
  1. H

    First Time IGF - Side Effect Help

    I am taking 2x250mg test E and 2x200mg tren E jabs a week. I am taking IGF1-lr3 (SOMEDIN-LR3) 200mcg 1 jab in the stomach every day, 1/4 of the vile (2ml water added to the vile, 1 vile = 4 days). I plan on doing this for 4 weeks, stop for 4 weeks, then again for 4 weeks. I've never used IGF...
  2. 1

    Melting points. And raw's quality.

    Since this sight helped me through my first homebrew I figured this would be the spot for this thread. Long story short. My first raws order had test enanthate and DHB plus ancillaries. Everything went well so I made a second order. The second order had numerous compounds. Well I live in one of...
  3. C

    PIP after a year

    I have been on trt / cycling for over a year and literally still have PIP every injection, I have tried a couple different brands, and all the tricks out there to help but still... everytime very sore knots in my quads... Can't pin glutes or I can't squat that week.... I heat the oil, inject...
  4. thx

    1: How to sterilize your lab equipment

    Since a lot of people have asked me about how to sterilize lab equipment, vials etc I've finally decided to write summary on how to do it. There are a lot of misconceptions about sterilizing lab equipment. I'm going to try to keep it short and simple but at the same time give you a little deeper...
  5. yellow snow

    Test for Trt crashed

    First time I have ever had product "crash" I know I have seen this before, but I can't seem to find what I am looking for using the search button. How you do deal with product that has crashed. I know you have to heat it, but was wondering if anyone has the specific details?
  6. Presser

    Powder Conversion Instructions. Steroid Powder Compounding Recipes A-Z

    Powder Conversion Instructions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most of these recipes can be done with less than the recommended amounts of ba and bb, but you will need to change the amount of oil in the recipe if you do. Use the powder converter...
  7. J

    Test cyp

    Hello all, I hope this is right forum for this. I make my own gear and my last Test cyp, looks like it crystallized. Can someone let me know why this happened? Will heat get it back to normal? Or do I need more BA or BB? Here is a picture. Please let me know.
  8. 9

    Heavy Weight Heat Chart

  9. 3J

    Clenbuterol: Proper Usage by 3J

    Clenbuterol By: 3J www.3jsidet.com As a sports nutritionist with a decade of experience working specifically with those in the bodybuilding field, I regularly get asked about fat burning compounds to help improve weight loss. Unfortunately, the general population interested in the use of fat...
  10. Presser

    Has Equipoise ever made any of you constantly tired, bogged down, and constantly Yawning?

    Ive been having an issue as of late with my body / muscles feeling like they were filled with mud, like just heavy feeling and i feel like im lumbering around all bogged down heavy feeling, and constant yawning. The only thing i added new was EQUIPOISE, at 250mg/ml and doing 375mg twice a week...
  11. yellow snow

    HGH and heat

    I know that GH is very sensative to temperature. What are your guys thoughts on having HGH sitting/traveling for 2-4 weeks in unconditioned areas in the dead of summer? Before it is reconstituted with Bac water is it uneffected by heat???
  12. Masher59

    Meatless Meatheads!

    <header style="box-sizing: content-box;">Meatless Meatheads! <iframe name="f2e67b5404" width="55px" height="1000px" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" title="fb:like Facebook Social Plugin"...
  13. Iron Game

    Best Bodybuilding Foods-----ADD YOUR OWN

    CHICKEN IS HIGH IN protein AND LOW IN FAT, BUT LEAN RED MEAT PACKS THE MOST PUNCH 1) EGG WHITES Show us a bodybuilder without egg whites in his diet, and we’ll show you someone who’s missing out on the best protein money can buy. Paired with oatmeal, an egg-white omelette can turn your breakfast...
  14. Iron Game

    Stay Safe, Stay Sterile

    Sterilization is defined as not being able to produce or being incapable to produce offspring. Not being able to produce seed, produce little or no vegetation, a sterile land or reproductive structures. Drying or freezing can kill many types of bacteria and causes others to become inactive as...
  15. 3J

    Healthy Sweet Tots recipe

    "Sweet Tots" makes 2 servings Ingredients: Large pan 3 Tbsp. Olive or Safflower Oil 1 onion chopped 2 cloves of garlic minced 1 cup water 12 oz. raw meat (chicken, beef, or fish) 5 cups steamed Veggies 2 Cooked Sweet Potatoes (boil in water 'till cooked thoroughly) 3 Tbsp. Tomato Paste `Salt...
  16. 3J

    Armenian Red Brown Rice Recipe

    brown rice can be exhausting sometimes.. esp when its bland and dry.. here is an armenian red brown rice recipe that should help your flavor get going!!! credit to the wife of course!! more to come! Armenian RED brown rice Ingredients: 1 Bag BROWN rice (about 7 cups) 1 red Onion 3...
  17. Presser

    September 1st means one thing! Football baby

    Man I am stoked for the season! and I love me some cool autumn weather, i hate the heat
  18. W


    I was wondering which helps with pip more heat or cold?
  19. T

    Once again MC!!!

    Once again MC comes though like a champ!! Got a order in on late late thursday told I would see it Monday and guess what it was where it was supposed to be. As always I might add:pleased: I will say this when I unpacked the Aqua Dex the 1st thing that really grabbed my attention was the plastic...