
  1. R

    Cycle Advice to Keep Maximum Gains Post Cycle

    Hi there. I have done two cycles before in the last 2 years, first one was Test Prop only for 8 weeks, and the second one was Test, Tren and Winny for 10 weeks. I also finished my PCT on both cycles with Nolva and Clomid and ran Arimidex at 0.5mg EOD on cycle to avoid aromatization. I am...
  2. E

    Test E + Tbol + Win toughts

    Hi, I'm going to start my first cycle in about 2 weeks and I wanted to hear some opinions on it Week 1-12 - 500mg Test E Week 1-6 - 40mg Tbol Week 6-12 - 50mg Win During the cycle ill have around some Letrozole in case of gyno and as PCT ill run clomid and nolva Also ill supplement with NAC...
  3. W

    Cycle ideas...? What do you guys think..

    Ok I have 10 grams deca,10 grams eq, 20 grams test e, 2 grams anavar, 2 grams dianabol, 5 grams winstrol, 2 grams aromasin..5 grams nolva to start. Going to use all 3 anavar dbol and winstrol. Let me know I'll post what I'm thinking soon. Just gotta cap them and put the oils together.
  4. D

    Muscle Chemistry customer service

    I'm sure some of you are aware, for those of you who are not, or a bit concerned about the service or the products being 100%. Don't be!!!!! I just got into this a little over a year ago. Every time I've ordered from the MC store, I got a confirmation right away, then a follow up on the...
  5. B

    Need Cycle Advice (Cyp/Winstrol)

    Hello MC members, So I'm looking to run my first cycle! Very exciting for me. I'm looking for input as I have a few questions about AI'S/HCG. This is what my cycle is going to look like. Week 1-12 (Test Cyp 500mg/WK) Week 8-12 (Oral Winstrol 50mg/ED) Week 13-17 (Nolva @50,40,20,20) Week...
  6. Y

    What do you think? First cycle..need advice

    Hi everyone! After 3 years of working out, I have decided to run my first cycle! Age 25 Hight 179cm 5.8 Wight 80 kg 176 bf i less than 12% I have gone throw both cutting and bulking phase, i can say i know how do both. my goal is to add more clean mass .. should I run this cycle ? test...
  7. F

    Nolvadex for PCT

    Nolvadex PCT Nolvadex PCT use while perhaps not that exciting can be one of the most important factors to the performance enhancing athlete. A solid Nolvadex PCT plan can be the difference in keeping the gains made while on cycle and losing them and while you probably won’t be able to keep all...
  8. F

    Nolvadex Dosage

    Nolvadex Dosage Everyone always wants a cut and dry answer; one answer that fits their needs and everyone else’s but in the case of a Nolvadex dosage there is no set in stone cut and dry answer. A Nolvadex dosage can vary greatly depending on the purpose of use, individual needs and of course...
  9. D

    Tren Test Cycle

    This is my first post in a bit. I have been on a Tren ace 75mg every day and Test Prop 30mg every day cycle for 6 weeks. I have been cutting. This has been very effective fat dropped pretty fast, and still got a lot stronger. No terrible sides from the Tren, I do sweat, and very short of...
  10. A

    Beginner cutting cycle

    :wave:Hi Everyone I am planning to do a oral only Anavar cycle of 8 weeks. I am working out from last 10 years on and off. One year back i had a shoulder injury so i stopped the workout,now i am recovers from my shoulder injury completely. so again i started the gym two months back only,now...
  11. Iron Game

    Some Abbreviations Related to The Iron Game

    ALA= Alpha Lipoic Acid AS = Anabolic Steroids AAS = Anabolic Androgen Steroids AR = Androgen Receptor BA = benzyl alcohol BB = Benzyl Benzoate BB = Body Builder or Body Building BRO = You and I CASE = The body part of a syringe CC = cubic centimeter (one thousandth of a liter) CLEN = Clenbuterol...
  12. Iron Game

    Some Abbreviations Related to The Iron Game

    ALA= Alpha Lipoic Acid AS = Anabolic Steroids AAS = Anabolic Androgen Steroids AR = Androgen Receptor BA = benzyl alcohol BB = Benzyl Benzoate BB = Body Builder or Body Building BRO = You and I CASE = The body part of a syringe CC = cubic centimeter (one thousandth of a liter) CLEN = Clenbuterol...
  13. E

    Tren and Nolva

    Is there any harm in running Nolvadex and Tren simultaneously?
  14. S

    MC IGF1-LR3 First time.

    Ok, so I recently placed an order for some mc igf1. I'll be trying to keep this thing updated as I'm pretty excited to post results if I get them. I'm not sure what the shipping is, I ordered it on Saturday the 1st, it's now the sixth and I'm itching to get this stuff. A little about me...
  15. R

    nolva bloat,

    how much to use and how often? thanx
  16. R

    Nolva bloat

    how much, and how often?
  17. 3J

    AI's which one is the best for you

    article credit: Jimithing Part 1: I see alot of reference to ai's, their applications, which one is "best", and how often they should be taken inn addition to proper dosage. I have personally had experience with all 2 main ai's, in addition to doing a good bit of research on them as well. I...
  18. G

    For everybody who considering Epistane cycle (This Is My 6 Weeks Review)

    Hello guys, first, sorry for my English, its not my native language. I*train about 7 years and this winter I had my fourth cycle ever (1st in 2013 - Havoc, 2nd in 2015 - HDrol and 3rd in spring 2016 - SARM LGD4033, which was totally fail). I decided to try Epistane this winter, because my...
  19. G

    Fifth week of Epistane and some issues with breast/nipple (Quick Help Please)

    Hello guys, starting new thread because I kindly ask for the quick response. I am into fifth week of my Epistane cycle (1st cycle - epi - 2013, 2nd cycle - hdrol - 2014, 3rd cycle - epi - right now). I gain about 13 pounds yet, cycle goes pretty well and I had planned another week (overall 6...
  20. C

    My first cycle

    Hey guys been reading a lot of threads on here to wrap my head around my first cycle but thought I'd join and post so hopefully get a bit more help! im planning on doing my first cycle, (second cycle but I didn't do it as properly as I should have on my first) ill be running, 250mg test e p/w...