
  1. drtbear1967

    Zine - Why it's important.

    Zinc is a critical mineral for many biological processes. This study in rats shows how a zinc-deficient diet can affect androgen binding, aromatization and conversion to DHT. This study fed rats either a deficiency or surplus of Zinc through diet and had some pretty significant results. This...
  2. 9

    Lower Body Sequence & Super Sets

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/lYyNMn9XiEE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. drtbear1967

    CBD for those that Train.

    Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of 104 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids found in marijuana plants. CBD lacks psychoactive properties and won't get you high the way THC does. This is appealing for people who want to experience the benefits from the plant without the side effects. What benefits...
  4. drtbear1967

    Know how to Deload and Avoid Over-training.

    Ever feel like you finally are “on a roll” with getting to the gym? You work out as many times a week as you have planned and keep making progressions, but soon you feel your body working against you. . You start feeling progressively more tired and have a hard time increasing weight/volume...
  5. 9

    Lower Body Strength

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/f_C6iDaVJtU?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. Musclebeauty


    Humans*evolved millions of years ago in a much different environment than*our own. The so-called Paleo diet takes its name from the Paleolithic period, which began when humans first started to use stone tools. The theory behind the diet is that our modern pattern of food consumption...
  7. drtbear1967

    Insulin and Abs.

    You may be one of those poor bastards that retains a roll of fat around his waist no matter how much you diet and how lean you get. That "tubey" look may reflect insulin resistance. While your instinct might be to adopt a low-carb diet, it doesn't fix the problem. What's more, a chronic low-carb...
  8. thx

    "Hot flashes" what should I do?

    I recently got off my test prop + tbol and examestane/aromasin cycle. I was really happy with it. Got really good results from it. Got sick at the end so had to quit early. I kept taking aromasin though. After I quit my cycle I started to take aromasin ed (12mg) instead of eod. I kept getting...
  9. drtbear1967

    Cholesterol effects of Steroids

    theguerillachemist HOW TO COMBAT CHOLESTEROL EFFECTS OF STEROIDS: Androsterone is a naturally occurring androgen, similar in structure to DHT, only differing in the position of the 3-hydroxy group is alpha(below the ring) vs the normal beta(above the ring). Bc of this, androsterone is a...
  10. drtbear1967

    Plant Protein

    themusclephd Many people think you can’t gain muscle eating plant base sources of protein and I use to be one of those until we did a study showing that you can. However, there is ONE BIG CATCH. Because plant protein is lower in essential amino acids, you have to eat more of it per serving - at...
  11. Muscle mechanic

    What y'all cruise at??

    Was just wondering what do u guys cruise at?? Or how long do y'all run TRT dose? I myself like to run higher than TRT. But long ester test seems to raise my blood count too much. I am looking into other things that don't that are pretty safe and not raise red blood cells. Different combos...
  12. drtbear1967

    Pterostilbene - Profile

    themusclephd &#55357;&#56633;Pterostilbene (teroo-still-bean) is an antioxidant commonly found in blueberries. It has been reported to be stronger than resveratrol (red wine) in regard to its beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular disease, and chronic inflammation. - ⬆️In the...
  13. drtbear1967

    Chromium Picolinate Still Good Stuff.

    ⬇️Anyone who has ever dieted has experienced the need to lower their carb intake to lose body fat. However, chromium picolinate is a supplement which can reduce the need to lower carbs dramatically. - &#55357;&#56633;Chromium picolinate enhances your body's ability to use carbs more effectively...
  14. T

    what happened if stop using steroid/hormone after it help u to build what u desired??

    hello everyone,1st i gotta say sorry for my english as im not english educated.i been on steroid for 3 cycle,and went on stage and won a state level champion back in my home.I'm 5"10 and weighing 195ibs during contest.what frustrated me is that when i off my gears,my body weight quickly rebound...
  15. Iron Game

    Safety Squat Bar with Branch Warren

    Safety Squat Bar I’ve seen you use the safety squat bar in your DVDs, and I asked my gym owner if he would get one for our place. He started giving me excuses about budget and whatever, so I looked online and found one used for under $300. I am sure the shipping won’t be cheap. Obviously I would...
  16. Iron Game

    “1,000 Sit-Ups And Crunches A Day and Still No Abs!”

    “1,000 Sit-Ups And Crunches A Day and Still No Abs!” by Tom Venuto After 18 years in the fitness business, “How do I get great abs” is still BY FAR the most frequently asked question I receive out of the 30,000+ emails that come into my office every month. No doubt, it’s because abs are the one...
  17. drtbear1967

    Good Fat and Why You Need Them.

    by Matt Weik Fats for years have been touted as a main contributor as to why people are overweight/obese. Without fully understanding the differences in fat everyone was told to stay clear of fats and eat as little as possible. Even the food pyramid was leading people down a path of eating...
  18. Iron Game

    30 Sets for Arms and How to Bring Up Weak Hamstrings

    Branch Warren 30 Sets for Arms: Overkill? I was watching a video on MD with Victor, Juan Morel and Jonathan De La Rosa training arms, and they must have done five exercises each for biceps and triceps. I want to say the total amount of sets was around 30. That strikes me as overkill. What do...
  19. drtbear1967

    The myths of HRT and Testosterone

    The Myths of HRT and Testosterone. It's time to dispel some of the media scare stories you've heard about testosterone replacement therapy. by Tessa Gurley Behind the Headlines You've probably seen the headlines that say something along the lines of...
  20. drtbear1967

    The Great Debate: Fat vs. Sugar

    The Great Debate: Fat vs Sugar by Matt Weik Once upon a time people who roamed the earth would eat food to sustain energy and to survive. They didn’t have the luxury of half-gallons of ice cream, bags of potato chips, French fries, and...