many pre-workout blends as it has been shown to increase nitric oxide production which can enhance blood flow and pumps. This can also benefit endurance performance, but likely won’t have any immediate effect on strength or size gains. There are several ways to...
  16. gandhisays

    Shredded Physique With HIIT Training

    This HIIT Training Routine Will Leave Your Physique Shredded! Stick to the following workouts for a full six weeks while keeping your diet clean, and that shredded body you could never achieve through endless cardio sessions will be yours very soon...
  17. drtbear1967

    Protein post workout is a must.

    This study found that 20-40g of protein post-workout was more effective than 0 or 10g at increasing protein synthesis in trained individuals. If gaining muscle mass is your goal, adequate protein intake is incredibly important - consuming less than optimal amounts of protein can impair your...
  18. drtbear1967

    Ketone Monoester Study

    theguerillachemist This preliminary study was just released showing the effects of 8 healthy trained males ingesting a ketone monoester(KE) or a placebo along with a protein/glucose mixture post workout. The KE is the monoester beta-hydroxybutyrate, 1,3-butandiol. The protocol was listed as...
  19. drtbear1967

    Training Heart Smart

    by Matt Weik Those who exercise regularly generally do it for weight management reasons. Many forget how important it is to train in such a way that it improves cardiovascular functioning (heart health). Heart disease is our nation’s number one killer and is something many of us can prevent...
  20. drtbear1967

    Mind Muscle Connection for Growth

    All of our muscle contractions are controlled by neurons from the brain and spinal cord. By focusing on a specific muscle while working out, we can increase the neuronal activity to the specific muscle, meaning more muscle fibers will be activated by the nervous system. . This is called...