
  1. Presser

    SARMs To Get You Shredded Heading Into 2020

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: inherit; text-align: center;">SARMs To Get You Shredded Heading Into 2020 </header>Table of Contents <nav style="box-sizing: inherit;"> How to pick the best Sarms Stack for cutting What are the best Sarms for Cutting? Andarine (S4) Ostarine...
  2. drtbear1967

    10 of the Dumbest diet myths

    The 10 Dumbest Diet Myths Here's what you need to know... Soy protein is practically useless in stimulating muscle protein synthesis. Dextoxifying your liver or "cleansing" your colon with coffee enemas is beyond stupid. Stop worrying about the growth hormone in milk. You can't starve cancer...
  3. Ox 51

    Is It Worth It?

    For those of you who have used gear, has it been worth it? I started with test, like most of us would advise. I loved the results. I gained 30 pounds pretty easily. Tried a few stacks with Deca, Dbol, EQ, etc. and gained a bit more. I started getting some sides like acne, gyno knots, etc...
  4. Presser

    Steps To Maintaining Permanent Muscle Gains Post SARMs Ostarine Cycle

    <section class="bSe left" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;">Steps To Maintaining Permanent Muscle Gains Post SARMs Ostarine CycleSteps To Maintaining Permanent Muscle Gains Post SARMs Ostarine Cycle – Anabolic Steroid Forum MK-2866...
  5. Ox 51

    Gyno Knots

    Has anyone ever had knots removed? I have had one on one side of my chest for years and I'm getting it removed next week. If you didn't know what you were looking for, you may not even notice it, but it's bothersome to me, so I'm ready to have it gone. And the doctor thinks she can hid the...
  6. Presser

    Testosterone - LH and FSH. ATD (3,17-dioxo-etiochol-1,4,6-triene)

    <h1>Testosterone - LH and FSH. ATD (3,17-dioxo-etiochol-1,4,6-triene)</h1> S.A.R.M. Site Specific Androgen Receptor Modulation – Get Big, Stay BigRecently many readers have been writing in asking questions about how to use one of the hottest new supplements to hit the market – ATD...
  7. fullytorqued

    Cycle log using Pharmacom gear

    Last week I started my run-up to spring with a tren-e test-c cycle with what I had left over from last year. This will be my third tren cycle with the first two being 200/wk Tren E and 250/wk Test E. I didn't feel stable at that interval so I'm going to e5d. Can't run Tren A due to frequent...
  8. D

    starting cycle.

    ok fellas, just for completeness, I'm 52yrs old 511 jut got down to 195 lbs. I'm pretty lean, little lower back, little front torso fat. not much but needs work. Shortly I will begin the spring ritual of transformation. Goals will be to reach 210 some where around 10% bodyfat. I know that sounds...
  9. drtbear1967

    Nolvadex Reduces Fat-burning in Women but Not Men

    by Anthony Roberts Nolvadex (also known as Tamoxifen) is a precontest staple for both women and men. It’s technically a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator, but most people lump it into the general category of “anti-estrogen.” This isn’t exactly correct, since Nolvadex functions as a weak...
  10. drtbear1967

    Oral vs Injectable Tren

    Acetate Injections Methyltrienolone is structurally similar to trenbolone (Parabolan/Finaplix), a well-liked and powerful androgen that does not aromatize to estrogen. The difference is the attachment of a 17-alpha-methyl group for oral activity. So one could refer to methyltrienolone as oral...
  11. drtbear1967

    13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)dien-17-one AKA Max-LMG

    13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)dien-17-one AKA Max-LMG. Structurally, it's actually a progestin derivative(like tren) and must convert to its active form in the body. It is incapable of aromatizing, however being a progestin, it can bind to and activate the progesterone receptors, which may...
  12. gandhisays

    New To Steroids Means New To Post Cycle Therapy. PCT - HCG - SERM

    HCG should always be run throughout the entire cycle. This would be run past the cycle into your normal pct along with whatever Serm you decide on using. Serm being Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators...
  13. Presser

    The Best Steroid Stacks For Short Cycles. Trenbolone Acetate - Testosterone Propionate - Winstrol - lr3 IGF 1

    The Best Steroid Stacks For Short Cycles. Trenbolone Acetate - Testosterone Propionate - Winstrol - IGF 1 lr3 A short anabolic steroid cycle is generally considered to be no longer than 6 weeks. Short steroid cycles have many benefits over the longer duration anabolic steroid cycles which...
  14. drtbear1967

    A Dummies guide to Steroids

    I've never done steroids before, but I'm thinking of giving them a go. I'll probably be using orals since they're safer, plus I'm not exactly ready to wrap tubing around my arm and start poking around for a vein! Anyway, I was wondering how many pills I should take. Thanks! Tom I know, I know...
  15. Presser

    Tamoxifen , Clomiphene and HCG in Post Steroid Cycle Therapy (PCT)

    Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG in Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) One of the most frequently asked questions on MuscleTalk is how to properly use the Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) drugs Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG correctly. (A note to Americans - when I say 'oestrogen' I mean 'estrogen' - we spell it correctly...
  16. Presser

    Mass Building Steroids, how this fool put dianabol over anadrol is beyond me

    Man, I am trying to think back and remember if i was ever this nieve , or sound so foolish, as this is not my article, but after the first few lines reading, i thought what the fuck. How Dianabol is listed above anadrol is beyond me, and just goes to prove my point i have made over and over...
  17. Presser

    Testosterone Only Cycle, Test & Dianabol, and Dec & Dianabol Cycles for Beginners.

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Testosterone Only Cycle, Test & Dianabol, and Dec & Dianabol Cycles for Beginners. </header>You are asking yourself right now whether you should use steroids or not, and you have no...
  18. Presser

    Mens Physique 8 Week Contest Prep Cycle. Bromocriptine Not Suggested

    8 week precontest cut cycle that includes: Test Prop 75mg ED Tren Ace 50mg ED Winny (looking at last 4 weeks, 40 - 50mg ED) Adex (0.5mg EOD, possibly ED or trading out for Aromasin or Letro if it will help cut down on potential gyno on stage) Bromocriptine (I need to find my spreadsheet for...
  19. A

    Will Nandrolone propionate reduce body fat?

    1.Nandrolone Propionate powder is used for chronic consuming disease, severe burning, before-after surgery healing fractures and osteoporosis, premature and stunted for children, also for inoperable breast cancer dysfunctional uterine bleeding uterine fibroids etc.Nandrolone Propionate usage for...
  20. M

    Right pec pain

    I have a question regarding some pain I just notice I have on my right pec muscle.. last night I was planning my workout for today I started to press on my chest to see if I wasn’t sore for the workout. As soon a I pressed I felt a pain right between the pec and armpit.. there is no bruising at...