
  1. Presser

    Common Dosages and SARM List

    Some of the most common dosages are listed below. However, note that the dosages you see are variable depending on the user’s tolerance. Ligandrol (LGD-4033) Dose & Cycle: User experience has shown benefits at dosage ranges of 3mg-10mg with a time span of 24-36 hours in-between each...
  2. Presser

    4033 the LeGenD SARM Solution

    "I was a huge critic of sarms until I tried LGD for myself." Significant increased muscle mass Overall loss in body fat Improved sense of well-being Enhanced libido Most Potent SARM on the market Outrageous Strength Increase Improvement in Bone Density DOSAGE AND USE: The typical dosage is...
  3. A

    LGD 4033 vs Ostarine: Which Gives Better Results?

    If уоu аrе a professional athlete оr suffer frоm muscle problems, уоu ѕhоuld рrоbаblу knоw thе medicines called LGD-4033 аnd MRSA Ostarine. Bоth drugs аrе uѕеd tо treat chronic оr acute diseases related tо muscle оr age-related muscles ѕuсh аѕ diseases. Thеrе аrе mаnу MRSA аvаіlаblе оn thе...
  4. ndirish53

    LGD-4033 & PCT

    Sorry to be bothersome with this but, I have read everything and still didn't find anything. Article states to run a full pct with LGD. I will be on TRT of 100mg of test c. Do I still need to run a full pct? If so, what do I need and how much and how long? Need help with this..thanks
  5. Presser

    Legendary Labs Ligandrol lgd-4033 Supporting AGENTS!

    I made bold red their claim, and Im curious as to why those ingredients would make ligandrol any better? So has anyone here used Legendary Labs Products? Legendary Labs LGD-4033 is an extremely potent anabolic compound that will give you results like no other supplement. This difference...
  6. Presser

    Revisiting SARM SCIENCES Andarine S4 .

    Mechanisms of action, the how and why, and of course the how much aka dosage. Andarine, often known as S-4 or S4, is an androgen-like ingredient in the category of SARMs, with full name selective androgen receptor modulator. Andarine has been purchased by bodybuilders and gym rats during the...
  7. Presser

    The best SARM Steroid Stacks for Cutting and Bulking Cycles. The Logs, Reviews and Results Are In.

    The Best SARM To Add To Your Steroid Cycle for Lean Mass Gains. The most effective SARM to stack with your steroid cycle for lean muscle mass would be , Ligandrol. Ligandrol LGD-4033 is effective and very popular by itself for adding that quality lean muscle everyone is looking for without...
  8. Presser

    The SARM, Peptide and Steroid Stacks for both Cutting and Bulking Cycles.

    The Best SARM To Add To Your Steroid Cycle for Lean Mass Gains. The most effective SARM to stack with your steroid cycle for lean muscle mass would be , Ligandrol. Ligandrol LGD-4033 is effective and very popular by itself for adding that quality lean muscle everyone is looking for without...
  9. Presser

    Ligandrol Bulking and Cutting Attributes list.

    LGD-4033 Attributes An increase in strength levels Lean muscle mass improved A drop in body fat Has healing properties Does not cause the undesirable side effects caused by prohormones and anabolic steroids LGD-4033 Dosage AmountsIf your bulkingLigandrol stands head and shoulders above any...
  10. Bulkraws

    LGD-4033 Ligandrol powder stocked

    New batch of LGD-4033 Ligandrol powder stocked now . Please feel free to conact [email protected] for more info !
  11. Bulkraws

    LGD-4033 Ligandrol powder stocked

    New batch of LGD-4033 Ligandrol powder stocked now . Please feel free to conact [email protected] for more info !
  12. Bulkraws

    LGD-4033 Ligandrol powder stocked

    New batch of LGD-4033 Ligandrol powder stocked now . Please feel free to conact [email protected] for more info !
  13. Bulkraws

    LGD-4033 Ligandrol powder stocked !

    Hello bros , new batch of LGD-4033 Ligandrol powder just stocked ! Don't miss great products like this lol Thank you
  14. Iron Game

    Safest PEDs For Women

    by Mike Arnold PED use among women has changed a lot over the last 15 years. What used to be a relatively simple undertaking involving consistent recommendations across the board has slowly evolved into a much more complicated process. Previously, pretty much the only females using AAS were...
  15. guardianactual

    Basic knowledge of SARMS and their importance

    By Guardian Many guys are all about AAS and or phs and some feel that SARMS are ot as tried and true as steroids. Steroids are incredible and definitely push your workouts to a new level... but wjat about SARMS? I have used both and honestly, wether you never used anything PED wise before...
  16. Iron Game

    Gain 1.5 kg lean body mass with three-week course of LGD-4033

    Gain 1.5 kg lean body mass with three-week course of LGD-4033 Despite the negative reports on S4, SARMs like ostarine have become pretty common among chemical athletes, so another SARM, LGD-4033, is likely to find its way quickly into steroids circles. Especially if you read about the successes...
  17. Y


    Do any of the board sponsors carry this? Would love to give it a try. It's relatively new and supposed to be even better than lgd-4033 and with less side effects. Also, if anyone has more info on it, throw it up on here. I can't find much on it. BTW it's not the same as anamorelin.
  18. drtbear1967

    Anabolicum (LGD-4033) Profile

    Anabolicum LGD-4033 LGD-4033, better known as Anabolicum is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) that like testosterone is anabolic but without the effects that display significantly outside muscle tissue. Ligand Pharmaceuticals, ligand, referring to functional binding molecules...
  19. drtbear1967

    What is LGD-4033

    What is LGD-4033? LGD-4033 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARMS), and a novel non-steroidal oral SARM that binds to AR with high affinity (Ki of ~1 nM) and selectivity. It's in a class of androgen receptor (AR) ligands that is tissue selective, developed to treat muscle wasting...
  20. Elvia1023

    30 Solid Pounds in 6 months

    I have been meaning to start this all week but will go into that in my second post. It's a big target but there is no point setting myself an easy one. I have been off everything (no trt) for 3 months and now it's time to go for it. My plan is a 6 month progressive cycle adding in various items...