
  1. Presser

    5 Sarm Stacked into One Tab. Has anyone seen this or tried it?

    So, long story short, is I was browsing supplement companies on google, and found a local supplement company that carried this one called KONG, which has 5 sarm in one pill or tab, whatever it is, and it stuck out to me for this reason plus I think we posted or I posted rather an article where...
  2. Presser

    Sarm Sciences Are Back In Stock! New Sale and Promotion

    Sarm Sciences are back in stock as we had to pull them from the store for a short period of time until their new labels were fully compliant with the law. Sarm Sciences products are a “Sports Supplement” and make No Claims as its being Therapeutic, Preventative or Diagnostic of any diseases...
  3. Presser

    Sarm Sciences Are Back In Stock! New Sale and Promotion

    Sarm Sciences are back in stock as we had to pull them from the store for a short period of time until their new labels were fully compliant with the law. Sarm Sciences products are a “Sports Supplement” and make No Claims as its being Therapeutic, Preventative or Diagnostic of any diseases...
  4. drtbear1967

    Winstrol - The How To.

    HistoryWinstrol was developed in the early 1960's by Winthrop Labs, and it is still approved by the FDA for human use, where it has the ability to treat anemia. What's more, it is also used in veterinarian medicine to help with muscle growth, bone density, appetite increase, and red blood cell...
  5. T

    60 DAY RESULTS LOG- 75MG (S4 Anadrine) + 30MG (MK-2866 Ostarine)

    I have decided to try a Sarm cycle after reading good things about them My main goal is to go up in strength so I bought s4 and mk-286 both of which are supposed to provide some good results. I don't really care about 1 rep max. I am aiming to be able to hit 3 sets of 7-10 on every exercise...
  6. Iron Game

    MK-2866 with Steroids

    We are all looking to make progress and achieve the goals we set. Being able to obtain our goals in the most effective, yet safest manner, is imperative to ensure heath and longevity. Many of us find that time after time, plateaus are reached due to genetic limits we are born with. At this...
  7. drtbear1967

    GW-50 (Cardarine) Profile

    Profile In spite of the fact that many consider cardarine (GW 501516) to be a SARM, it is technically a PPAR-delta agonist (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors). In fact, it is usually sold as a SARM, just like a tomato being a fruit is always sold as a vegetable. Cardarine was...
  8. Iron Game


    GW 501516 (CARDARINE) THE PERFORMANCE ENHANCER By Iron-Game Cardarine A.K.A. GW 501516 is usually grouped in the class of a SARM or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator but it is actually a PPAR-delta agonist (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors). The reason for the confusion is...
  9. Iron Game


    GW 501516 (CARDARINE) THE PERFORMANCE ENHANCER By Iron-Game Cardarine A.K.A. GW 501516 is usually grouped in the class of a SARM or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator but it is actually a PPAR-delta agonist (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors). The reason for the confusion is...
  10. drtbear1967

    Sarm triple stack protocol

    <style type="text/css">.socialicons{margin:0px auto!important;width:100%;text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px!important;}.socialicons li{margin-top:20px;display:inline-block;margin-left:15px;}#socialicons li{width:auto!important;}</style> BY DYLAN GEMELLI Today I will explain to you all how...
  11. Presser

    Anabolic Androgenic Cutting & Bulking Cycles with Sarms, IGF-1 lr3, Ephedrine and SERMS

    Legal (for now anyhow) Anabolic Androgenic Cycles for Those Who Do NOT Wish To Use Steroids. Sponsored by: Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators & Insuline-Like Growth Factor-1 Long R3 3 Month Long Bulking Stack with P.C.T. 1-4 & 8-12 LGD-4033...
  12. 2

    Huge Robolics Recomp Cycle

    NOTE: I started this cycle a few weeks back but have not been documenting on this forum so I will be adding updates as they occurred already as well... It is that time again... I am definitely deviating ever so slightly on this cycle in an attempt to get the size i want but keep it as clean...
  13. LeatherHead

    prosarms1 stack, starting in the morning - log to follow

    I finally am ready to start my trial run of Ligandrol ldg-4033, Anadrine S4, and Ostarine mk-2866. I will start by taking my ostarine once a day, in the morning. My other 2 will be split to twice a day, about every 12 hours. Im going to dose them as 17.5mg twice a day for the S4b; 5mg twice a...
  14. PUMPED

    Not a fan of Ostarine until 3 months later.

    All Sarms are still new to my old school ass and Ostarine was the first thing I had a chance to try. From the reviews I started with a full ML before workouts for a week along with the test and igf I was running. After the first week I couldn't tell if the mk-2866 was adding anything. The next...
  15. Presser

    Free Ostarine mk-2866 Special! Out with the Old In with The New

    We still have some Premier-Pharmaceutical brand Ostarine mk-2866 and were giving it all away with All BUY 4 IGF-1 lr3 Get 5th Free Orders! We will also give it away with all Bulk Orders of 10, 15 and 20 IGF-1 lr3 Our Store Address is
  16. Presser

    Free Ostarine mk-2866 Special! Out with the Old In with The New

    We still have some Premier-Pharmaceutical brand Ostarine mk-2866 and were giving it all away with All BUY 4 IGF-1 lr3 Get 5th Free Orders! We will also give it away with all Bulk Orders of 10, 15 and 20 IGF-1 lr3 Our Store Address is
  17. Presser

    ProSarms1 Looking For 5 People To Review & Possibly Rep Company Products Here!

    MuscleChemistry & The MuscleChemistry Store New SARM's Company "ProSarms1" Looking For 5 People To Log and Review The Products Here, & Possibly Rep The Brand! Anyone Interested Please Private Message Me! ProSarms1, Ligandrol lgd-4033, Ostarine mk-2866 and Andarine S4 The...
  18. Iron Game

    What are SARMS and how can they help me?

    What are SARMS and how can they help me? What EXACTLY are SARMS? The term SARMS stands for “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.” Androgens are a class of hormones that serve as ligands that bind to cellular androgen receptors. The androgen receptor is involved in a complex signal...
  19. Presser

    New Store Product.......NooTropic......Mental Focus, Alert , and Energy Nutraceuticals

    As you all Know We Have Premier-Pharmaceutical SARM's Ostarine mk-2866 and Andarine S4 We Are Looking At Adding The Nutraceutical Product Below and Wanting To See if there was ANY Interest In This product: NOOTROPIC
  20. Presser

    Ostarine back in STOCK at MuscleChemistry Store

    Ostarine mk-2866 is finally back in stock. Thank you