
  1. A

    Steroid Cycle Clan and t3 cycle leads to joint shaking and pain?

    Hey, so i was doing clan t3 cycle 3 years before and then if left it. After sometime leaving cycle, pain started in knee joints. I left gym and no exercise after then. Now, conditions got worse... I cant use my knees, a lil presure on any knee leads to shake my whole body.. And if i push more...
  2. drtbear1967

    Elbow pain and how to fix it.

    General elbow pain is often associated with an imbalance between the forearm flexors and extensors. In most cases (but not all), the forearm flexor is in a state of overuse because of repeated "palm towards elbow" patterns, and you end up with an inflamed elbow tendon. <!-- IMAGE --> <!--...
  3. drtbear1967

    Shoulder Stability

    Shoulder instability describes a condition of increased joint mobility that affects the passive restraints of the shoulder joint (labrum, capsule and ligaments) and can be broadly classified as traumatic or atraumatic. Traumatic cases result from an injury and are usually present on only one...
  4. drtbear1967

    The need to Stretch.

    There are three types of stretches: . 1. PNF stretching involves stretching to a point, then flexing the muscle before relaxing into a deeper stretch. . 2. Dynamic stretching (DS) involves moving into a stretch and back out of a stretch in a controlled manor. . 3. Static stretching (SS) is...
  5. 9

    John Danaher & Ben Askren Teach Joint Seminar In NY

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. C


    Is there a optimum does of deca while on whinny to mitigate joint pain
  7. drtbear1967

    Supplements For Hard to Burn Fat

    No supplement will ignite the fat burning switch alone. You need to handle your business in the kitchen and gym first. But I'd be lying if I said supplements weren't a key component when it comes to eliminating trouble spots. You need the training (flames) and a caloric deficit (fuel), but...
  8. drtbear1967

    Fat Grips for Cranky Joints

    Got Cranky Joints? Use Fat Grips for Pressing - Many people rely on fat-grip attachments to increase the difficulty level of pulling exercises like chins, rows, and loaded carries. They're a tremendous grip-training tool. They have another use, too, that benefits people who suffer from joint...
  9. drtbear1967

    Deca and joint pain?

    There has always been a lot of anecdotal evidence by gym rats saying that the anabolic steroid nandrolone decanoate(Deca) can help alleviate joint point, but is there any science to back this claim up? It turns out that there may in fact be a mechanism that could explain this phenomena. This...
  10. drtbear1967

    Quadriceps 101

    The quadriceps are four powerful muscles which include: the rectus femoris, the vastus lateralis, the vastus medialis, and the vastus intermedius. The three vastus muscles originate (begin/attach) to the upper part of the femur or thigh bone and cross the knee joint. This means their main job is...
  11. P

    HGH Side Affects

    I am 60 years old and have been lifting since I was 14. Over a 12 year military career and 18 year law enforcement career I have sustained many injuries which have led to 10 different orthopedic surgeries. In December I had a severe lumbar sacral back surgery after almost losing the use of my...
  12. yellow snow

    If you have ever had Pain, open this

    Trying to help the community out; if you have ever had a muscle or joint pain this book is a must have and read. It is simple enough for my teenage kids to read and use and is awesome as you get older. You all know that I am not a shill or troll, so check it book I...
  13. drtbear1967

    Baxyl - joint problems no more.

    Joint discomfort, swelling, and inflammation is a common problem not only of the aging population but it has also been statistically noted as the most common complaint of many people seeking medical attention. Joint problems can be a result of injury, frictional damage, aging consequences, and...
  14. Iron Game

    Breaking Research Shows New Benefits for Nandrolone

    THE CASE FOR NANDROLONE - BREAKING RESEARCH SHOWS NEW BENEFITS Written by William Llewellyn The Case for NandroloneBreaking Research Shows New Benefits I find the growing medical acceptance of anabolic steroid therapy for age-related hormone (androgen) decline in men to be quite remarkable...
  15. The Dude

    Joint pain versus damage

    How many of you guys have regular joint pain? I don't train heavy anymore and I also don't train all that often. I've noticed particularly after doing legs or arms I get some pretty solid joint pain. I've been doing Syntherol in my triceps the day I do arms and I also do IGF in the biceps. I on...
  16. Presser

    Restore synovial fluid lubrication to improve joint movement with Alflutop Injections.

    What does Alflutop do? Order original ALFLUTOP INJECTIONS from authorized seller: ALFLUTOP is proven to reach peak therapeutic levels in joints within 2 hours to: Relieve pain and reduce inflammation! Restore synovial fluid lubrication to improve joint movement. Inhibit destructive enzymes...
  17. The Dude

    What dose to maintain YOUR tissue?

    Similar to bridging... what do you guys drop down to... and what drugs do you use say for a period of less intense training? I've gone down as low as 200mg every 10 days of Cyp, but without Deca I lose alot of strength and I get quite a bit of joint and tendon pain. I don't train heavy at all...
  18. L

    Joint Pains

    I find it odd that I am experiencing MORE joint pains now on cycle then when I wasn't. I am waking up more stiff. I stated this and feel its odd only because I am on 500mgs of NPP every 7 days. I thought NPP/Deca would help in this area??? Thoughts?
  19. Iron Game

    Training Advice from Dorian Yates

    6 time Mr. Olympia, Dorian Yates shares advice on training. Yates espoused a style of training known as HIT "High Intensity Training," which states that maximum muscle stimulation can be reached through short, high-intensity workout sessions rather than long duration workouts. The training style...
  20. Iron Game

    SARM MK-2866*(also referred to as “ostarine” or “MK”) vs. Winstrol (Stanozolol)

    Winstrol (Stanozolol)*is one of the most popular steroids in the world. It’s used for muscle hardening, polishing, cutting and contest preparation. As a DHT derivative steroid, it’s a perfect AAS for getting lean; in fact, it’s extremely potent and highly effective for all users – newbies or...