
  1. Iron Game

    Why does hemoglobin and hematocrit rise when using testosterone?

    The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 95, No. 10 4743-4747 Copyright © 2010 by The Endocrine Society Testosterone Suppresses Hepcidin in Men: A Potential Mechanism for Testosterone-Induced Erythrocytosis Eric Bachman, Rui Feng1, Thomas Travison1, Michelle Li, Gordana Olbina...
  2. Iron Game

    Classic Physique Is Coming on Strong!

    Matt Welk I know Steve Weinberger keeps saying that the open division is leading the industry and he might be right. However, you can’t deny the fact that Classic Physique isn’t knocking on the doorstep of their bigger counterparts. In fact, I think the Classic division is going to set the...
  3. yellow snow

    If you have ever had Pain, open this

    Trying to help the community out; if you have ever had a muscle or joint pain this book is a must have and read. It is simple enough for my teenage kids to read and use and is awesome as you get older. You all know that I am not a shill or troll, so check it out..................best book I...
  4. Masher59

    Steroid Use Over 40

    Anabolic Steroid Use Over Age Forty All Articles, Mike Arnold January 29, 2015 by Mike Arnold At some point during adulthood, the reality of our mortality begins to sink in, leading us to contemplate the consequences of our actions and re-evaluate our priorities. For most of us, this...
  5. Dean Destructo

    Hormonal changes and their impact on cognition and mental health of ageing men.

    Demographic changes resulting in ageing of the world's population have major implications for health. As men grow older, circulating levels of the principal androgen or male sex hormone testosterone (T) decline, while the prevalence of ill-health increases. Observational studies in...
  6. Presser

    Some serious Bodybuilding Inspiration for you Older Guys in your 30's and 40's

    Its from last Year, But he was still 44 years old, maybe 45 years old coming off one of his best years ever! So no excuses, go pound some fucking iron! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NCxHj-v7Qm4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. Presser

    Videos on Exercises Subforum here

    Im thinking of ading a subforum to this forum, the subforum would be videos of each exercise done properly. what do you guys think? I know sometimes we tend to overlook the basics, as a lot of us older guys seen and done it all, but we tend to forget theres always new guys and girls to...
  8. Presser

    Apologies for Traffic Crashing Site

    For anyone who was kicked off MuscleChemistry or couldnt log in, were very sorry! We are working to fix the issue, as when we reach 22-23k members online at once the vbulletin crashes, its not our server load, as we run on gigantic dedicated servers, and im told its the vbulletin software not...
  9. Presser

    Movie Review for "MegaMind" funny animation for adults and kids

    So this i think is older movie but we were looking for something to watch with the twins last night on VUDU and came across MegaMind Funny stuff, kids loved it as did wife and I! Two thumbs up, loads of famous actors in it!
  10. Presser

    Showtime Show "Happyish"

    SO i binge watched this series entire series, not bad, kind of funny, and probably even funnier to the older guys amongst us! Anyone watched it???
  11. J

    getting older? Take anti estrogen with test

    Getting older? Take anti-oestrogens with your testosterone As men age they start to react even less well to synthetic testosterone [structural formula shown below] than endocrinologists thought. According to a study done by the manufacturer of ProStrakan/Fortigel testosterone gel, published in...