
  1. P

    Anavar and hair

    I am experiencing hair issues with anavar. It's coming from a good source and I'm at a very low dose. I'm assuming that if I am having issues with anavar, anything else will make this worse am I correct? :(
  2. NAIR

    What's your favorite hair thinning product?

    Curious what you guys like most for hair thinning products. I know anti dht meds can cause issues and other options can be quite expensive. So, what's both tolerable and gives you the most bang for your buck?
  3. K

    This is my steroid cycle plan (beginner - 2nd cycle)

    This is my planned cycle: Capture — This article (Post cycle therapy (PCT)) says Clomid 250mg + Nolvadex 60mg for first week of PCT, which I thought was high so I lowered it as you can see from the table. Notes: -finasteride or dutasteride is to prevent hair loss -DGA Vitamin Support...
  4. H

    Face Hair Keeping 1 Length

    I have a Philips face trimmer: The issue is, when I put it on setting 3 for example, it does cut the hair evenly leaving a even layer of...
  5. gandhisays

    Two Ways To Fight Baldness Caused by Steroids

    Two Ways To Fight Baldness Caused by Steroids 1. Keep DHT level lower through limiting or even omitting at all steroids that acute hair loss. 2. The use of topical medications. When testosterone or DHT level is extremely high in the body topical creams or gels are inefficient. You will find...
  6. K

    First cycle problems

    Hi everyone, I'm a white male in my 30s. Early this year I tried my first test cycle. I read tons of articles and watched a lot of videos about steroids before I started. I did labs before I started, a few weeks in, and after (all normal). Also I know the test I bought was real because it had...
  7. Musclebeauty

    Ipamorelin Review 2018 -Benefits & side effects

    Ipamorelin*is an amino acid chain (peptide) that is classified*as a GHRP (growth hormone releasing peptide) which is similar to*GHRP 2, GHRP 6 and*Hexarelin. This peptide is known as the mildest GHRP in comparison to the ones mentioned before. But that also means it has the least side effects...
  8. Y

    Developing receding hair line

    So recently I have begun noticing my hair getting thinner up top and it does not run in my family so I’m guessing it’s from the T I have been taking? How do I address this issue? It’s looks to be happening very fast and I need to stop it immediately.
  9. Ox 51

    Randy Moss's Top Ten Moments

    <header id="tgt1-Lead-0-HeadComponentTitle" class="canvas-header">Hall of Fame: Top 10 moments from Randy Moss' unparalleled career </header> Shalise Manza Young ,Yahoo Sports•<time class="date Fz(11px) Mb(4px) Fz(13px) C(#9ea2af)" datetime="2018-08-03T14:18:23.000Z" itemprop="datePublished"...
  10. drtbear1967

    TB500 - More Information

    TB500 is a peptide fraction of the protein Thymosin beta4, which is released in times of healing and inflammation. TB500 main mechanism is its ability to regulate Actin-a cell building protein that is present in every cell. By upregulating Actin, your body can now increase cell proliferation...
  11. Presser

    Positive and Negative Side Effects Related To Female Testosterone Use

    Testosterone in Women Testosterone is largely known as the dominant male hormone however, as the dominant female hormone estrogen is also found in males testosterone in women is also a reality. Both sexes need testosterone, both sexes naturally produce the hormone, however, the production of...
  12. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroids 101 - Primobolan Depot

    Description Primobolan Depot is an injectable version of the steroid methenolone. This is the same constituent in Primobolan orals (methenolone acetate), although here an enanthate ester is used to slow the steroid’s release from a site of injection. Methenolone enanthate offers a similar...
  13. Iron Game

    Do Increased Cortisol Levels From Stress Make You Fat?

    We don’t need to tell our regular readers that cortisol, the hormone that’s released when we’re under stress, can have a disastrous effect on your body. The epidemiological study that British researchers published in Obesity confirms this yet again. The Brits were able to show that a chronically...
  14. Iron Game


    Steroid With the Least Side Effects? Q: I have not taken steroids yet, but I see friends using them and making great gains. I have decided I don't want to stay natural forever. I want to try steroids at least one time. But I am not sure what to buy for my first cycle. What I really want to know...
  15. Iron Game

    DHT and Propecia (finasteride)

    by Anthony Roberts Propecia (finasteride) is one of those drugs that we’ve seen around the steroid community for decades, but hasn’t really been examined in the same kind of depth as we might see with steroids or even as we see with other ancillary compounds. As a result, most people know a...
  16. Iron Game


    ANABOLICS 101 - FEATURING SUSTANON 250 Written by William Llewellyn Description Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable testosterone blend that contains four different testosterone esters: testosterone propionate (30 mg); testosterone phenylpropionate (60 mg); testosterone isocaproate (60...
  17. Presser

    NPC Nationals 2016. Figure Overall Winners and New IFBB Pro Figure Competitor "TIFFANI HEBERT"

  18. 9

    Invicta Fighter Cuts Hair to Make Weight

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Iron Game

    Hair Loss and AAS Usage, What Are Your Options

    by Mike Arnold When it comes to the subject of hair loss, you will find strong opinions on both sides of the fence. For some, it is simply a natural part of life; not something to be feared or despised. Being met with acceptance, these individuals fret little over the state of their hairline...
  20. Iron Game

    (AAS) Anabolic - Androgenic Steroids & Hair Loss

    by Mike Arnold When it comes to the subject of hair loss, you will find strong opinions on both sides of the fence. For some, it is simply a natural part of life; not something to be feared or despised. Being met with acceptance, these individuals fret little over the state of their hairline...