
  1. jimbosmith316

    Best bodybuilding/AAS Movie

    What is your favorite and why?
  2. Presser

    Anyone seen the Movie "DORY" AND IF SO HOW WAS IT?

    Looking to take the twins to see it in theater tomorrow morning, i cant find a good SD or HD copy of it on any of the free movie sites. Anyone seen it on any sites? I much rather sit home and watch it from the comfort of my living room
  3. Presser

    The Duel and Phenom ....Two Solid Movies In HD for free at

    Watched both of these movies over the weekend with the wife, and both are free in High Definition on Phenom was a really good story, i kept passing this movie by thinking it was another baseball movie and boring, However, it wasnt about baseball at all really, it was a solid...
  4. Presser

    Movie Review for "Cell" Stephen King Book, and Movie, and FREE on 123movies

    So has "Cell" the (2016) Movie with - Samuel L. Jackson, John Cusack its in HD, great quality! Not my kind of movie, as i am not into Zombie movies, but watched half in bed last night with wife, and great quality!
  5. Presser

    Movie Review "10 Cloverfield Lane" FREE movie in HD

    Wife and I watched 10 Cloverfield Lane on and it was ok, its hard for me to watch movies where the entire movie takes place in a fucking bedroom lol, they sure didnt spend shit to make this fucking movie lol, it literally was shot in 1 spot period! ANyhow, it was ok, not great...
  6. Presser

    Movie "Triple 9" not even out yet, but FREE HD on NEW Movie Rip Site

    So found a new bad ass Movie Site for FREE Movies out in theaters and before they even come out in some cases, How they do it that I have no idea! that is the new site and we watched an HD copy of Movie called "Triple 9" with a boatload of stars in the cast, crazy how i never...
  7. Presser

    Batman versus Superman Movie for FREE in HD at

    Wife and I watched Batman vs Superman on for free and it was in HD! We pulled it up on her iphone and then we slung it over to our smart tv and watched it on the big screen for free in our fucking living rooms! So for those of you who have Iphones and SMart Televisions and...
  8. Presser

    Taking the Wife and Twins to Movie to see ZOOTOPIA today, First time my kids will have been to theater

    We were suppose to go a while back, but couldnt last minute, so has anyone seen or heard anything about the movie ZOOTOPIA? Twins will be 3 years old in 2 weeks, and its going to be the first time they ever seen or been into a movie theater lol, GOD im hoping theyre good and quiet and just sit...
  9. Presser

    Very Good Movie is "Jane Got a GUN" pretty awsome!

    We actual bought this one on VUDU but i have seen it free on, and it was a really good movie, with some twists and turns, and good from the start to finish! Also Joel Edgerton is in it and he rocks, he is also main character in Movie "midnight Special" he is really a kick ass actor...
  10. Presser

    Awsome Fucking Movie "Midnight Special" , my surprise movie of the year!

    Midnight Special is name of movie and it has a pretty good cast, and it was HD and free, and I FUCKING LOVED IT! IF YOU LIKE SCI-FI AND ALIEN TYPE MOVIES THEN THIS SHIT IS FOR YOU Ok so wife found this on i think, AND FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAV A SMART TV, AND INCASE YOU DONT...
  11. Presser

    Has anyone watched 10 Cloverfield Lane?

    I havent watched it yet, and i love alien movies and all things scifi usually, but this movie looks like the entire movie might take place in a fucking bomb shelter lol, I hate those kind of movies where it looked like it took 10 dollars to shoot the film, and they just toss in a big name...
  12. Presser

    Pressers Movie Review for...."In The Heart of The Sea" with Chris Hemsworth

    In The Heart Of The Sea , the moby dick movie .....So i watched this on Pubfilms yesterday morning before the twins got up lmao. Chris Hemswroth, Cillian Murphy, and it was pretty good movie! Yes there was a part in the movie that made me tear up, semi crying lol, anyhow, i thought it was...
  13. Presser

    Pressers Movie Review for...."Black Mass" with Johnny Depp

    Well Im about half way through this movie Black Mass with Johnny Depp playing the role crime lord whitey bulger. Had to stop and start movie twice now and still only half the way through , as having kids makes it tough to watch movies lol, anyways, not a bad movie, maybe its all the start...
  14. Presser

    Watched 2 great movies both on the Housing Crisis

    1st i may have posted about called "99 homes"" it was free movie from movie and the other i just seen a few days ago on same site, named "the big short" or somehting to that effect, this one had a big named cast, and i didnt even know Brad Pit was a main charecter in the movie the entire...
  15. Presser

    Pressers Movie Review for...."The Revenant"" with DiCaprio

    Ok for those interested this movie "The Revenant" with DiCaprio is on free and it will be listed as a cam but its really a dvd or hd copy, I guess they listed it as Cam, so they didnt have hollywood come after them since they had it on their site at before it even...
  16. 9

    MMA Update; Conor McGregor lands a movie role

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. Presser

    Free Movies again at movie for those interested

    i mentioned a few weeks ago was pretty good, but i just found another movie tube but this one is and we been slinging the hd movies from our iPhone over to our Smart tv and its pretty kick ass. watched a lot of good movies this past week! my favorite movie was 99...
  18. Presser

    Have a great weekend everyone! Im Out-a Here!

    Long ass day was today! Cant wait to go home and play with my kids, watch a good wholesome family movie, then hit the sack! Hope everyone has a happy and healthy weekend! Peace Out Biatches
  19. Presser

    Free Movie Site to replace is here:

    Well for those of u who haven't found a new site to view free movies in high def ever since was shit down , this is a new one here: i watched DOPE in high def ! Pretty good funny movie and started Straight out of Compton last night ,
  20. Presser

    Movie Review for "MegaMind" funny animation for adults and kids

    So this i think is older movie but we were looking for something to watch with the twins last night on VUDU and came across MegaMind Funny stuff, kids loved it as did wife and I! Two thumbs up, loads of famous actors in it!