
  1. Presser

    Middle Aged & Middle Class 40 + Year Olds Taking Anabolic Steroids To Stay Young

    <h1>Middle Aged & Middle Class 40 + Year Olds Taking Anabolic Steroids To Stay Young</h1> I love the statement below! "EXPERTS" WARN!!! These middle age men with careers , and families etc..should send shivers down your spine lmao unreal Experts warn about growing number of men in their 40s...
  2. T

    For older lifters like me who still use

    Being 58, I'm having one helluva time retaining body weight, just 8 yrs ago I was 245 now I'm arounnd 205 give or take. I use almost same dose of gear, same anabolics and eat 5-6 times a day. Not shocking my strength has dropped considerably from then which seems to be about the age when older...
  3. big in vegas

    Cant Sleep on Tren Ace

    Second shot on trenbolone acetate for the first time in a year, and same sleepless nights! I was in bed by 11pm up until 5 this morning! Tossed in bed all night. I forgot how cranky I can be without sleep, and on top of trenbolones normal pleasant sides uh oh I hope its worth it this time...
  4. drtbear1967

    TRT Medical Uses of Testosterone

    Medical Uses of Testosterone and Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)Testosterone and its associated derivatives and analogues hold a plethora of medical application for the treatment of an almost infinite amount of conditions, debilitations, and diseases. There exist so many applications in...
  5. D

    Anadrol preworkout

    Instead of using dbol has anyone used anadrol as a pre workout. I’m wondering how well it would work if used occasionally or for short periods than a normal cycle
  6. drtbear1967


    theguerillachemist A lot of people ask me what are the best legal fat burning supplements. While I still think that nothing rivals the ephedrine/caffeine stack, this compound is probably the best one that’s available in supplement form. Rauwolscine AKA alpha-yomhimbe is a yohimbine isomer that...
  7. Presser

    Water Hydration Regimen As Important As Training, Nutrition and Supplement Regimen in Bodybuilders!

    Water In The Life Of a Bodybuilder Any athlete, as a professional and amateur, is aware of the importance of proper nutrition and sport mode. No less important is the correct drinking regime. Common man enough to drink 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. In sports, especially...
  8. Iron Game

    Low dose Steroid cycles - Truth and myth

    If you've read some of my posts on other boards, you probably already have seen that I advocate suggesting low doses for beginners. Why jump into 600mg per week of test as a first or second cycle when it is highly likely you will get great gains using 200-300mg (in initial cycles)? I keep...
  9. Iron Game

    Evening Vs. Morning Injections Of Growth Hormone?

    Evening versus morning injections of growth hormone (GH) in GH-deficient patients: effects on 24-hour patterns of circulating hormones and metabolites.Jørgensen JO1, Møller N, Lauritzen T, Alberti KG, Orskov H, Christiansen JS. Author information Abstract<abstracttext>Since serum GH in normal...
  10. Iron Game

    Cardarine (GW-501516), Tren and Burning Fat by Sarm Sciences

    Cardarine (GW-501516) aka Endurobol, Tren and Burning Fat Q) Is Endurobolic GW aka Cardarine a fat burner like Aqua-Burn and Cyto-Burn? A) . Endurobolic GW a.k.a. Cardarine GW-501516 dosent actually stimulate your metabolism like Aqua-Burn and Cyto-Burn. It increases preferential lipid...
  11. Iron Game

    Estrogen in Men

    Increased T/E ratio in men When testosterone levels are normal, and a man is experiencing signs of andropause, the hormonal culprit is usually estrogen (and chemicals that mimic the actions of estrogen), the female hormone. Both men and women have specific amounts of estrogen in their bodies...
  12. Iron Game

    Does Excessive Weight Loss in Female Competitors Cause Health Risks?

    by Matt Weik The industry today is definitely not lacking hardworking women. In fact, today there are more female competitors than ever before in the fitness industry. Their hard work and dedication to their craft is showcased on stages across the globe. That being said, many people believe the...
  13. Iron Game

    Testosterone - As We Age

    When we age, the available amount of the male sex hormone testosterone declines. What are the consequences and is it reversible or avoidable? On the path to the shopping mall, a small bent fragile man shuffles behind his rollator. His movements appear a little bit slowed down. His clothes fall...
  14. Iron Game

    Anabolics - Post Cycle Recovery

    Anabolics - Post Cycle Recovery Post-Cycle Recovery: How Long? When we discuss the side effects associated with steroid use, it is accurate to note that many of them (not all) are temporary. For example, oily skin, acne and increased water retention are all common side effects during a...
  15. M

    Trt prescription

    Hi all How can I go about getting trt prescription. I don't want to go to my insurance since sometimes they know nothing and even being low they will say it's normal Any mail order type prescription or something that makes it easier?
  16. Iron Game

    Evening vs Morning GH Administration - PubMed

    PubMed Article Summary: Quote - We conclude that the metabolic effects of sc GH injections are clearly influenced by the time of administration and that the closest similarity to normal hormone and metabolite patterns and relationships is reached by GH injection in the evening in GH-deficient...
  17. T

    TRT Blood Work Abnormal

    Need advice on test results. I'm 49 y/o and have been on 200 mg cyp weekly for 4 yrs. Testosterone levels range from 400-900, right in the normal range, however my blood work from recent test shows levels elevated to 930 and hemoglobin @ 17.3. I received a call from docs office saying that I...
  18. Iron Game

    Using Viagra/sildenafil or Cialis/tadalafil to Make More Testosterone

    Some erection drugs have anti-oestrogenic effect Erection drugs like Viagra/sildenafil or Cialis/tadalafil inhibit the enzyme PDE5, thus making erections easier. Andrologists at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' discovered that tadalafil at least also inhibits aromatase, the enzyme that...
  19. Iron Game

    Anavar For Muscle Growth

    Anavar was introduced as a remedy for wasting of muscles that was involuntary caused by diseases. Today, it’s abused as an Anabolic Steroid by athletes and bodybuilders who want their muscles to look bigger and well-toned. But should its extremely vital use deny patients their right to recovery...
  20. Presser

    H.C.G. During Your Steroid Cycle ~VERSUS~ H.C.G. Post Steroid Cycle. BIG DIFFERENCE !!!

    H.C.G. During Your Steroid Cycle ~VERSUS~ H.C.G. Post Steroid Cycle. (pct) When To Start Using HCG? Post Cycle Therapy aka "P.C.T." is essential after any steroid cycle. There has been a lot of great PCT protocols over the years, and many bodybuilders , and Athletes alike has garnered...