
  1. 9

    Ronda's ESPN Interview

    <header style="display: block;" id="main-header"><hgroup class="header2" style="display: block;">In the days after her stunning defeat, Ronda Rousey says that she's ready to fight again. by Ramona Shelburne 12/8/15 PHOTOGRAPHED IN 2014 BY PARI DUKOVIC/TRUNK ARCHIVE </hgroup><hgroup...
  2. Presser

    The Powerball Lottery is at 900 Million, Yes Nearly 1 Billion Fucking Dollars!

    I am buying tickets today soon as i leave work! I mean i dont play often but a billion dollar lottery is unheard of!!! Can you imagine winning that much money! Actually dont bother buying tickets if you havent already, cause im going to win it! I already have actually! So Fuck Off!
  3. Presser

    Pressers Movie Review for...."The Revenant"" with DiCaprio

    Ok for those interested this movie "The Revenant" with DiCaprio is on www.Movietube.ms free and it will be listed as a cam but its really a dvd or hd copy, I guess they listed it as Cam, so they didnt have hollywood come after them since they had it on their site at movietube.ms before it even...
  4. Presser

    Help me find whether I can Import Ligandrol, Ostarine, Andarine Powder Legally

    I have searched high and low for a good reputable powder supplier of SARMs, Ligandrol, ostarine, and andarine and a couple others, Now my big question is this, Can i import the powder to the USA legally? Anyone know off hand?? Im looking into it now, but getting mixed reviews, plus i dont want...
  5. Presser

    Bill Cosby has a Dirty Pudding Pop! lol

    Looks like Cliff Huxtable is going to jail , dirty old man! Drugging and raping women , I mean thats a sickness! When your a celeb and can fuck whoever you want, and you still decide to drug the few women who say no to you, then your doing it for the excitement of drugging and fucking her, and...
  6. Presser

    Should we Start a ""MENS PHYSIQUE FORUM"" at MuscleChemistry?

    I have been tossing this idea around for the last year, starting a Mens Physique Forum may be a good idea, now that a lot of the Mens Physique Guys are coming in to shows bigger than when the division first started out, the IFBB pro level mens Physique guys are looking nice i must admit, and i...
  7. L

    PUMPED!!! from IGF-1 lr3

    Been waiting all day to get a min to post this. So its been about 5 weeks now on IGF. I am on 80mcg for on days and 40mcg on off days. Let me tell you....last night I hit 40mcg in each bicep. Immediately there is a sensation...like a tighten feeling. The biceps are starting get tight and pumped...
  8. Presser

    Kind of funny story

    So i get into my office today, and I'm going bat shit crazy cause i can smell a women's perfume in my office, so I'm thinking its sunday, and someone probably didn't think i was coming into work today, and they broke in and I'm looking for missing shit, and trying to pin point what was moved...
  9. Presser

    Using GhostMail.com for Secure e-mail

    Is anyone else using ghost mail.com for their secure email ? I just signed up since proton mail is fucking down all day, lol, and hearing great things about ghost mail on other forums and reading reviews it seems they take encryption and privacy very serious and even have self destruct email...
  10. Presser

    Dallas Mccarver Looked Fucking Phenominal in my opinion!

    ANyone else think this kid brought a great package to the Mr Olmpia, for being so dang young, i was impressed as fuck! I thought he stuck out in all honesty !! Big Ramy was gifted a placing, cause i can name 4 guys off the top of my head who looked way better , army didn't have striations, no...
  11. Presser

    Hilary Clinton as Fake as You will Ever See her! Funny SHIT! She is a PHONY!

    Just go straight to the 3 minute mark and wait for her laugh at the 3:05 mark, she is so phony, its the worst laugh I've ever heard! YOU have to Hear this SHIT! Fucking Liberals Are PHONY! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eojvEordYnU" frameborder="0"...
  12. Presser

    Mens Physique Awards IFBB North America. They ALL Have good Muscle! Nice JOB!

    2015 CONTESTS IFBB NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS MEN'S PHYSIQUE AWARDS Great Bodies in my opinion! I still wanna see mandatory tight/spandex type shorts and not this board short shit! But all in all they are looking better and better as time goes by! If it weren't for the Marcus Ruhls of the...
  13. Powderguy

    People piss me off

    I had to vent this: So fucking people fuck things up and then take it out on you like its your fault! Long story short I know this guys for 12 years and he fucked something up and then acted like it was my fault because I gave advice how not to fuck it up, but he fucking did anyways!! People...
  14. Presser

    Someone Finally Got Me with Credit Card Charge Fraud! Mother Fuckers!

    Long story short is Some piece of shit charged $599 in a jewelry store on my card, and also used it to stay at some fucking hotel tropez ! I have no clue how anyone got my bank card info, and I'm even more stumped as to how they were able to buy shit with just my card number. The hotel charge...
  15. Presser

    Movie Review "Cake" Jennifer Aniston

    I think its called CAKE lol, anyhow, talk about fucking depressing! I watched about 85% of this movie, then when they got to her young son being killed i went to fucking bed! Why do they make such depressing movies, i mean what the fuck lmao I do NOT recommend this shit
  16. Presser

    San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi news Conference is on Now! What a Deusch bag

    Not sure who all is watching this dick bags press conference right now, but what a fucking load of shit he is trying to sell us! Ross Mirkarimi needs to step down period! He is also a convicted wife abuser!
  17. Presser

    Fucking Rude ASS Foreigners!

    So yesterday the wife and I took the twins to the Aquarium! First off the Aquarium is in one of the worst cities in the country, Yes the entire country, Camden New Jersey, which has been the murder capitol of the country a couple different times over the years. So the city i guess tried...
  18. Presser

    Bad Week! Some Scum Bag Keyed My Brand New Truck!

    So some scum bag who probably never worked a hard day in their life to have nice things, decides, hey heres a nice brand new truck, i think i will key the drivers side door, yep! Brand New 2015 Nissan Pathfinder has a DEEEEP as holy fuck key gouging across the door, it starts out light and you...
  19. gandhisays

    Oksana Grishina Posing Routine at Arnold Classic 2015

    Oksana Grishina is always amazing to me! Arnold 2015 Posing Routine with Great Music! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0NEexfLRng8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
  20. gandhisays

    Oksana Grishina (Fitness International) Arnold Classic 2015 Posing routine.

    Oksana Grishina is always amazing to me! Her videos pump me up to the point i wana go workout myself! Not many mens videos do that let alone females! Her music for this was fucking sick! Love that song! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0NEexfLRng8"...