Alright Everyone, I'm looking to pull the trigger tomorrow on ordering. I've done a bit of research between here, other forums, videos, etc.
This will be what I'm leaning towards -any last minute input or change recommendations would be appreciated.
LGD - 10mg / per day for 6 weeks
I am interested in doing my first SARMS cycle and would like input.
I am 6'4" Tall and #190 - #195 10-12% BF currently. Work out 4-5 x per week. 2 Off Days with mild exercise (walking).
I fairly clean and have been meal prepping for 3-4 years now and looking to do this cycle with no...
Hey everyone! I just bought a bottle of Ligandrol and I guess it's supposed to get here tomorrow. Is this supposed to be a 30 day supply? The website says 5-10mg but I read on some forums that liquid is more potent than the pills. It seems like most people are taking 5-10mg of the pills. Some I...
For anyone who hasn't kept up with my recent ostarine log, I am VERY stoked about doing this stack!!! I mentioned a couple times in that thread that I wanted to log lgd, but the plan changed & I am very excited that the lgd will be an addition to test e! Lgd, ai & pct will all be mc. We all know...
Some might already know, but I am currently running ostarine & logging it on another thread. When I am done with it & after a short break, I intend on doing lgd solo. I have 2 lgd, 1 s4 & 1 ostarine. Should I run 10mg for a month & stop or would it be more beneficial to run both bottles? I will...
Hello fellow lifters just a quick question, I'm about to buy some lgd from the store and was wondering how many bottles I would need for 10mg a day for 8 weeks? Also does the dropper show how much I need to put in to make the correct amount? Cheers.
I've been wanting to do this for some time. The first time I used Ligandrol I made such progress that I lowered my AAS dosage by 2/3. I also started MC IGF which in and of itself is incredible. I've since been on 200mg of Test, 200mg EQ, and 200mg of EQ. I use 80-100mcg of MC IGF on training...
I recently ran a Prohormone called Triumphalis (preban) followed by ostarine and saw great results. I have lost some of that mass and after pct, now with a clean system. I wanted to run something similar. I bought Cerberus (PH from Sparta Nutrition) Does anyone know anything about this...
hi, I am 38 years old female training for 2 years naturally. For the last 8 months I have gained just 200 g muscles total. Now I tried for the first time in my life sarms LGD 4033. These are in capsules. Now I read that only Ligandrol in fluid form is real, all others are fake. Can this be true...
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