
  1. Steroidify Rep

    Metformin in cancer prevention and therapy

    The prevalence of diabetes is dramatically increasing worldwide. The results of numerous epidemiological studies indicate that diabetic population is not only at increased risk of cardiovascular complications, but also at substantially higher risk of many forms of malignancies. The use of...
  2. drtbear1967

    Protein Intake

    One major component of a successful cut is ensuring optimal protein intake for maintaining lean mass. For experienced bodybuilders, this could mean increasing protein intake to 1.5g/lb of bodyweight to maximally maintain muscle mass during a cut. In addition, increasing protein intake can also...
  3. drtbear1967

    How to lift with Bad Joints

    How to Lift with Bad Joints Try these workarounds to keep you in the gym when you're feeling a little banged up. Lift hard for long enough and you'll eventually have some joint pain. Whether it's the knee, shoulder, lower back, or wrist, something will probably flare up. Now, you could pop...
  4. drtbear1967

    Protein post workout is a must.

    This study found that 20-40g of protein post-workout was more effective than 0 or 10g at increasing protein synthesis in trained individuals. If gaining muscle mass is your goal, adequate protein intake is incredibly important - consuming less than optimal amounts of protein can impair your...
  5. drtbear1967

    What is the optimal training frequency?

    This review found that training a muscle group more than once per week was optimal for growth. However, for various reasons, no significant difference was found between training a muscle group twice per week or three times per week. Increasing training frequency is an easy way to increase...
  6. drtbear1967

    Mind Muscle Connection

    This study first measured the specific activation of various portions of the triceps muscle during a triceps exercise. The subjects then performed this exercise for 12-weeks. - ◾️It was found that the portions of the triceps that were activated the most in the exercise grew the most over the...
  7. drtbear1967

    Piperine - Helps Supplements be absorbed.

    Are the supplements you take are actually absorbed?🔹 - ❇️If they contain Piperine (Bioperine), the answer is yes! Piperine is an akaloid found in black peppers. Piperine is unique in its effects on nutrient absorption because it may change the metabolism of certain compounds. One of these...
  8. drtbear1967

    Protein Timing? Does it matter??

    This systematic review compared how consistently between-meal protein supplementation resulted in changes to lean mass, body fat, total body mass, and the ratio of lean to fat gains, when compared to with-meal protein supplementation. Both approaches produced similarly consistent gains in lean...
  9. drtbear1967

    LGD-3303 (Not Ligandrol)

    LGD-3303(not ligandrol) is a SARM that seems to be very potent at activating the AR in muscle cells at very low doses. The study showed increased muscle mass in doses as little as 0.1mg/kg in rats. Unfortunately, it also seems to activate the AR in the prostate as well, especially at higher...
  10. drtbear1967

    Peppers to Increase Metabolism.

    themusclephd ◾️Hot peppers contain capsaicin which elevates metabolism by increasing brown fat induced metabolism. It's hard to consume a lot of red peppers, however sweeter red peppers contain capsidoids which also elevate metabolism the same way. - 💥This study found that it took 1.5 mg to...
  11. drtbear1967

    Swear to increase strength?

    by Jake Tuura We know that swearing increases pain tolerance. That has even been backed up by research. Now new research shows it can also increase strength and power. . The Studies: Repeating a swear word was compared to repeating a neutral word during two different experiments. In the first...
  12. drtbear1967

    Nootropic Alpha-GPC

    Nootropic Alpha-GPC - ��Many use Alpha-GPC for its cognitive benefit through increasing focus, mental alertness, energy, mood, and memory. It also has some validity for adjuvant therapy with Alzheimer's disease. - ��If you have checked the labels on some newer...
  13. drtbear1967

    Longer Rest between Sets to Increase Gains

    By Nathane L. Jackson, RHN, CSCS Most of us would like to see greater muscle building returns from our workout investments. What if we gave you a way and it required you to do next to nothing? Seriously. Resting longer between sets is a key to greater muscle growth. Researchers from the...
  14. drtbear1967

    BCAA Supplementation is it needed?

    theguerillachemist This recently published study is a meta analysis of all the literature(studies) about BCAA supplementation and protein synthesis. This paper uses not only oral supplementation, but intravenous supplementation of BCAA and the conclusion the researchers made will upset a lot of...
  15. drtbear1967

    Protein Rules of Bodybuilding

    Protein Rules Of Bodybuilding The purpose of this article is straightforward and simple – help you reach your fitness or physique goals with three simple, science-backed tips for getting the most from your dietary protein. Protein consumption is such a popular subject that the basics can...
  16. C

    **Cialis (Aqua-Alis) and Your Testosterone / Estrogen Ratio**

    Your Testosterone Estrogen Ratio Remember those chem lab days. Well, if you do, you may remember that sometimes the concentration of a solvent orchemical is more important than the absolute amount of the same. What I remember even more is getting kicked solidly inthe right buttock by my 8th...
  17. C

    **Cialis (Aqua-Alis) and Your Testosterone / Estrogen Ratio**

    Your Testosterone Estrogen Ratio Remember those chem lab days. Well, if you do, you may remember that sometimes the concentration of a solvent orchemical is more important than the absolute amount of the same. What I remember even more is getting kicked solidly inthe right buttock by my 8th...
  18. Iron Game

    Manage Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) During Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    By Bill Roberts Q: “Why might I want to keep SHBG levels as normal as reasonably possible, and how would I do that in steroid cycles?” A: Contrary to common opinion that SHBG is the enemy of the weight trainer, allegedly working only to reduce free T, normal SHBG levels serve useful purposes...
  19. Iron Game

    Difference Between Anabolic and Androgenic

    Anabolic vs Androgenic All anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone and have unique molecular structures which are similar to testosterone. Anabolic steroids are basically used to enhance the anabolic functions of testosterone while depressing the androgenic effects of it...
  20. Iron Game

    Red Blood Cell Increase Leads to Increased Endurance.

    Red Blood Cell Increase Leads to Increased Endurance. Here's some more info: Blood Doping – Physical Performance Enhancements and Potential Harmful Side-Effects Colby Phillips ...Energy for exercise comes from the oxidation of fuel, and capacity to consume oxygen is a limiting factor for...