
  1. drtbear1967

    Truth about Fasted Cardio

    Probably the most practiced technique for burning fat, the research points to the opposite results. According to this analysis of the research, 1)fasted training in general can lead to breakdown of protein tissue before adipose tissue 2) HIIT has been proven superior for fat loss, partly by...
  2. drtbear1967

    Pre Workout Carbs

    Many often preach the importance of carbs before training. However, these sermons are often based off of needs for endurance athletes; resistance training causes much less glycogen depletion. Therefore, carbohydrate availability is rarely a limiting factor in performance during resistance...
  3. drtbear1967

    What To Do When Cutting Calories Becomes Too Hard

    What To Do When Cutting Calories Becomes Too Hard We all get to that point in our diet when cutting calories more becomes too much of a burden. THAT’S when we like to add in some cardio. Here’s why we suggest HIIT Cardio to be a great option. High-Intensity Interval training (HIIT)...
  4. drtbear1967

    Don't stop just because it hurts!!!

    Don’t quit doing an exercise just because it hurts. . Let me say this again. If you’re doing an exercise and it begins to hurt, and it has not hurt in the past, then your body is trying to make you aware of something. The pain you feel is your body’s way of saying, “Pay attention to me...
  5. drtbear1967

    What To Do When Cutting Calories Becomes Too Hard

    What To Do When Cutting Calories Becomes Too Hard We all get to that point in our diet when cutting calories more becomes too much of a burden. THAT’S when we like to add in some cardio. Here’s why we suggest HIIT Cardio to be a great option. High-Intensity Interval training...
  6. Ox 51

    Zion Williamson Returns Tonight

    Pete Thamel,Yahoo Sports•March 14, 2019 CHARLOTTE, N.C. – The drought has stretched 22 days, nearly six full games and approximately four million highlights of an exploding Nike. But finally, after an abundance of caution, endless speculation and countless referendums on amateurism, Duke...
  7. drtbear1967

    Cardio for Fat Loss

    Why is it that cardio is always the hot topic of fitness discussion and seems to be the fix all solution to burning fat? As we have all learned and I have written about in the past that cardio is not the fix all solution when it comes to body compositional changes anymore. New times have...
  8. drtbear1967

    How to avoid Injury

    You've probably heard that training too much can get you injured. You've probably also heard that training too little makes you weaker and more likely to get injured. This is the injury paradox. Training can both protect from injury and cause injury. . Overtrained injured athletes can't perform...
  9. drtbear1967

    Don't Be Stupid.

    by Christian Duque The whole point of working out is get a pump and see some real growth. For many, how hard you train will determine how much muscle you gain. For example, there’s a myth those on the east coast train much harder than those on the west coast. Others believe that hard music has...
  10. drtbear1967

    Muscle soreness - Does it matter?

    We often hear people freak out because they AREN'T getting sore, thinking that their workouts were a waste. Here's why you don't need to be worried. . Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the muscle ache experience 24-72 hours after exercise. It is frequently referred to as a sign of a...
  11. drtbear1967

    Know how to Deload and Avoid Over-training.

    Ever feel like you finally are “on a roll” with getting to the gym? You work out as many times a week as you have planned and keep making progressions, but soon you feel your body working against you. . You start feeling progressively more tired and have a hard time increasing weight/volume...
  12. drtbear1967

    Can DNA predict your gains?

    Can DNA-tests really predict performance? This first-of-its-kind study tries to answer this question! It let athletes take DNA-tests from their saliva and used 14 gene variants to classify them as either “endurance” or “power” athletes, based on their DNA. Without letting them know which type...
  13. Presser

    Best Weight Training Methods To Build Muscle Mass. High Intensity Versus High Volume Repetitions

    <hgroup style="box-sizing: border-box; word-wrap: break-word;">Training Effectively To Build Muscle Mass with High Intensity Training and High Volume Repetitions</hgroup>Bodybuilding has been a mainstream sport and fitness activity for several decades now. However there is still a debate over...
  14. drtbear1967

    Cardio and Gains

    Sure, cardio can be detrimental to lifting, but in some cases it can actually be beneficial – better work capacity allows you to do more sets during your workouts after all. Cardio only becomes an issue if you do shit-tons of it (and especially if that means jogging) and/or you're descended from...
  15. drtbear1967

    Tips for Bulking.

    Similar to “cutting up”, bulking requires a specialized diet, which takes much discipline to follow through. Bulking is defined as the process of trying to build as much muscle as possible of a period of time. Bulking diet requires a simple equation - eat more calories than you expend. Muscle...
  16. Iron Game

    How To Lose The Most Fat Walking

    Three universal goals nearly all of us share are: (1) to live longer, (2) to live free of illness and (3) to control our weight. Amazingly, walking lets us achieve all three. In fact, walking may be your best medicine for slowing the aging process, reducing your chances of illness and slashing...
  17. Iron Game

    "RHABDO": A Scary Side of High-Intensity Training

    "RHABDO": A Scary Side of High-Intensity Training High Intensity Exercise has been touted for its immediate and quick results. Exercises like high-intensity weight training such as squatting to failure can have disastrous results if not done properly. There’s some evidence that certain...
  18. Iron Game

    Don't Train Like A Sissy!!

    Don’t Train Like a Sissy! I saw a great photo of Clint Eastwood on Facebook the other day with the quote, “I miss the ole days when everybody wasn’t such a pussy”. Although I’m not quite as old as Clint, I can relate to his brash opinion of the diminishing state of manhood when it comes to...
  19. Iron Game

    Ways You Could Be Killing Your Progress

    We all make mistakes in life, that’s how we learn and grow. Well, the same principle can be used when it comes to our overall health and fitness progress. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or advanced exerciser, anyone can fall into a trap if they aren’t careful. If you don’t understand...
  20. drtbear1967

    Which Cardio is Best for You?

    Which Cardio is Best for You? Some say steady state, some says HIT, and some say none at all. There are literally dozens of different cardio methods that have been proposed by the experts throughout the last half century. To say that there’s...