
  1. 9

    Remember that Time Roger Huerta was in a Street Fight?

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> guy hits girl, roger gets pissed, guy gets fucked up
  2. 9

    CM Punk Discusses Journey Before UFC Debut - In Depth 45min vid

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> interested to see how his debut goes
  3. B

    NBC show American Ninja

    I was watching the NBC show American Ninja Monday night and was surprised at how light weight these guys were, but still looked muscular. One guy was 5'11" and weighed just 145 lbs. Another guy was 6'5", 180 lbs. They go through an obstacle course and most of the skill involves grip strength. I...
  4. Presser

    I honestly think OBAMA just likes to hear himself talk

    Is it me or does OBAMA give a speech every other fucking day, I never heard from past presidents as much as I hear this guy talking! Rose Garden ceremony after Rose Garden Ceremony, and if it isn't him patting himself on the back, he is lecturing us the american people about race relations lmao...
  5. M


    Hi guy, sorry for my english!!!! Can i switch from winny oral to winny inject? thanks
  6. 9

    Respect & The Beauty of MMA

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> to me the stuff with coleman/his daughters/fedor is awkward as hell & bj kissing hughes on the lips is the same way lol. other than that pretty cool. the story at 4:40...
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    Muay Thai Champion vs. Taekwondo Champion

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> kaoklai is the man, rightfully known as one of, if not the ballsiest fighters in combat sports history. he was truly an anyone, anytime, any place kind of guy. mighty mo...
  8. Presser

    Started Tanning Again after my workout today!

    im fucking burnt i think lol I'm a dark skinned guy to but damn those stand up tanners are incinerators anyone else tan?
  9. akn

    8 lies that most people at the gym will tell

    Just for fun nothing personal found it funny and true We've all at some point have heard some of this BS at some stage lol The gym is the epicenter of insecurity; a room full of weights and mirrors where you can pump up your muscles, compare them to everyone else’s then head to the change...
  10. M

    slapped the shades right off him!

    So! I was at the gym a little while ago today. Let me preface by saying there's been a new punk ass kid coming to the gym who likes to wear his ray bands at the gym like a jackass. And likes to waltz around screaming every time he lifts anything So today he decided to just be a prick to an old...
  11. C

    Another new guy

    Hello all, Just a simple intro so I hopefully have to explain less later. Just turned 25, started working out hard when I was 21, been at it off and on since then. No real aspirations of becoming a competetive body builder or power lifter of any kind. Just an average guy who wants to be bigger...
  12. Powderguy

    Compounding prohormones and AAS?

    Has anyone ever compounded prohormones and AAS. I met a guy bigger than me at the gym today who is compounding AAS and prohormones. Made me think why? So if someone wants to share any experiences or opinions I want to hear them. Oh and by the way im 6'4 at 272 running 11% right now (its...
  13. M

    don't get TOO big

    So my gf of almost 4 year whose seen me go through the transitions I've made in my life and the mass I've put on the past few yeaea recently told me this morning she doesn't want to just wake up one day next to a big guy who can't breathe now granted I'm not very large at about 5'11 and 230 but...
  14. echo419

    incredible pain after pinning(not me)

    friend of mine just started for the first time and each time he pins after a couple of minutes it hurts and big time. he's tried moving it around a bit and that didn't help. poor guy after about an hour of pinning i the shoulder for the first time he said he couldn't lift his arm. what's he's...
  15. guardianactual

    Q&A W/ IFBB Pro Diet/Insulin in the offseason

    Q. Hello brother, I was wondering if insulin can be used in the off season. If so, what would you recommend as far as dosage and diet for a 250 lb. guy at 14% bf? Thanks for your advice! A. For most people, off season is the only time I would suggest insulin. But to be honest, for most people...