
  1. Presser

    The Powerball Lottery is at 900 Million, Yes Nearly 1 Billion Fucking Dollars!

    I am buying tickets today soon as i leave work! I mean i dont play often but a billion dollar lottery is unheard of!!! Can you imagine winning that much money! Actually dont bother buying tickets if you havent already, cause im going to win it! I already have actually! So Fuck Off!
  2. M

    Money means nothing without health

    Its really nice being back in the swing of things. Getting up early, hitting the gym and working again. It just makes you realize that money without health means crap. I always think about Tony Soprano and his early death at 51. I do mean the actor James Gandolfini. I was born and grew up in New...
  3. THE GRU


    If money was no option what would you run for Bulking? If money was no option what would you run for cutting? If money was no option what specific tests would you have run on your blood? thank you for your answers!
  4. Iron Game


    I can look back on bodybuilding and how much fun it was in the beginning. I was gaining so quick and learning so much, and I was also gaining a new self respect and confidence too. I think cheat meals were a little more frequent too. It was typically 2 cheat meals a week and usually spaced out...
  5. Presser

    Jim Manion NPC Announces New Classic Physique Division!

    Well i have been calling for the mens physique to have more muscle and also start wearing short tight spandex shorts. So instead in 2016 They are asking Mens Physique to get even smaller than this years mens physique and instead adding a new class where guys will shoot for that classic...
  6. Presser

    Jim Manion NPC Announces New Classic Physique Division!

    Well i have been calling for the mens physique to have more muscle and also start wearing short tight spandex shorts. So instead in 2016 They are asking Mens Physique to get even smaller than this years mens physique and instead adding a new class where guys will shoot for that classic...
  7. Presser

    Ive seen it all Now! The GayGYM

    THE COMPACT, PORTABLE TOTAL FITNESS SOLUTION! 30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE! <iframe data-conjure-edit-param="EmbedVideo,BlockResize,BlockRotate,BlockMove" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="Opaque" frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"...
  8. Powderguy

    Leaving for Russia

    Hey Fellas, I will not be on for a few weeks. I will be leaving for Russia to handle some business. A few guys have picked up formulas and recipes and you can search the forum for what you need. My favorite thing about Russia is its like Mexico, if you have money you can buy anything and if...
  9. 9

    Stitch Duran Fired for Reebok comments

    It looks like the UFC will be going forward without their signature cut man, as Jacob "Stitch" Duran reported that he will no longer be working with the UFC following his comments to Bloody Elbow over the recent Reebok deal. Well, if Jacob 'Stitch' Duran was thinking about leaving MMA cut...
  10. Presser

    Team MuscleChemistry Sponsorships Available for The 2015 & 2016 Season!

    MuscleChemistry Athlete Sponsorships Available for the 2015 & 2016 Bodybuilding Season. (Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, MMA, Physique, Figure, Bikini) Please contact me "Presser" for Immediate Considertion. Past Applicants and Past Sponsored Athletets may apply again. All MuscleChemistry...
  11. Presser

    Team MuscleChemistry Sponsorships Available for The 2015 & 2016 Season!

    MuscleChemistry Athlete Sponsorships Available for the 2015 & 2016 Bodybuilding Season. (Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, MMA, Physique, Figure, Bikini) Please contact me "Presser" for Immediate Considertion. Past Applicants and Past Sponsored Athletets may apply again. All MuscleChemistry...
  12. Presser

    Team MuscleChemistry Sponsorships Available for The 2015 & 2016 Season!

    MuscleChemistry Athlete Sponsorships Available for the 2015 & 2016 Bodybuilding Season. (Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, MMA, Physique, Figure, Bikini) Please contact me "Presser" for Immediate Considertion. Past Applicants and Past Sponsored Athletets may apply again. All MuscleChemistry...
  13. Odinsblood

    MC IGF1 LR3

    Loooks like I ma about to jump on the MC IGF1LR3 train brothers , time to roll with it.Guess going to give up GH all together, I want to give my money to MC anyway...:)
  14. Presser

    Does anyone Know How To make Professional Banners, flash etc...

    I am looking to hire someone for our New Store Banners and Graphics! Looking for more flash, maybe some flash animation idk. But our store banners need updating and I will pay good money for a professional banners. You can private message me or post here and i will contact you.
  15. Presser

    Does anyone Know How To make Professional Banners, flash etc...

    I am looking to hire someone for our New Store Banners and Graphics! Looking for more flash, maybe some flash animation idk. But our store banners need updating and I will pay good money for a professional banners. You can private message me or post here and i will contact you.
  16. B

    Question for anyone with HMB in your house

    I just got a kilo of HMB in and want someone out there to tell me what yours smells and/or tastes like. I am assuming it's in capsule form if you have it. If so, dump some out and let me know. Since it is an expensive supplement, with results often deemed too mild to warrant the cost, I...
  17. A

    New Year Resolutions

    Hello Friends so wats ur New Year's Resolution fitness and general pls share My fitness goal for 2015 is to get stronger and bench 165 kg once again and in life is to make more money be debt free , save money buy a home cheers!!!!!:dizzy:
  18. Get_Swole

    NCAA Bowlmania?

    NCAA Bowlmania Betting 250credit buy in!!! Has anyone joined any groups to participate? I have not this year, normally my friends from work will all put money down and see who makes out the best. This year I got nothing, would anyone be interested in starting one for MC? I can look into it, not...
  19. guardianactual

    Q&A W/ IFBB Pro part 33 Taking just one kit?

    Q. Would taking just one kit of hyge possibly stacked with test and eq be a complete waste of money? A. If I were you, I'd save the money until you can get enough to run more. How much you need will depend on your goals. At the very least, 2IU will help with some fat loss. *Of course, the more...