
  1. Yourrawmaterial

    AAS Raw Material For Your Homebrew

    Shop Now : www.Yourrawmaterial.to Contact Us Telegram : t.me/yourrawmaterial WhatsApp : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  2. Yourrawmaterial

    Steroid AAS Raw Material For Lab Use and Homebrew

    Shop Now : www.Yourrawmaterial.to Contact Us Telegram : t.me/yourrawmaterial WhatsApp : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  3. Yourrawmaterial

    AAS Testosterone For Your Supplements And Homebrew Needs

    Shop Now : Home - Yourrawmaterial.to Contact Us Telegram : Telegram: Contact @yourrawmaterial WhatsApp : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  4. J

    HOMEBREW Crash fixing

    Reaching out for advice some of my homebrew gear tends to crash not all vials but some. I do 20%BB was thinking of doing 15%Bb and adding 5%EO or some other solvent? Any recommendations?
  5. Yourrawmaterial

    Steroid AAS Raw Material For Lab Use and Homebrew

    Shop Now : www.Yourrawmaterial.to Contact Us Telegram : t.me/yourrawmaterial WhatsApp : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  6. Yourrawmaterial

    Now Homebrew with our AAS raw material

    Shop Now : Home - Yourrawmaterial.to Contact Us Telegram : t.me/yourrawmaterial Whats app : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  7. C

    Need Help With Masteron 200 Recipe

    Hello. I was hoping someone with more knowledge than me can help me. I’m fairly new to brewing and have made 17 compounds so far with only one crashing twice, masteron 200. I’m using 2% BA 20% BB and a 80/20 mixture of GSO and EO as my carrier. Maybe it’s in my cooking method? I’m heating the...
  8. P

    Test prop 150 mg/ml

    This is my first post here. I have been ready a lot and I am on other forums. So first off thank you for letting me be a part of this community. Been doing some homebrew and everything has been going well with the information I have been reading here and various sites. Pretty much know the...
  9. T

    How to make liquid clen (HOMEBREW)

    hello anyone got a recipe for liquid clenbuterol wouldn't mind making it myself got a guy round here that makes it and it taste so good also with slush flavour, also heard it better than orals and less Side effects
  10. K

    Low dose homebrew help

    Hi, I have a question on how i can dose a 1g of alprostadil raw powder to be homebrewed or in other words dry mixed and give a concentration of 10mcg. This is going to be injected. I did some research and it seems the pharmaceutical drug 20mcg or 40mcg product contains: 172 mg of lactose, 47...
  11. K


    Hey guys, I'm creating a thread here to have some advice on a new cycle i'm planning and would like to have your opinions so that hopefully i come up with a nicely designed protocol to reach my goals. First things first, i'm 28 years old, 227lbs (103kg) for 6.14ft (187cm), my bodyfat would be...
  12. 1

    Melting points. And raw's quality.

    Since this sight helped me through my first homebrew I figured this would be the spot for this thread. Long story short. My first raws order had test enanthate and DHB plus ancillaries. Everything went well so I made a second order. The second order had numerous compounds. Well I live in one of...
  13. S

    How to homebrew your own gear ?

    When we decided to home brew our gears, we should get everything prepared. Such as Beaker, Glass Rod, Heater, BA, BB, Grapesead Oil, Sterilizing Filter or Filtering machine. Of course, the most important thing is steroid powder. It determines the quality of the injections. Take test e 250 for...
  14. G

    Best carrier oil for dark tren

    Hello Am brewing since 2 years, but recently some brewera start doing dark tinted tren, also some red tea color trenbolone and people thinks its better and paying double the price to get that, What the carrier oil is used to get that color? It's like whiskey color Also am planning ti start my...
  15. M

    Anybody know halo homebrew Recipes

    Anybody have halo homebrew Recipes and measurements
  16. 70Nova

    Spike up the test

    Hey guys, Here is my situation. At my location it seems impossible to find the ingredients to make my homebrew TECT C ( no BB or BA has yet been found near me ) ... BUT I can buy some already made at the pharmacy which is your standard 250mg/ml SO, can I rebrew it with added raw and create...
  17. Dean Destructo


    (COMPLETE) An original article by Dean Destructo FIRST THING FIRST, what you want right? DOSAGE: <tbody> Tren Acetate 50mg Every Day Min 100mg ED Max Tren Enanthate 350mg a Week 800mg Week Tren Hex 76mg 3-4 X per Week 76mg 5-6 X per Week </tbody> How long should you run it? That...
  18. AuronTidus

    HOMEBREWING | Sealing your own ampoules

    Hey! I was wondering if anyone has experience in sealing your own ampoules pretty well. With pretty well I mean a nice round sealing without bubbles or the glas being burned. There is a small machine you can purchase like one of these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9gJ6CUOdRU BUT...
  19. Iron Game

    Site Injections

    From the physical culture of young surfers from the sunny beaches of California emerged not to long ago a new phenomenon called “ bodybuilding”. It was new, to only want to look strong and not compete for strength, like by example weightlifting. Bodybuilding received a major boost with the...
  20. T

    Trenbolone Acetate review for PSL

    Okay fellas, I just wanted to get this started a while. I will continue to update every couple days for the duration. For those that don't know, PSL was kind enough to let myself and another member sample two bottles of their product. I requested the Trenbolone Acetate for as it's my favorite...