


    Deloading: What Is It And How Does It Benefit Bodybuilders? WHAT IS DELOADING? Deloading, just as the name implies, is a period when a person purposely reduces training volumes from what they usually do. The period of deloading usually spans about a week, a deloading week helps encourage...
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    Napsgear Napsgear: Training Method: 6-12-25 Protocol

    Charles Poliquin was the man behind the 6-12-25 training approach's initial popularization. It's excellent for boosting hypertrophy, enhancing body composition, and enhancing strength and endurance. The program is a terrific way to do a large amount of work in a short period of time because...


    Tip 5: Never Go More Than Two Weeks Without A Change If you've ever reached a point with your workouts where it feels as though you are just not gaining any more muscle, this is a sure sign you're in a plateau. Plateaus do tend to impact just about everyone at some point or another unless you...


    Tip 3: Only Perform Exercises That Work At Least Two Muscle Groups At Once Bodybuilding tip number three is to focus on compound exercises. You only have a limited amount of time you can spend in the gym each day due to both time and recovery restraints so if you waste this time on exercises...

    YOUR MUSCLE SHOP- German Volume Training

    The Ultimate German Volume Training Plan To Get Big Muscles Fast Follow this four-week, three-workouts a week plan to bulk up your arms, chest, shoulders, back and legs There aren’t many things that old school body builders and modern sports scientists agree on but one of them is that volume...

    YOUR MUSCLE SHOP- German Volume Training

    The Ultimate German Volume Training Plan To Get Big Muscles Fast Follow this four-week, three-workouts a week plan to bulk up your arms, chest, shoulders, back and legs There aren’t many things that old school body builders and modern sports scientists agree on but one of them is that volume...
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    Napsgear Napsgear: The Best Warm-Up for Bench Press

    I started using a planned warm-up regimen before my bench press exercises and soon felt more confident and ready to handle larger weights. The following 4 exercises should be performed to warm up for bench pressing: • Start with a basic general warmup to raise body temperature. • Choose...

    The Skeleton Program - 2 Lifts, 20 Minutes, Every Day!

    The Skeleton Program: 2 Lifts, 20 Minutes, Every Day Do the Bare Minimum, Still Make Progress Don’t lose your gains when life gets crazy. Here’s how to make progress when your training has to be cut to a minimum. The Two-Lift Solution For When Life Gets Crazy It’s okay to occasionally...
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    Napsgear Napsgear: Why You Should Never Neglect Your Obliques

    The rectus abdominus, or "six-pack" muscle, receives all the attention, and for good reason. The focus is on your six-pack when your nutrition is on point and you are powerful and lean. However, the two oblique muscles, which are on either side of your rectus abs and are trained with side planks...
  10. Presser

    The Inconvenient Truth About Perfect Form

    The Inconvenient Truth About Perfect FormBigger Stronger Leaner 10d <section class="topic-area" id="topic" data-topic-id="279807" style="box-sizing: border-box;"><article id="post_1" aria-label="post #1 by @T_Nation" role="region" data-post-id="5609647" data-topic-id="279807"...
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    Who knew that using this well-known device could give you a thorough lower-body workout? Cable machines are now as crowded as benches on a Monday for a reason. You have several excellent possibilities for training your upper and lower body with this adaptable equipment. Furthermore, all of the...
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    Napsgear Spot Reduction: Myth or Fact?

    Do you wish to reduce the fat in your thighs, arms, or stomach? Is spot reduction a well-established fact or a myth? It's a common belief that exercising in a certain area can increase your calorie burn and help you lose body fat there. But regrettably, it is a legend! Discover the spot...
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    Napsgear Reverse Hypers: Don’t Neglect Your Glutes

    It's about time you gave this hyperextension variation a try if you haven't already. Lower body mobility is built on the strength of the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. You are able to run, jump, hinge, and squat like a rock star because to these group of muscles. There are several excellent...
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    Napsgear Want To Reveal Your Lower Abs? Here’s How

    With these easy techniques, you can complete your six-pack. It takes weeks, maybe months, of diligent work and commitment to your exercise, diet, and sleep in order to get a killer six-pack. How to reveal your lower abs is a fairly common query that comes up if you've been working out, eating...
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    Napsgear Napsgear: 3 Banded Exercises to Improve Your Deadlift

    There are countless advantages to including bands in your workouts. Here are 3 of my favorites. The major drawback of band exercises is that, after a while, they stop making you stronger. Before there is a chance of breaking, they can only be stretched so far and come in so thick. In a...
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    Napsgear How Fast Do You Lose Fitness?

    The quick answer is that it varies greatly depending on your workout regimen. Learn more about undone fitness in the sections below, along with when it's important to take a break. How Fast Does Cardiovascular Fitness Decrease? Cardiovascular fitness, also known as aerobic fitness or...
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    Napsgear Training Abs on A Stationary Bike? Here’s How

    Many people are unaware that one of the finest ways to tone their abs is to use stationary bikes! Do exercise bikes tone your stomach, a common question from the public. There are stomach exercises that can be performed while using any type of exercise bike equipment, and yes, they are excellent...
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    Napsgear 5 Exercises That Have Stood the Test of Time

    Historical standards make the best exercises. For an activity to be included, it had to satisfy two requirements: 1. It had to be a workout that people could have done in some way thousands of years ago. 2. The practice had to be carried out by numerous cultures from throughout the world...
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    5 Reasons Why Your Arms Might Not Be Growing

    Not seeing the progress you want in your biceps and triceps? The reason could be simpler than you might think. Here I’ll share five possible reasons that might explain why you’re not seeing the gains you’ve been working towards in your arms. ONLY DOING COMPOUND MOVEMENTS A frequent...
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    Can You Make Gains With Only 2 Workouts Per Week?

    For most typical lifters, 3-4 weight training workouts per week is the benchmark when it comes to increasing muscle size and strength. This is the "sweet spot" that I recommend to most trainees since it's a high enough frequency to optimize the overall effort for each muscle group without...