
  1. Iron Game

    Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B-12) Injection

    OverviewMethylcobalamin is one of two coenzymes forms of B12. Evidence indicates that methylcobalamin has some metabolic and therapeutic applications not shared by the other forms of vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin, the second coenzyme, is the most common form of B12 provided at physician offices...
  2. nuknuk

    NPP how often to inject?

    For those who have used NPP how often did you inject it? I have never used it.
  3. Iron Game

    Post Injection Pain (Non Infection)

    Just some information I found that might be useful. What causes (non infection related) injection pain? first the shorter the ester, the higher the melting point secind, the concentration of the gear. third, the solvents used. fourth, injecting too quickly fifth, virgin muscle. Pain is...
  4. Iron Game

    Site Injections

    From the physical culture of young surfers from the sunny beaches of California emerged not to long ago a new phenomenon called “ bodybuilding”. It was new, to only want to look strong and not compete for strength, like by example weightlifting. Bodybuilding received a major boost with the...
  5. Iron Game

    Back-Loading Syringes

    In the last decade the usage of growth hormone and IGF-LR3 became common among bodybuilders, anti-agers and fitness enthusiasts. In the beginning people where cautious because they feared side-effects after continuous growth hormone use. And the price was very high also. Nowadays we see that...
  6. Iron Game

    Abscess Prevention

    Abscess Prevention Written by Gavin Kane Sunday, Oh my god, what the hell is that lump in my ass? Damnit; it is huge, red, swollen and burning to the touch, wtf is this? I hope this has never happened to any of you but if it has, this article is written as a prevention article about abscesses as...
  7. B

    Nipro 3cc syringes and insulin syringes

    I'd like to hear user experiences with Nipro brand syringes. So far for me, the regular 3cc syringes have been decently good although if you hit a vein and have to draw out, good luck trying to get it back in. It's like they use the softest metal so even piercing the skin one time seems to...
  8. Iron Game

    Injecting AAS - Put Down The Horse Needle And Pick Up The Slin Pin

    by Mike Arnold Due to the pharmacokinetic limitations of many AAS, the “injection” has been a fundamental aspect of steroid use for over 80 years, going all the way back to our first synthesized steroid, testosterone. However, it didn’t take long for researchers to begin looking for an...
  9. yellow snow

    Sub Q TRT - 20% better results???

    Get 20% Better Results From Testosterone Subcutaneous TRT by TC Luoma | 08/09/16 Tags: Testosterone Optimization Pharma 20 Percent More Bang When Nation first launched way back in 1998, getting your doctor to prescribe...
  10. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroid Injection FAQ---GOOD INFORMATION

    Injection FAQ: *What size needle do I need? The smaller the gauge the larger the needle. 22 or 23 Gauge, 1.5 Inch is ideal for injections into the glutes. 22 or 23 Gauge, 1.0 inch is ideal for injections into the delts/quads. *Will it hurt much? It hurts about as much as a good pinch, but that...
  11. cloudstrife1218

    IM Injection Guide

    WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW:What is an intramuscular injection? An intramuscular (IM) injection is a shot of medicine given into a muscle. Certain medicines need to be given into the muscle for them to work correctly. What should I know about the syringe?There are 3 parts to a syringe: the needle...
  12. Presser

    Decanoate, Dianabol Cycle / Testosterone Dbol Cycle / Testosterone Only Cycle.

    JOHN DOE BODYBUILDING DOES NOT ADVOCATE STEROID USE Cycle #1- TESTOSTERONE ONLY500mg/wk test cycle. What you’ll need are 2/ 10ml bottles of testosterone enanthate or cypionate. Test E and Test cyp are ok to inject just once/wk so they are convenient and very effective. Also, testosterone is one...
  13. Iron Game

    Using Needles Q and A

    by Ed Barillas NOTE: If you are new to steroids, the following should answer your questions about needle injections. For your information, 1cc = 1ml and the smaller the gauge, the thicker the needle. So an 18g is much thicker than a 22g. The basic length for needles used to inject steroids will...
  14. Iron Game

    3 Steroid Cycles from start to PCT

    3 Steroid Cycles from start to PCT You are asking yourself right now whether you should use steroids or not, and you have no idea what to use and how much. You want to stay safe and you want some solid results. What do you do? Well friend, that is totally up to you and your conscience. But...
  15. Iron Game

    Site Enhancing Oil and Stretching Fascia for Mass

    Site oils can be used for two purposes - to increase the size of a muscle or to shape a muscle. To increase size, lets use the biceps for example. You need to inject in EVERY head of the muscle, while rotating the shots daily within that head. This is the only way to ensure that the added...
  16. Presser

    Timing and dosage Information for HGH, Cytomel t3, Growth Factor-1 and Insulin.

    Insuline-like growth factor-1 lr3 , INSULIN (humalin R) (Humalog) AND Human Growth Hormone CYCLE. This is a very old information but i thought i would bring it back for beginners. Layman guide to cycling, dosing, and injection timing of HGH + IGF-1 + Slin There are volumes of information...
  17. D

    Syntherol site enhancing oils how to inject abdominals guide

    <tbody> </tbody> <tbody> SEO (Synthol) GUIDE - ABDOMINALS. </tbody> <tbody> </tbody> <tbody> Instructions: Inject directly into the middle of each abdominal muscle as indicated above, daily. Make sure that you are lean enough to see the individual muscles...
  18. A

    Question about INSULIN protocol

    Hello I've read all i can read in this forum and other sites on the internet about insulin and it's effects But i can not really settle on a good protocol to start with What i am about to take is Humalog , but i do not know for how long should i be taking it ? 4 weeks ? How to start and...
  19. Presser

    Needle Size for Injectable Steroid Cycles. Insulin vs 21-23 Gauge. Backloading

    If you are a steroid user, the chances are that you’ve been taught to use 23 guage or 25 guage needles for intramuscular injections of anabolic steroids. After all, this is what athletes and bodybuilders have been doing for decades. Furthermore, medical school and medical professionals all...
  20. M


    Hi guy, sorry for my english!!!! Can i switch from winny oral to winny inject? thanks