
  1. big in vegas

    Administering Different types Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Pellets, Cypionate Injection and Gel or Cream​ TRT Administering Guide. Time Release Testosterone Pellets Testosterone Cypionate Injections Testosterone Gels and Cream By Patrick Arnold Dr. Pete asked “Patrick, I’m assuming it’s not feasible to inject...
  2. T

    Test E/C/D in water for SubQ injection

    Hi Guys, I wonder if anybody tried it and have recipe for Test E/C/D in water for SubQ injection. Regards, T.
  3. gandhisays

    Single dose testosterone increases total cholesterol levels and induces the expression of HMG CoA Reductase

    BackgroundCholesterol is mainly synthesised in liver and the rate-limiting step is the reduction of 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) to mevalonate, a reaction catalysed by HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR). There is a comprehensive body of evidence documenting that anabolic-androgenic...
  4. K

    my 3rd course and im 35 yars old

    Hi its my 3rd Course i will Run in the coming August i will add dinabol injection 50mg per Ambul to cycle i need you advice ( i will run 3 package of dinabol injection its mean 30 Ambules ) 1/ what is the best stack to run with dinabol injection , give me more option ? 2/ how to avoide water...
  5. Presser

    INJECTABLE Steroidal RECIPES And experimental high dose steroid recipes.

    INJECTABLE RECIPES And experimental high dose recipes.You will notice that it is incredible simple to produce steroids from your own home, guaranteeing dosage, guaranteeing quality. There are three simple ingredients each time; the Hormone (Raw) / Steroid Powder, Benzyl Benzoate and Benzyl...
  6. Presser

    How to choose right syringe filters and filter membranes

    How to choose right syringe filters and filter membranesHi guys, The texture of syringe filters include Nylon, PVDF, PTFE, MCE, CA, Glass Fiber, PP, PES. When choosing the texture of syringe filters, we need to consider pore diameter, chemical resistance( if can resist all carrier oils and...
  7. drtbear1967

    Primo or Primobolan

    Primo or Primobolan is the injectable version of the steroid methenolone. In this preparation, an enanthate ester is added to the steroid, which causes a slow and gradual release from the site of injection. Its duration of activity would thus be quite similar to Testosterone enanthate, with...
  8. K

    what is the best Dinabol injection stack ?

    Hiiii , this is Kotby from egypt and its my first post i want to ask about the best Stack to add to my course included (Dinabol injection 50 mg / Ambul ) ? whats ur recommendations about testosterone and another stack ? Note / i have Two boxes of (dainabol injection) total 20 ambuls your...
  9. big in vegas

    PT-141 Peptides & Your Penise

    MC Receptor AgonistsA variety of research modalities have been used to elucidate the action of MC compounds on penile erection . MC compound affinity and activity properties are determined by cell culture and membrane receptor assays. In general, MC agonists bind strongly to subsets of the five...
  10. Presser

    B-12 injections.

    Vitamin B12 Vials – the Different Active IngredientsThere are two types of active ingredient available for B12 shots, which the table below will compare. Cyanocobalamin is an artificial form of vitamin B12 which hardly ever occurs naturally. Hydroxocobalamin, on the other hand, is a naturally...
  11. drtbear1967

    HCG - Profile

    Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG or HCG is a [powerful polypeptide hormone found in pregnant women. The HCG hormone was first discovered in the 1920’s and sold as an extract by the pharmaceutical giant Organon under the Pregynl name. There were numerous reported benefits of administering HCG...
  12. drtbear1967

    Androsteron - Compared to Thyroid Hormones

    theguerillachemist Androsterone is a naturally occurring androgen, similar in structure to DHT, only differing in the position of the 3-hydroxy group is alpha(below the ring) vs the normal beta(above the ring). Bc of this, androsterone is a relatively weak androgen, approximately 1/7th the...
  13. S

    Pharmacom labs gear

    Hey guys just wanted to let everyone know I ordered some gear from Pharmacom and it took just over a month to arrive. They said it was because of the weather I guess ( ordered March). They sent me some freebies to make up for it. I ordered one of test e 300 and one of test e 500. Came discreet...
  14. L

    Bruising and swelling at igf-1 Lr3 shot location

    Last night I gave myself a shot and had a incredible burning sensations and blood came out the injection site. After words the location swell up and is tight and now it's starting to bruise. Has anyone had this happen?
  15. ndirish53

    IGF-1 LR3 Sub Q injection

    Quick question. How much time do you pin before workout, sub q? I have read anywhere from 1 - 2 hrs to 20 minutes. Thanks.
  16. C

    First self injection?

    Ladies and men, What did you think or feel before giving yourself your first intramuscular injection? 💉 Where you scard or nervice? If you had any fear or nerviceness , how did you over come it? Or did you just MAN UP or WOMAN UP? In what muscles do you like to do your injections? What stories...
  17. drtbear1967


    Omnadren <!-- .comments-link --> <!-- .entry-header --> Omnadren® 250 (in its original formulation), was an oilbased injectable testosterone blend that contained four different testosterone esters: testosterone propionate (30 mg); testosterone...
  18. drtbear1967

    Insulin Maximizing

    As with any performance enhancing drug, it is not what how much you take that matters, but how much your body can effectively use that determines the end result. Nowhere is this basic truth more evident than with insulin. While the more is better mentality may pay dividends with most other PED’s...
  19. drtbear1967

    TRT for Women - Testosterone for Women

    The Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Female Patients Although sometimes it seems like men and women are both completely different creatures, there is so much that the two sexes have in common physiologically. Although we often differentiate between men and women in regard to...
  20. drtbear1967

    Oxytocin Therapy - For Better Orgasms, Ladies!!

    Oxytocin and Oxytocin Therapy Simply stated, Oxytocin allows a man and a woman to have stronger and more frequent orgasms. It helps bond a woman to her lover, and increases trust, and closeness. At the time of orgasm, oxytocin levels climb approximately 365%. Oxytocin is, ‘The smile...