
  1. Iron Game

    AAS Half Life and How to Use Half Life Math

    If I give myself a shot of 1000 mg of testosterone; what is the active dosage amount after 10 days? The general answer everyone will state; is 500 mg. Thus we agree that the active ingredient diminishes daily. But the real question is; what is the active amount the day after the shot or even two...
  2. Iron Game

    TheSupplementOutlet.com BOGO Christmas Sale

    Christmas / New Years BOGO Super Cyber Sale valid now. By One Get One Half off 2nd product of equal or lesser value. MUSCLECHEMISTRY.COM MEMBERS ONLY
  3. 9

    Sage Northcutt vs Apple

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xn9SOXyNyrQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> damn it, now i have to go try to rip an apple in half
  4. Iron Game

    IFBB Men''s Physique Pro Rich Tuma Back & Shoulder Workout

    Precontest Physique Back & Shoulder workout 4 to 5 super sets of 8 to 10 reps of: Wide grip pull-ups Iron cross with Dumbbells 3 super sets of 10 to 15 reps then a dropset of each to failure of: Close grip hammer strength front pulldowns Side lateral dumbbell raises 4 super sets of: Hammer...
  5. Presser

    Movie Review for "Infiltrator"

    Infiltrator is on 123movies.to and fmovies.to in HD free of course and we stream now through the new samsung app free in app store and slings to our samsung smart tv super easy, so for all of you who were slinging these movies with tv cast, that app blows compared to this samsung one anyhow...
  6. 9

    CM Punk earns Half Million Dollars in UFC debut

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/_d_XurJAPOw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. Presser

    Understaning Hormone Replacement Therapy and The Most Common Forms of Testosterone Used By USA Clinics

    The difference between bioidentical-hormones,testosterone, estradiol, and synthetic versions of these hormones is critical to understanding hormone replacement therapy(HRT). The main definition of bioidentical-hormones is any substance or hormone that is a manufactured drugs must have the...
  8. Iron Game

    Testosterone Tested as Mood Drug--ANOTHER GOOD READ

    In the 1920s, long before the appearance of modern antidepressants, physicians tried to treat listless men with a serum of ground-up animal testes, which they imagined contained the essence of male virility. In the '40s and '50s, when that essence had been discovered and synthesized in a...
  9. Iron Game

    Sustanon And It’s Use

    Sustanon And It’s Use Sustanon. Every BBer in the world knows the name. Every “noob” has to try it. But is it a good choice for BBers? Not really. Unless you know what you’re doing and even then you would likely have better and more stable results with less expensive and easier to maintain...
  10. Iron Game

    A comprehensive look at modern steroid cycling

    A comprehensive look at modern steroid cycling If you use a long ester such as deca at xmg/week, it will take you 4-5 weeks to build up to max blood concentrations possible for xmg/week. So half of your cycle is not wasted, but you are not maximizing efficiency. When coming off a cycle, the...
  11. Presser

    Movie Review for "Cell" Stephen King Book, and Movie, and FREE on 123movies

    So 123movies.com has "Cell" the (2016) Movie with - Samuel L. Jackson, John Cusack its in HD, great quality! Not my kind of movie, as i am not into Zombie movies, but watched half in bed last night with wife, and great quality! www.123movies.to
  12. akn

    Anabolic to Androgenic Ratings Explained

    by Anthony Roberts We’ve all seen this before – a new steroid or prohormone hits the market and the sales pitch includes a crazy anabolic rating and some kind of claim like “six times more anabolic than testosterone!” But what does this actually mean, in real world terms? Very little, as it...
  13. M

    Getting the best!!!!!!!!

    Well we all want the best of which we can be , not only in the gym yet in life to. Have kids never let go for they grow up so fast!! I have a 19,21, and 22 year old daughter's. All super smart and it is sad in many ways, yet we are here to talk about hitting the gym, hard and harder each and...
  14. Iron Game

    Combining Nolvadex and Clomid

    Q: “Are there ever advantages to combining SERMs? Also, what SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) are there besides Clomid and Nolvadex, and how might I use them?” A: Different SERMs in fact work somewhat differently from each other. All of them block estrogen receptors in the...
  15. Iron Game

    Half Life of Anabolic Steroids and other PEDs - Another

    Bill Philips Q: “I would like to know the real half lives of the most popular anabolic steroids, T3, clenbuterol, and anti-estrogens. Can you post the half lives, because there are so many different half-lives in the Internet?” A: It’s common for published values to be different, because...
  16. Masher59

    Take advantage of the post workout window

    THE AFTERBURN EFFECT: TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE POST-WORKOUT WINDOW! 0 Unless you've been living under a rock, you've certainly heard about the post-workout �window of opportunity.� The two- to three-hour period after a hard lift is an almost magical time, when your body is primed to build muscle...
  17. Presser

    Front loading Steroid Cycle, Pyramid , Tapering, Stacking Steroids with Charts. Enjoy!

    1) Single Dosing Steroid Cycle. Steroid cycles come in all flavors and sizes, with theories abound as to which is the best approach. A quick internet search on the topic will reveal that numerous websites and forums discuss the relative merits of design "X" versus design "Y", and it's not...
  18. Iron Game

    Modern Anabolic Steroid Cycling

    If you are planning a 10 week cycle, the goal is to be at highest blood concentrations for as many of the 10 weeks as possible. If you use a long ester such as deca at xmg/week, it will take you 4-5 weeks to build up to max blood concentrations possible for xmg/week. So half of your cycle is...
  19. Presser

    Pressers Movie Review for...."Black Mass" with Johnny Depp

    Well Im about half way through this movie Black Mass with Johnny Depp playing the role crime lord whitey bulger. Had to stop and start movie twice now and still only half the way through , as having kids makes it tough to watch movies lol, anyways, not a bad movie, maybe its all the start...
  20. 9

    UFC CEO: Here's how we made half a billion in revenue last year

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5leKNVSXsqw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>