
  1. T

    First beginner cycle dbol and test e

    Hey just quick questions on best site to get bulk order of needles. I wanna get the right and legit thing. Any help would be much appreciated !
  2. J

    The Most Reputable Brand To BUY SARMs Like RAD 140, Cardarine, Ligandrol Ostarine, Andarine S23, Stenabolic

    Hi I am new to the forum, I have purchased Sarms from 3 companies so far, XXXXXXX and XXXX . It seems like a got bunk stuff from the xxcc and xxxx but XXXXXX was legit stuff, but there pricing is pretty expensive. I know you get what you pay for and if its to good to be true its not. Can anyone...
  3. P

    is it possible to still get pure ephedrine?!?!?

    I cant find a legit source anywhere I know canada sells the 8mg tabs but they wont ship to the US can anybody help me out I need a legit source for ephedrine in a bad way! thanks guys
  4. Presser

    This Forum Is Run By Site Representative "GotTren" Please Submit all Photos & Info To Him Or this forum!

    The "Anabolic Steroid Pictures Forum" is Run By Site Rep "GotTren" Please submit all your photos to him directly or simply post your photos direct to this forum. Whether your trying to find out if what you have is legit or not, fake or counterfeit, this is the forum to look it up, and submit...
  5. Iron Game

    Top 3 Proper Guidelines to Buying Steroids.

    Top 3 Proper Guidelines to Buying Steroids. When first looking into a cycle, the first thing that one wants to think of is RESEARCH. Before ever swallowing or injecting any Anabolic steroid you want to no what you are putting into your body and what side effects you could see. 1st. You want...
  6. Presser

    Steroid Hormone Testing Kits. At Home Steroid Test Kit for Anabolic Steroid Harm Reduction

    Anabolic Steroid Color Reaction Testing Kits. So I remember these testing kits were super popular for Ecstacy Back in the day, and were sold on Bluelight and Pillreports.com sites, and they were extremely effective in determing if your ecstacy was real MDMA or MDA or just garbage! So I think...
  7. D

    US domestic steroid sources

    Now I don't know if we can post about this but if not then just delete , anyways I'm tired of going international, And I can't seem to find a legit us source for shit, I would like multiple if you have them so I don't have to assume you're a shill, or just pm me thanks and no I will not be...
  8. Testntren39

    Chinese generic hgh are they all shit ?

    Ok whats the crack with chinese generic hgh i know the colour of the top of vial means nothing. Are all chinese generic hgh all bunk or is there still some legit generic hgh coming out of china ?
  9. Presser

    Den and Health Vet Grade Steroid Tabs

    Anyone heard of Den and Health? I thought it was a typo and they meant to type men and health, but apparently theres vet grade steroids with that Den & health name, suppose to be legit oral steroid tabs i think. Just curious if anyone has ever even heard of them or used them in a cycle and...
  10. Mountain_Man

    Some primo Enathate and Anavar I ran across

    They are legit just wanted to share some tasty pics - - - Updated - - - Anavar
  11. L

    In need of legit powder supplier

    I'm looking for a good and legit powder supply. Don't be a douchebag and say you got good product or try and take my money. I have my connection across seas, However I am open to some new opportunities. I appreciate it everyone, thanks
  12. 9

    Jean-Claude Van Damme Prevents Werdum/Velasquez Street Fight

    <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/XvyDHcZK7K8" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="420" width="750"></iframe> looks totally legit lol, i wonder if this was for the Kickboxer movie remake
  13. Universal23

    Has anyone ever used Eminence Labs? (their new)

    "they're new" Excuse me if source discussion is prohibited here. I'm new to the forum today I wanted to get some opinions/experiences on this new eminence lab from my source. Are they legit? Also my my source has alpha-pharma healthcare and dragon pharma ....how about these? Thanks.
  14. M


    So are we playing how quick can I get banned? Or do we just not like reading rules and don't want society as we know it to progress?
  15. M

    tren in thailand

    have anyone bought legit tren in thailand and what brand did you buy? i just dont seem to find real tren for now.i tried maxpros and now have alpha pharmas trenarapid but dont feel any sides at all with 100mg eod. ive checked on AP site and the tren turns out legit?? im on testo 250mg e4d and...