
  1. drtbear1967

    Don't Hyper focus on Nutrients.

    "Hyperfocusing on a single nutrient, e.g. saturated fats, can lead to a very skewed idea of what constitutes a “healthy” diet. As an example, consider sources of saturated fats. Coconut oil, beef, eggs, salmon and whole-milk yoghurt are all sources of saturated fats, but they all come with...
  2. T

    Best MCT oil??

    I'm trying something suggested to help heal my split abs and it involves eating caloric dense foods that take up less volume in my stomach, and macadamia nut oil came up but finding it is hard esp in grocery stores. Whats the next best mct oil? I'm thinking coconut oil....unless someone knows...
  3. U

    Test base help

    Been brewing for a year and I would like to make some test base . Anyone have any advice along with a good oil based recipe .
  4. C

    PIP after a year

    I have been on trt / cycling for over a year and literally still have PIP every injection, I have tried a couple different brands, and all the tricks out there to help but still... everytime very sore knots in my quads... Can't pin glutes or I can't squat that week.... I heat the oil, inject...
  5. Presser

    CBD for Bodybuilding & Fitness Recovery

    <article id="post-269" class="hentry post-269 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail category-bodybuilding-fitness-supplements tag-bodybuilding tag-cbd-oil tag-fitness-recovery tag-supplements" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; border...
  6. 1

    Should BA go in last?

    I am brand spanking new to home brew. I recently came across this site and this forum. AMAZING information here! After reading numerous recipes I have a simple question. Should I add the BA last? I found a winny recipe on this site where the commentors suggested adding the BA at the end. The...
  7. 70Nova

    Added Test to premade Vials

    Not sure what happen to my other thread - cant add replies to it - "spike up the test" ANYWAY... Nobody seemed to have an answer if I could take some vials on hand and redo it with added test. What I did was take 4 vials (2ml ea) of Test P 50mg/ml and added 1 gram Test C Simply heated a pan...
  8. Presser

    Bodybuilding Supplements Guide For Bodyuilders Just Getting Started

    Pop open the protein section of a 20-year-old diet book. It looks nothing like today's nutrition literature! It was thought that the human body needed 10-to-15 percent of its daily caloric intake from protein, a number still propagated by official government guidelines. Now, after extensive...
  9. Dean Destructo

    DD's Hairloss Help List . Stop that thinning!

    About in this order: 1. DUTASTERIDE (AVODART) This is the big one. Huge difference for me at .5 mg ED. As well as helping the prostate. 2. Nioxin Cleanser Shampoo 3. 10 min daily scalp massage 4. Aminexil 5. Cheap minoxidil 6. EMU oil (It worked for frontal thinning.) THINGS THAT DIDN"T...
  10. big in vegas

    Administering Different types Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Pellets, Cypionate Injection and Gel or Cream

    http://www.istestosteroneasteroid.com​ TRT Administering Guide. Time Release Testosterone Pellets Testosterone Cypionate Injections Testosterone Gels and Cream By Patrick Arnold Dr. Pete asked “Patrick, I’m assuming it’s not feasible to inject...
  11. Presser

    Injectable Dianabol Powder conversion / compounding recipe protocol

    2)250ml @ 80 mg/ml 20 gram of Methandrostenolone powder (1ml=1.12g)17.86ml 40ml BB 10ml BA 182.14ml Grapeseed Oil 3)250ml @ 80 mg/ml 20g Dianabol powder (1.12g/ml )17.86ml (1g=0.89ml) 60ml BB 15ml BA 157.14ml Grapeseed oil 4)100ml @ 50mg/ml dianabol 5g (5.6ml) 15%Guaiacol 2% BA...
  12. Presser

    Powder Conversion Instructions. Steroid Powder Compounding Recipes A-Z

    Powder Conversion Instructions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most of these recipes can be done with less than the recommended amounts of ba and bb, but you will need to change the amount of oil in the recipe if you do. Use the powder converter...
  13. Presser

    INJECTABLE Steroidal RECIPES And experimental high dose steroid recipes.

    INJECTABLE RECIPES And experimental high dose recipes.You will notice that it is incredible simple to produce steroids from your own home, guaranteeing dosage, guaranteeing quality. There are three simple ingredients each time; the Hormone (Raw) / Steroid Powder, Benzyl Benzoate and Benzyl...
  14. Presser

    How to choose right syringe filters and filter membranes

    How to choose right syringe filters and filter membranesHi guys, The texture of syringe filters include Nylon, PVDF, PTFE, MCE, CA, Glass Fiber, PP, PES. When choosing the texture of syringe filters, we need to consider pore diameter, chemical resistance( if can resist all carrier oils and...
  15. Presser

    Powder Conversion Recipies. Steroid Compounding

    Powder Conversion RecipiesHere are some recipes I found that I think need to be looked at. These are very good recipes and should help out many. Remember, unless you're putting a very small mg/ml in your brew then you should be better off to use 18 to 20 % BB. These recipes are set up for a 50%...
  16. Presser

    Who has used CBD Hemp Oil?

    I am just curious who has used CBD oil derived from hemp, and if it really does help you relax or sleep better etc... Seen a big sign at local supplement store and apparently people love this stuff. So i was curious is all, and for those of you who have used CBD oil not from hemp but from...
  17. krafa

    Castor Oil as Treatment of Joint Pain!!!

    Hi, Castor oil contains many anti-inflammatory components which help to prevent inflammation and some other common symptoms of Arthritis. To get relief from aching joints, massage the place with warm castor oil. You can also use cotton fabric for a massage which is overnight soaked in castor...
  18. M


    Hello im wondering if its possible to make usp oil yourself from grocery oil if yes i would like to know the proces of sterilizing it ready for homebrewing.
  19. Iron Game

    FAT ATTACK: Eat Fat - Burn Fat

    Pull Quote: While some fats are more prone to be taken up by fat (adipose) cells and stored as body fat, others are more likely to alter metabolism to favor fat-burning. For many years doctors and nutritionists were steering people away from “dreaded” fat assuming that fat in the diet was...
  20. Iron Game

    Diet Plan For Those Who Can't Gain Weight

    Meal 1 -Two large cage free organic eggs -One cup of egg whites -One cup of oats dry -Two slices of whole wheat or whole-grain toast -One cup of fruit any kind Meal 2 -6.5 and ounces of chicken breasts boneless and skinless -1 tablespoon of coconut or olive oil -One and a...