
  1. Iron Game

    Oxygen Gym Is Kuwait the Place to Train?

    Oxygen Gym Is Kuwait the Place to Train? by Matt Weik While there are plenty of amazing gyms here in the United States, I’m not sure anything can come close to Oxygen Gym over in Kuwait. We’re talking about a multi-level facility with state-of-the-art equipment and all the amenities that...
  2. The Dude

    Voter check in

    Obviously this is a very heated election. The election comes up pretty frequently in class. One thing that really hit home for me was my Statistics Proffessor. He is obviously a Statistician and he pleaded with the class to vote no matter who they voted for. His perspective was brilliant. He...
  3. Iron Game

    Your First and Last Bodybuilding Program Dorian Yates' Plan

    Your First Bodybuilding ProgramDorian Yates' Plan for Max Growth Too often in magazines, we assume that the readers all have at least an intermediate experience level with regards to bodybuilding. The fact is, there are always beginners picking up MD for the first time and looking for...
  4. Iron Game

    PED And AAS Use Is Absolutely Fair

    Why Steroid Use Is Normal & Fair by Geoff Roberts The discussions of who is and who is not taking steroids, along with whether or not the utilization of them is cheating, over time, have reached epic proportions, not only in our industry, but also in many other popular sports. This is...
  5. jimbosmith316


    <header class="wrapper entry-header page-header" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 1050px; letter-spacing: 0.01em; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 18px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Chivo;"> I am not sure how THE judges...
  6. Masher59

    Arnold's Opinion On Vegetarianism

    <header style="box-sizing: content-box;">Arnold's Opinion On Vegetarianism The Oak's thoughts on going meatless. <iframe frameborder="0" hspace="0" marginheight="0" margin="" style="width: 0px" scrolling="no" tabindex="0" vspace="0" width="100%" id="I0_1466741686496" name="I0_1466741686496"...
  7. Iron Game

    A Closer Look at Trenbolone

    A Closer Look at Trenbolone Not too many steroids have an air of mystique about them quite like trenbolone. It is one of those agents that you will hear talked up aggressively by some guy in the gym, to later find he has not even tried it himself yet. The bodybuilding literature is full of...
  8. Iron Game


    Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their effects. Anabolic pharmacology is the study of drugs that have a growth-promoting effect in muscle. This column will explore anabolic pharmacology by profiling a different anabolic drug and its effects each month. The focus of discussion this month...
  9. Iron Game

    Another PCT Protocol

    By Swale I advise my AAS patients to use small amounts of HCG (250IU to 500IU) two days each week, right from the beginning of the cycle. This serves to maintain testicular form and function. It makes more sense to me to keep the horse in the barn, so to speak, then to have to chase it across...
  10. Masher59

    Largest Vagina on Record.

    World's Largest Vagina (19 inches - 48.26 cm) The World's Biggest Vagina most likely belonged to Scottish giantess Anna Swan (1846-1888), a remarkable woman who set a number of records relating to her bulk. Born normally sized, she began growing at a prodigious rate in childhood, finally...
  11. Presser

    Whats the difference between Melanotan 1 and Melonotan 2. Side effects, and Enhanced Libido

    What are differences in Melanotan 1 and 2? Which Melanotan Peptide has fewer side effects? Is it true Melanotan 2 not only tans you but also has the effect of enhancing your sex drive (libido) The uses of Melanotan are primarily for people who want to achieve a tanned skin color and they...
  12. Iron Game

    What Is Free Testosterone?

    Q: What is free testosterone and does Proviron increase free test levels? A: Well, let’s leave out the Proviron part as Proviron does not increase free testosterone. The “free concentration” of a drug is that amount which is dissolved in a given volume of the aqueous (water) part of the blood...
  13. Iron Game

    Using Anavar As A Bridge?

    Q: What do you think of using a mild steroid like Anavar to bridge between cycles? Is this a good idea to maintain mass between my normal cycles? If so, how much should I use? A: There are many issues with “bridging” that should make the average person think twice about it. For starters, every...
  14. Iron Game

    Benefits of 8 Weeks Stack of Testosterone Enanthate & Dianabol For Powerlifter

    Bodybuilding can be so exciting and rewarding. It is absolutely enthralling to look in the mirror and see results for all of your hard work. Sometimes however, the work you are doing is just not yielding results fast enough. Sometimes a little help is needed. If you want to build up and increase...
  15. Iron Game

    Should Pro Bodybuilding Have Several Weight Classes?

    by Geoff Roberts Ten years ago, the idea of making a lighter weight class in the IFBB professional ranks began to frequently come up in conversations amongst industry insiders as a semi-serious idea. Fast forward to today and the 212 division is a hugely popular IFBB division. After making its...
  16. Iron Game

    The Importance of Adequate Recuperation For Faster Gains

    The Rest is Up to YouThe Importance of Adequate Recuperation For Faster Gains Getting enough rest after weight training is essential for optimal muscle growth and performance. Unfortunately, many get insufficient rest because they simply disregard the fact that weightlifting breaks down...
  17. Iron Game

    From Nationals to Unity: A Raw Look at My Thoughts and Training

    BY WY OF INTRODUCTION: Manny is one of the young thinking people in Powerlifting today. The fact that he took the time to put together and edit the footage of RUM with his own commentaries concerning his training shows one of his callings is SHARING and the other is EDUCATING. I haven't shared...
  18. T

    6-fingers pharma stole another sources lab tests.

    I noticed 6 posting lab analysis of trenA that is in fact another sources lab analysis. http://ultraimg.com/image/Dkk2
  19. Iron Game

    SARM MK-2866*(also referred to as “ostarine” or “MK”) vs. Winstrol (Stanozolol)

    Winstrol (Stanozolol)*is one of the most popular steroids in the world. It’s used for muscle hardening, polishing, cutting and contest preparation. As a DHT derivative steroid, it’s a perfect AAS for getting lean; in fact, it’s extremely potent and highly effective for all users – newbies or...
  20. Pushtoday

    The Masculinity Of Fighting

    A Short History On The Masculinity Of FightingEver wonder where the great legal tradition of the West came from? Lots of reasons for it. But one of the main drivers of the use of lawyers and courts and the cause of our over-legislated modern culture was a civic campaign to cut down on urban...