
  1. drtbear1967

    How to avoid Injury

    You've probably heard that training too much can get you injured. You've probably also heard that training too little makes you weaker and more likely to get injured. This is the injury paradox. Training can both protect from injury and cause injury. . Overtrained injured athletes can't perform...
  2. drtbear1967

    The benefits of Taurine

    Taurine�� ---- ⭐️Interestingly enough, taurine has many benefits. It has been shown to hydrate muscle cells, reduce muscle fatigue, and increase muscle force by allowing more calcium into the cell to optimize a muscle contraction. Taurine also has been shown to reduce high amounts...
  3. drtbear1967

    Is there a right time to take Creatine?

    Creatine works for size and strength gains. It works when you load it, it works when you don't load it but take it consistently, and it works for just about everyone who lifts weights. It may even boost longevity and help with heart function.<iframe class="teads-resize" style="box-sizing...
  4. drtbear1967

    Battle Ropes - How to!

    Like any other exercise, load matters. If you allow more slack in the ropes (by stepping forward) you'll be forced to work with the weight of the rope itself. Stretching them out tight doesn't allow for any actual weight to be loaded on the movement of your arm strokes. . Grab the ropes, walk...
  5. Presser

    Is the site loading slow for anyone? Please let me know, as it is for me, but could be my pc

    Hey, please let me know if MuscleChemistry is loading slow for anyone else? Im having a serious drag when i go to post a new thread or reply to a post. Pages are loading fine for me to read, and such, but soon as i hit submit for a reply, i am getting load drag. Incase some of you missed the...
  6. drtbear1967

    Hit new PR's - The How

    by Lee Boyce • If you want hit a new PR, you have to focus on performing more reps with as similar a load to your working weight as possible. Here's one way to do it: 4+2 clusters. The 4 + 2 cluster method is an effective tool for performing more reps than you normally "could" with a heavy...
  7. blacktail


    Will not let me load pictures to a post. Says error in downloading. Tried on iPad and android phone. Also pages do not load avatars 99% of the time.
  8. drtbear1967

    Do Metabolic Finishers, EMOM Style

    Do Metabolic Finishers, EMOM Style by Dean Graddon The Muscle You Might Be Missing There's a muscle that many strength and size-focused lifters don't think enough about, and that's the myocardium – the heart. It needs regular attention and adequate stimulation as well. Few things you can do...
  9. Iron Game

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth The “strength-endurance continuum” is a widely accepted concept in the field of exercise science. Simply stated, the theory asserts that training in different rep ranges elicits differential effects on muscular adaptations. From a practical...
  10. Iron Game

    Fundamentals of Building Muscle: The First Ten

    Fundamentals of Building Muscle: The First Ten Every issue of Muscular Development is packed with the latest cutting-edge research and authoritative information on building muscle, burning fat, increasing strength, achieving optimal health and maximizing performance. 2016 was a banner year for...
  11. drtbear1967

    Clomid for ropes?

    Ok, I have heard that if you take clomid, you can shoot ropes like porn stars? I don't know if that is true or not but would like to hear everyone input.
  12. Iron Game

    Glycogen: Thoughts on Reps/Sets/Weights

    I know we all have to find what works for you/me and all of our opinions vary, but in light of things I've seen on logs lately, I wanted to share my theory on why maybe you'd want to do it different. Of course I'm open to discussion because I know my brain can get locked on things now and that's...
  13. Iron Game

    Do you FRONT LOAD your cycles?

    Frontloading, who frontloads here? Why or why not. Also you should be able to shorten you cycle because your levels peak so much quicker. SO if you frontload your cycle do you shorten your cycle? ......... Me, of course I frontload it makes perfect sense. No I dont shorten my cycle. Probably...
  14. Masher59

    Peak Week!

    Start my sodium load tomorrow and my first run at the stage is closing in. The last few weeks have been absolute Hell and I've felt like a basket case almost every day. Hopefully the info I have gathered works for me and I climb up there hard, grainy and veiny without any spillage but who...
  15. Iron Game

    A comprehensive look at modern steroid cycling

    A comprehensive look at modern steroid cycling If you use a long ester such as deca at xmg/week, it will take you 4-5 weeks to build up to max blood concentrations possible for xmg/week. So half of your cycle is not wasted, but you are not maximizing efficiency. When coming off a cycle, the...
  16. Presser

    Please Report Any Site Issues Here. Logging In Issues, Errors, Page Load Speed etc...

    I just turned on one of the features of cloudflare we have called Railgun, which had kinks in it last we turned it on. So please email us or post here any issues you have with logging in issues, or erros, or whatever! Our site should be blazing fast now to click around page to page! Its super...
  17. Presser

    The Site Should Be Loading Much Faster Now! Please Let Us Know

    We turned compression on, so now all the long threads that sometimes take forever to load should breeze through, and all the pages you click around to now should load much MUCH faster! Our New Dedicated Server was fast enough when we got it last year without gzip compression, but apparently...
  18. Iron Game

    Modern Anabolic Steroid Cycling

    If you are planning a 10 week cycle, the goal is to be at highest blood concentrations for as many of the 10 weeks as possible. If you use a long ester such as deca at xmg/week, it will take you 4-5 weeks to build up to max blood concentrations possible for xmg/week. So half of your cycle is...
  19. Presser

    How would you Front Load Testosterone enanthate, Boldenone EQ cycle?

    Ok so how would you guys front load the first 4 weeks with Testosterone enanthate and Boldenone (equipoise) if after the front load you wanted to maintain dosages at 600mg testosterone enanthate and 800mg Boldenone for the remainder of the cycle, maybe 300mg test e and 400mg equipoise every...
  20. Iron Game

    Dorian Yates on Peaking for a Contest

    Dorian Yates on Peaking for a Contest The final week before you enter a contest is critical, when nerves and indecision can reign. Here’s my nine-step plan to keep calm and get that last week right so that you peak on contest day, which is usually a Saturday. 1) Carbohydrate Depletion and...