
  1. drtbear1967

    Split Squats - The How To!!

    Spilt squats. Arguably the best exercise for your legs, maybe even normal squats. You get the same if not better selective targeting of the leg and glutes musculature, and you do so without having to load the spine. They are pretty safe assuming you can keep your balance on one leg. . There are...
  2. drtbear1967

    Will Roelly Rule the O?

    by Christian Duque First and foremost, everyone knew my prediction for this year, the defending champion repeating and Curry at runner-up. Although that seems highly unlikely to be the finishing places now and given some additional facts, I may have to revisit my prediction. Now, in the absence...
  3. drtbear1967

    Are Athletes Born or Created?

    by Matt Weik For me, personally, the answer to this is a no-brainer. But there may be people out there who think differently about the subject. So, I thought it would be a cool little article to put down what my thoughts are, see if they align with yours, and open up the dialogue a little bit...
  4. J

    HCG while on cycle

    Hi there. Great info here but definitely would like to make sure this would be ok. I have 5000iu HCG and 10ml vial. 30ml biostatic water. Going to mix 10ml so should put me at 500iu per ml. Using 3cc 23 gauge 1.5” pins for both Test E and HCG. So I would need to do .5cc for 250iu of HCG a dose...
  5. A

    Good HGH Frag sources?

    Looking to use HGH frag during my "off-time" from IGFLR3 to ensure cleaner bulks and make better use of that down time. Are there any sources of frag that you've had good experiences with?
  6. drtbear1967

    Protein Blends

    Protein blends are becoming a popular choice for protein supplements, and for good reason. This study found that blending whey and casein proteins led to better gains throughout a 10-week training protocol compared to just whey protein alone. This could be due to the combination of the large...
  7. B

    SARMs Results

    Anyone having really good results from SARMs? If so, which one are you using and please give dosage along with your height and weight.
  8. B

    AI or not AI, that is the question

    I've been seeing a lot of activity elsewhere with people posting things about using an AI is inherently bad with some agreeing and some disagreeing. I'm not sure I've seen any direct studies that support their conclusions. I'd think that if your estrogen/E2 is extremely high then you'd need an...
  9. B

    Funny Happening

    So I'm getting quick food at Wendy's for my wife and I, and the guy at the register who looks to be maybe mid 20's looks at me and says, "Did you used to be a bodybuilder?" Meaning he thought I had been a competitive bodybuilder in my earlier years. I told him that I wasn't, I just lift to...
  10. L

    I am the new guy

    Good day! I could have sworn I've been to this blog before but after reading through some of the post I realized it's new to me. Nonetheless, I'm definitely glad I found it and I'll be book-marking and checking back frequently!
  11. S

    Estrogen high?

    Been doing Test only 200/week. Haven't been taking adex probably like it should be taken. Been Feeling light headed and sort of dizzy. I read up on high estrogen side effect and sure enuff that was one, from high levels causing low blood sugar. One site recommended eat something sweet. I did and...
  12. H

    Training PB's Without Cycle

    I have been training with a PT. We do warm ups first then go into exercises. We train 3x a week, just under 1.5 hours. I have noticed that I am stronger overall as he seems to focus on compound exercises more with me and literally 0 machine exercises. I had a blood test and my test is under...
  13. drtbear1967

    Diet - Has to be practical.

    Diet (noun). The word that puts people off entertaining any thoughts about attempting to make nutritional changes to support an aspiring goal... (usually fat loss). The word may say diet(ing), but really you read it as: ‘the eternal struggle’... ‘something I need serious willpower for’...
  14. W

    Purple panada labs

    Their anavar and dbol was fake. eq looks real, hopefully the winny deca and test are good. - - - Updated - - - purple panda labs .PPL
  15. Presser

    Site Speed Notice

    About Fucking Time! So yeah that’s blazing for us! please keep in mind until I fix specific user rules , members posting may possibly need to reload the page to see there post in the activity stream at top of site. The good news is having to reload even 3 times is now faster than waiting...
  16. drtbear1967

    Proprietary Blends vs Full Descriptions

    by Matt Weik I’m going to get a lot of love and hate from both sides of the spectrum revolving around this issue. There will be people who demand full transparency such as the consumer and brands who want to be upfront and honest with what they put in the product and then, on the other hand, you...
  17. S

    Ordering a large batch of raws: How much to order???

    Hello all. I have been homebrewing mainly test for close to 3 years and it has mostly been going well. I am older and had always planned to stay on test for life. The plan was to find a supplier that I trust (I did), and to order a huge batch of raws and have as many years worth of test enth or...
  18. Presser

    New MuscleChemistry Social Community Software POLL?

    Please Vote On New Social Community / Network Platform For MuscleChemistry HELP ME PLEASE..... I would like the communities opinions on the demo software I have linked below. Its the Full Suite Of Basic Apps We Might Buy to run MuscleChemistry with. Its not just a forum but rather rather...