
  1. B

    30 Day DNP Cycle Log

    I'll be doing a 30 day DNP Cycle Starting Today Experiment: May 10-17 200mg May 18-25 200mg May 26-June 2 200mg June 3-10 200mg Will be taking Electrolyte solution and multivitamin. Dropping coffee. Diet/workout info: Body fat percentage 25-30 percent Height 5'11.4 Weight 215lbs Calories...
  2. Boomer

    Bridging between cycles?

    Curious to know what people think/do between cycles. I have done about 6 cycles in total over the last 10years and I have always had a long break between them... This time around I would like to cycle back to back but am wondering if there are ways to stay more anabolic between cycles.. I want...
  3. paul585

    How HCG Important in PCT..?

    Common problem in many bodybuilders during PCT is "LH increase but testosterone doesn't increase..!" so testosterone naturally not develop in body Clomid and Nolva is not that much effective for PCT cycle. HCG is a shock therapy in PCT cycle its give shock to our testis for starting work...
  4. drtbear1967

    Why Chewing your food is important.

    Does chewing impact the digestion and absorption of your food? ⁣ ⁣ ⏱Different types of protein can have different digestion speeds, which is an important factor for the muscle protein synthetic response (the muscle growth response). However, protein digestion speed may not only depend on the...
  5. Jozifp103

    GHRP vs GHRH...explained simply :)

    GHRP vs GHRH What is the difference? Is one better than the other? Should I use them together? Let's start from the top shall we? These questions will be answered as simply and briefly as possible. What is the difference? *GHRP* (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide)...
  6. Steroidify Rep

    Be a Bronze Adonis with Melanotan 2 from Steroidify!

    Summer has passed, and the days are growing ever shorter, but don't despair. Steroidify can help you keep that perfect golden glow year round without needing to spend all your time in a tanning booth or applying creams and sprays. Get your hands on some Melanotan-2 and bask in the glory of your...
  7. Presser The Natural Evolution In Bodybuilding Social Communities. Please Check it Out!

    MuscleXchange Bodybuilding Social & Market Place We are asking that if anyone setting up a profile or creating their own organization or own store over at MX to please Notify us if you run into any bugs! This platform is a full social media network and has everything all the giant social...
  8. jimbosmith316

    CBD oil revolution: Introducing what it is and why the hype?

    CBD oil revolution: Introducing what it is and why the hype? July 31, 2019 Open Access Government delve into the CBD oil revolution in this introduction to CBD which explores the difference between CBD and THC, as well as a range of benefits and safety precautions for cannabidiol use in cancer...
  9. drtbear1967

    Magnolia Bark Extract - Anti Anxiety - Better Sleep

    Magnolia bark extract(MBE) has been used in traditional eastern medicine for centuries to aid in anxiety and depression. The 2 main compounds are magnolol and honokiol. Both molecules act on your GABA receptors, which inhibit your central nervous system(calm you down, get your body ready for...
  10. Presser

    Post Steroid Cycle Therapy and How To Raise natural testosterone

    Post Steroid Cycle Therapy and How To Raise natural testosterone Its well known that a common side effect associated with anabolic steroid use is the inhibition of natural testosterone production. The body monitors testosterone levels and adjusts production of the hormone within the testes by...
  11. Presser


    OPTIMIZING ANABOLIC HORMONES WITHOUT DRUGS by Josh Hodnik Natural bodybuilders are constantly searching for any natural means of increasing their bodybuilding gains. They often spend hours a day in the gym and take every supplement known to man, only to be disappointed with their gains. There...
  12. Boomer

    It's been almost 3 years

    Hey guys, I've been out of the gym for almost 3 years. I had another child and started a business so I had to put myself aside for a little while but I am now back in the gym pushing weight... I have lost considerable size and atrangth but haven't put on much fat which I am happy about... My...
  13. Presser

    CBD for Bodybuilding & Fitness Recovery

    <article id="post-269" class="hentry post-269 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail category-bodybuilding-fitness-supplements tag-bodybuilding tag-cbd-oil tag-fitness-recovery tag-supplements" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; border...
  14. H

    IGF lr3, Ligandrol, Stenabolic, oh my...

    Hi everyone, I’m J. Really impressed with the knowledge, dedication, and help that this community stands for. Been reading through everything that I can for a couple weeks and just as I thought I knew something, it’s starting to jumble in my mind. If anyone has a moment, I could use some...
  15. U

    UFEA event soon

    Believe this is a "natural" only show does anyone still attend events?
  16. drtbear1967

    Fake Nattie BS

    by Christian Duque First and foremost, I generally don’t care about the whole natty vs enhanced argument. I think what ever people do supplement-wise is their own business. I think it’s very impertinent to walk up to someone you don’t know and ask if they’re taking gear or not. Truthfully...
  17. Musclebeauty

    Creatine: The Must Have Supplement For Women

    Creatine? Yes, we’ve heard of it,*we’ve seen it, it’s a powder, its white, and guys take it to bulk, right? Thanks, I’ll pass. That’s probably the typical female reaction to this supplement, even for the mostdedicated gym rat. Why? Because the way it works is that, as it is explained to...
  18. drtbear1967


    <body id="cke_pastebin" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; left: -1000px;"><section class="ltpMr Slqrh" style="margin: 0px; padding: 2px 0px 0px; border-width: 1px 0px 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(239, 239, 239) rgb(0, 0, 0) rgb(0, 0...
  19. D

    First Try on MC Igf 1! What to expect and How to use Correctly

    Hello everyone, It`s my very first thread here... After reading a load of reviews I decided to give MC igf 1 a shot. I just bough 2 1mg Bottles. Question time... 1)Is the MC igf 1 already reconstituted with Acedic Acid or does it come in powder form ? 2)If it is readily reconstituted, is it...
  20. 5

    Prolactin issue and Anti-P

    So I have never ran any anabolic or growth before in my life; trained naturally for 10+ years; recently I took a supplement Follidrone 2.0(epicathen) and Hi-Tech laxogenin; they are considered natural anabolics but have really dont nothing for me in terms of strength and body composition...