
  1. yourmuscleshop


    Visit our website for your order: Your Muscle Shop for Health Products - Your Muscle Shop “A Premium Quality Brand” (We ship within 24 hours ) Also Join us on : Telegram: Contact @yourmuscleshop
  2. yourmuscleshop

    Living with high Blood Pressure?

    Try - “Telmisartan” - lowers the blood pressure Lowers the blood pressure. Reduce the risk of heart attack & stroke Improves kidney function Improves insulin sensitivity Visit our website- “A Premium Quality Brand” (We ship within 24 hours ) Also Join us on ...


    Good Gut Health: 10 Tips To Help Lead You There Did you know that 80% of your immune system is in your gut? Or, did you know that many of your health problems can be traced back to your gut? The gut is the home of trillions of good and bad microorganisms, collectively known as your gut...


    10 Quick Tips To Build Mass! Muscle mass is the straw that stirs the drink in the sport of bodybuilding. Talk all you want about symmetry, shape and definition, but in the final analysis, muscle mass is the defining element of a physique. The mass building equation has three components: a...

    Protein: Importance and Why Your Body Needs It

    **Protein: Importance and Why Your Body Needs It** The last thing you want to do is deprive your body of essential protein. Protein is a vital nutrient that helps build and repair your muscles, organs, and other tissues. It also helps transport nutrients and oxygen throughout the body...
  6. N

    Napsgear Napsgear: Insulin Sensitivity: A Major Factor in Muscle Growth and Fat Loss

    Whether you’re in peak physical form, aiming to lose weight, or struggle controlling your blood sugar levels, you’ll want to increase insulin sensitivity and reverse insulin resistance. This can help you manage your weight, protect your organs from disease or complications down the line, boost...
  7. Steroidify Rep

    💊 Ursolic Acid - The perfect supplement?

    Ursolic acid is a pentacyclic triterpenoid first identified in apple waxes as early as 1920, but can also be found in the peels of many fruits, as well as in herbs and spices like rosemary, basil, oregano and thyme. It's more commonly used today in cosmetic products due to its ability to improve...
  8. Steroidify Rep

    Semaglutide (Ozempic) - The Holy Grail Of Fat Loss?

    Initially approved by the FDA back in 2017 for controlling type II diabetes in adults, semaglutide is a drug that belongs to the group of the GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide 1) analogues. This group of substances has the ability to mimic the body's response after eating a meal, including feeling...
  9. Presser

    AOD 9604

    Clip source: What%20is%20AOD%209604%20Fat%20Burning%20Peptide%3F%20%7C%20Vitality%20Sciences Give us a call: (561) 924-1309 0 Hormone Replacement Therapy Palm Beach Gardens | HRT Clinics  Fat Fact: Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The Fat-Burning Peptide Are you...
  10. Exo-Gen

    PT-141 explained by Exo

    PT-141 explained by Exo PT-141, also known as Bremelanotide, is a synthetic peptide that is used to treat sexual dysfunction in men and women PT-141 has a half-life of 2-8 hours, but the effects can last anywhere from 24-36 hours diminishing each hour once past half life . Trust me ! they most...
  11. N


    SKINNY GUYS HAVE TWO OPTIONS. There are two options for skinny guys: Accept their fate and spend the rest of their lives looking skinny and feeble. Take action to correct the situation. Consume extra calories. Work hard in the gym. Gain weight and turn their body into a suit of armor. The...
  12. Stickler*

    Anabolic steroids and tendons: A review of their mechanical, structural, and biologic effects

    My rats are having rotator cuff pain and elbow (tendinitis) pain, so I did some searching. It's scientific and the tables are a challenge to read, but if you dig science check it out! Full tables can be seen in the link below! Looks like winstrol could be out for my rats' future, maybe...
  13. drtbear1967

    Insulin and its use

    Bodybuilding is an extreme sport in which higher level competitors often go to great lengths to excel. While some prefer to stick to natural methods of building muscle, others turn to pharmaceuticals such as anabolic androgenic steroids and insulin. Though people traditionally use insulin only...
  14. B

    How do use MC's IGF-1 LR3

    Im trying to find some clear instructions on using the MC bottles of LR3. It came in liquid form, Do I need to add 2mg of bacteriostatic water? Im planning on using 1/2 inch Insulin needles and inject intramuscularly instead of subcutaneously. Help.
  15. B

    How to use MC's IGF-1 LR3

    Im trying to find some clear instructions on using the MC bottles of LR3. It came in liquid form, Do I need to add 2mg of bacteriostatic water? Im planning on using 1/2 inch Insulin needles and inject intramuscularly instead of subcutaneously.
  16. Steroidify Rep

    🔖 Pro tip: Fix Your Cholesterol

    Steroids can increase cholesterol considerably also they can change the ratios of good and bad cholesterol, this is one of the greatest dangers during a cycle, today we will see how to fix it. 👨🏼*🔬How does it work: ❕Steroids increase the activity of HMG-CoA reductase, increasing 📈cholesterol...
  17. N

    Gummy Bears Post-Workout: A Justifiable Ritual?

    Carbs. You love them but the dieting industry tells you to hate them. Especially simple, fast absorbing sugars like candy. But what if I told you that there is a movement now to promote having candy? Especially after a workout. Right now, there is a fad encouraging people to have candy such as...
  18. N

    Why Does Stress Make You Fat?

    If you’ve been gaining unwanted weight and can’t pinpoint why, the answer could be as simple as being stressed. Dealing with acute stress, episodic acute stress, physical stress, and chronic stress have all been linked to weight gain, especially in the abdominal area, and what might look like a...
  19. jasonhill800

    Naps Knowledge Article :Eating Carbs at Night Won’t Make You Fat

    There’s been a myth going around for years and years that eating carbs at night will make you fat. Well today I’m telling you its just that: a myth. Eating at night in general has been associated with weight gain, you hear advice such as “don’t eat after 7:00 pm” all too often. Fact of the...
  20. D

    My blueprint to get huge

    My blueprint to get huge serious bodybuilders testosterone your androgen is the key building blocks in all cycles and if you want to get thick you need testosterone 750-2000mg secondly the anabolic deca it’s been used as the stable growth gainer since the start of the 60s and always...