
  1. Presser

    S4 Andarine: Benefits, Side Effects and How to Use It

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: inherit; text-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 20px;">S4 Andarine: Benefits, Side Effects and How to Use It </header>Table of Contents <nav style="box-sizing: inherit;"> Introduction to Andarine About Andarine...
  2. drtbear1967

    Cardio for Fat Loss

    Many people jump to doing a lot of extra cardio when they want to lose fat. This post is a reminder that shows why more cardio is not always better! - Cardiovascular training has many benefits. But these benefits are primarily related to your general health and endurance performance [1, 2]. When...
  3. D

    2 19 nor at the same time?

    I'm thinking of running my cycle with tren ace and npp, along with test and mast. I will have anti-p, nolva and adex. I have read that winstrol at about 20mg everyday helps offset the prolactin issues? I have experience with tren, have any of you ever done 2 19 nor at the same time or is this...
  4. drtbear1967

    K cup Coffee with KSM66

    Matt Weik We all understand that coffee is the most consumed morning beverage by Americans. Most people can’t function before having their morning cup. However, most claim it’s the caffeine they need to get going whereas a new k-cup on the market is making you think about things from a...
  5. drtbear1967

    Muscle Gelz Andro Hard - What do you guys think?

  6. drtbear1967

    Truth about Casein Protein.

    Whey and casein are by far the most popular protien supplements Casein is slow digesting while whey is fast. Long-term, there is no difference in their protein synthesis boosting effects. Milk-products, such as cheese, yoghurt and, of course, milk itself have high amounts of casein protein. ...
  7. drtbear1967

    Muscle Gelz Humanogen?

    HUMANOGEN™ – “FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH IN A BOTTLE!” GUARANTEED ABSORPTION. NO NEEDLES, NO PILLS, NO LIVER STRESS! POWERED BY IBUTAMOREN® Ibutamoren® is an active agonist of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor. This receptor is also known as the ghrelin receptor because ghrelin naturally...
  8. drtbear1967

    Piperine - Helps Supplements be absorbed.

    Are the supplements you take are actually absorbed?🔹 - ❇️If they contain Piperine (Bioperine), the answer is yes! Piperine is an akaloid found in black peppers. Piperine is unique in its effects on nutrient absorption because it may change the metabolism of certain compounds. One of these...
  9. drtbear1967

    Bodyweight Challenge

    Can you bench your bodyweight? Mastering bodyweight on the bar is the transition between beginner and intermediate. I'm amazed when people who've been training a while still can't do it. Seven-foot tall genetic anomalies with crazy levers aside, the bodyweight bench press is something you should...
  10. Presser

    Bodybuilding Supplements For Pre workout and Post Workout

    <h1>Best Bodybuilding Supplements post workout and pore workout</h1> Just about every guy who works out has an ambitious goal in mind when they start pumping iron – get swole, get jacked, get ripped, get shredded. But to even get close to achieving those physique goals, a few things need to be...
  11. Presser

    HGH or the Human Growth Hormone therapy beneficial for women, Not just bodybuilding or competitive female athletes

    HGH for Women HGH or the Human Growth Hormone therapy is quite beneficial for the modern women of today. Balancing work, career, kids and home leaves them quite stressful and takes a toll on their health. When women reach their menopause, there is a possible risk of many hormone deficiencies...
  12. drtbear1967

    Muscle Gelz AndroHard

    Super R-Andro Now delivered in a topical gel. Andro Hard will transform you! For many years androsterone was considered the primary male hormone until testosterone was discovered from concentrated testicular extracts many years later. The strongest naturally occurring androgen is...
  13. Presser

    Best liver support supplement

    Curious what you all take for liver health and antioxidants anyone here use inostitol ? Watched a video from muscle insider on how it helps and especially when taken in combination with something else that’s name escapes me at the moment
  14. drtbear1967

    Before you deadlift!!

    "I just feel it in my back.” In the collegiate strength and conditioning setting, that's a common response to the deadlift. Even with a laundry list of cues – keep your chest up, sit back with your hips, pull the slack out of the bar, etc. – athletes will still have issues with the deadlift. The...
  15. drtbear1967

    Mindful Eating

    by Tom MacCormick - Ever inhaled your lunch while checking email, Facebook, or working on a report? This distracted eating is a physique-ruining habit you need to break. How? "Hara hachi bu.” It's a Japanese phrase which means "eat until 80% full." So when helping someone get lean I ask them to...
  16. drtbear1967

    Black Pepper to Lose Weight.

    1. Black pepper helps you lose weight. Pepper, according to a study published in Physiology and Behaviour, acts as a thermogenic – it increases your metabolism. Another study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported that black pepper even suppresses the development of...
  17. TonyMG

    LADASTEN® (aka Bromantane)

    Anybody tried? It is not an ass (it is a nootropic) and it is supposed that helps you “break” your natural limits
  18. Iron Game

    Your Liver and the toxicity of oral steroids

    Some of you may already know this but this thread is to inform the misinformed about the toxicity of oral anabolic steroid use. I'm writing this thread because I was running anadrol @ 100mg ED and had to stop because my food wasn't digesting and led to becoming constipated, had really bad gas...
  19. drtbear1967

    Gelatin for your Joints.

    by Matt Weik When it comes to sports injuries, most occur from wear and tear as well as damage done directly to our ligaments and tendons due to force exerted on the body either by another competitor or the playing field itself. The amount of stress and demand put on our joints and ligaments...
  20. LeatherHead

    Thank you TSO!!!

    I ran a container of the Pro Maker Performance, and I firmly believe it helped me with making the gains that I have. I would definitely recommend it to anyone trying to make lean gains. It mixes well, tastes good, and helps get me through my workouts. Thanks again to TSO for letting me be a...