
  1. 3J

    10 tips for healthy eating

    This is not a 3Js original article Healthy Eating Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet and Sticking to it Improving Emotional Health Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling...
  2. T

    Good fats vs bad fats issue`

    When you are determining your daily fat allowance, do you seperate the saturated fats from the unsaturated ones? Since the good fats (latter) dont effect body fat as a rule, what limits, if any do you put on the good ones?
  3. Iron Game

    Lose Your Belly Fat And Show Off Your Six Pack Abs

    Have you been religiously doing your abdominal muscle exercises? Is your abs showing to your satisfaction? No? Why? Do you know that your abdominal muscle is one of the easiest muscles to build but yet why is it that most people have difficulty in developing that 6 pack abs? Here is the truth...
  4. Iron Game

    Top 25 Fat Loss Nutrition Tips

    1. Eliminate all trans-fats and other “man-made” fats such as margarine and shortening. 2. Eat healthy fats, favoring a blend of healthy fats: Cook with coconut oil and butter, use olive oil in salad dressings, and top salads with avocado, nuts, and olives. 3. Eliminate all processed foods...
  5. Presser

    Clean Bulking Versus Dirty Bulking. Protein, Fats and Carbs

    What is bulking? It is usual to define the bulking phase of a bodybuilder's diet by what it is not; however it is simply 'a systematic attempt to gain muscle'. If you want to add 'and strength' to that sentence then that's fine, just remember you can get stronger without adding muscle, but you...
  6. akn

    The Evolution of Dietary Fat in Bodybuilding Nutrition – Part 2

    by Mike Arnold If you’re like most bodybuilders, you pride yourself on your nutritional expertise as it pertains to muscle growth and health. Yet, most of us fall short when it comes to understanding the full range of effects that conventional cooking oils/fats have on the body. In Part #1 of...
  7. akn

    The Evolution of Dietary Fat in Bodybuilding Nutrition – Part 1

    by Mike Arnold As one of the three basic macronutrients, fats play a vital role in the growth and development of the human body. There are essential for proper functioning and are involved in myriad physiological processes ranging from the formation of cell membranes, nerve transmission, the...
  8. akn

    Clean Eating vs. Healthy Eating – Part 2

    by Mike Arnold In Part#1 of this article, we took a look at the priorities which govern the make-up of today’s typical bodybuilding diet, while shining a flashlight on their unbalanced nature and the dietary deficiencies which have arisen from such. Having previously addressed the importance of...
  9. big in vegas

    Contest Prep Dieting & Timing Insulin, Carbs, Proteins and Workouts

    Pre-Contest Dieting Obviously the most pertinent issue regarding pre-contest preparation is the diet aspect of preparation. It is not enough to just clean up what you eat, it must be far more drastic than that. When you see the winner of a bodybuilding competition onstage, rest assured they...
  10. big in vegas

    Contest Prep Dieting...

    Pre-Contest Dieting Obviously the most pertinent issue regarding pre-contest preparation is the diet aspect of preparation. It is not enough to just clean up what you eat, it must be far more drastic than that. When you see the winner of a bodybuilding competition onstage, rest assured they...