
  1. yourmuscleshop

    Where To Buy Exemestane Tablets ?

    *Introduction*:✅ A very strong and potent steroid for breast cancer patients. It is an anti-estrogen medicine which prevents bodybuilders from estrogenic side effects. Aromasin is a very common form of PCT Cycle. 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊 *Benefits*: 👉Prevents Gynecomastia 👉No Bloating 👉Promotes Positive...
  2. N

    Napsgear Napsgear: 10 Budget-Friendly Ways to Fuel Your Body For Your Fitness Goals

    The dollar isn't what it once was, and this is most evident at the grocery store. Over the past year, inflation has significantly raised the price of food around the world. Fruits and vegetables climbed by just around 8% in the US during the same time period, compared to a roughly 15% growth...

    Scheduling Meals and Exercise for Maximum Fat Burning

    Scheduling Meals and Exercise for Maximum Fat Burning Exercise, cutting calories, and losing fat are difficult, so you want the most from your weight control program. A study from the University of Munich in Germany showed that meal timing, dietary composition, and exercise influenced...
  4. N

    Avoid These Diet Mistakes: Part 1

    Fitness advice from the "mainstream" is full of nonsense and misinformation. Despite significant advances in the field of nutritional science, the majority of fat reduction hopefuls continue to make the same basic mistakes over and over. Mistakes that excessively complicate their diet have a...
  5. jasonhill800

    Clean Eating Meal Plan for Beginners

    The appropriate food plan can help you gain weight, reduce weight, or simply be healthier in general! This beginner’s guide offers everything you need to get started with meal planning if you’ve never done it before! Whether you’re trying to bulk up, lose weight, or simply stay healthy...
  6. N

    The “Scoop” on Protein Powders and Meal Replacements

    Getting enough protein is by far one of the most difficult challenges for most people seeking to live a healthy lifestyle. It's also one of the healthiest things you can do, whether you're trying to lose weight, increase muscle, or simply improve your general health. Because no matter what your...
  7. jasonhill800

    How to Fuel Up Before a Workout

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/>...
  8. N

    Why Does Stress Make You Fat?

    If you’ve been gaining unwanted weight and can’t pinpoint why, the answer could be as simple as being stressed. Dealing with acute stress, episodic acute stress, physical stress, and chronic stress have all been linked to weight gain, especially in the abdominal area, and what might look like a...
  9. drtbear1967

    About Meal Frequency

    About Meal Frequency - When you consume food, your body expends energy to digest and process the nutrients in your diet. This is known as the "thermic effect of food" (TEF) [1, 2]. A common misconception is that you need to consume several smaller meals per day to maximize the thermic effect of...
  10. D

    Improving insulin sensitivity with these methods

    Biggest importance is insulin sensitivity the best way is fasting for 1 week but not easy secondly hormones we can create the perfect insulin response with things we take is it the healthiest unsure but not is un healthy and being resistant These things provide great benefit Melaontan 2 50mcg...
  11. D

    How to get huge the blueprint

    Want to get huge with quality heres my tips Keep things simple Food intake its pretty individualized and should be tailored to you Beef and chicken will help you grow Fish is great but i like it later in the day its light To lean out its great same with eggwhites Carbs i like to grow are...
  12. J

    Food/cheat meals

    Let's hear everyone's go to free meal?
  13. drtbear1967

    Insulin Sensitivity and Abs

    You may be one of those poor bastards that retains a roll of fat around his waist no matter how much you diet and how lean you get. That "tubey" look may reflect insulin resistance. While your instinct might be to adopt a low-carb diet, it doesn't fix the problem. What's more, a chronic low-carb...
  14. Presser

    Bodybuilder Versus Beach Body Training

    Beach Body or Bodybuilder? How Men Should Train and Eat for Each Not all training is the same. Bodybuilders train with heavy weights to create a large, balanced physique. If you're after a beach body, you're looking for a leaner look, so you need to eat and lift a little less. But there's...
  15. drtbear1967

    Will it make a difference??

    by Matt Weik I was reading an article the other day about a study in the UK where they are trying to have their government enforce a policy that restaurant menus would need to have calorie labels for each item. Their thought process is that if people are aware of how many calories they are...
  16. drtbear1967

    Avoid High GI foods for weight loss

    For weight loss, the claim that high GI foods are to be avoided arises because increases in blood glucose and insulin results in a subsequent crash of blood glucose supposedly increasing hunger. . Evidence exists to support this claim; however, one meta-analysis would describe that the GI of a...
  17. H

    Mass Shake Recommendation

    I used to have a product called n-large. They don't make this anymore though. I moved it with water, it was thin, didn't upset my stomach, digested fast, I grew like a weed on it twice a day and the flavour was mild so I...
  18. drtbear1967

    BCAA Timing

    Protein synthesis rate appears to drop about 3-hours after a meal, even though there’s still plenty of amino acids available for growth. This is probably due to the lower energy status of the muscle cell during this period. When a muscle cell is running low on energy, it will reduce protein...
  19. drtbear1967

    Frozen Meal? What do you think?

    by Matt Weik I remember growing up in the ‘80s and ‘90s where frozen dinners were the craze. You’d get out a snack tray table and plop yourself down in front of the television, warm up your frozen tv dinner and settle in for the night. Then all of the nutrition Nazi’s came along and threw stones...
  20. drtbear1967

    Pre Sleep Protein for Gains

    Previous work has shown that taking some extra protein before sleep might increases muscle mass gains. . 🥛Our new study suggests that you probably want a relative large dose before going to bed for stimulating muscle protein synthesis (MPS, the process that drives muscle growth) during the...