
  1. M

    good first oral?

    So I'm hoping back on cycle soon. Test e and eq. I've never run an oral before and figured Since I'll have the extra finances to perhaps throw one in rather than trow another injectable as to not get to the dreaded eod pins yet as i'ma pansy lol! Any suggestions as to go with this cycle? And...
  2. guardianactual

    Q&A Adjusting Dosages thruout Cycle

    Q. Welcome + Glad to Have u Brother. I am constantly "ON"-TRT. So when I "cycle" or Boost I just don't feel the same "Bam" I'm on juice. I have recently experimented with adjusting my dose + changing compounds thru cycle which seems to be tricking the body (with minor sides,acne + ai...
  3. Presser

    oral primo steroid cycle, primo oral steroid cycle, primobolan cycle

    Oral Primobolan Cycle – Safe Steroid Cycle(Cutting cycles, Oral Cycles, Safe Steroids Cycles)Tagged Under : oral primo steroid cycle, primo oral steroid cycle, primobolan cycle Primobolan Steroid Cycle | Oral Primo Steroid Cycle | Safe Steroid Cycle | Methenolone Acetate Steroid Cycle Chart If...
  4. RagingWhoreMoan

    Pro-hormone stacks for Cutting, Mass and Strength Cycles

    Prohormone stacks Here are a number of prohormone stacks for those who are new to prohormones and attempting to reach various goals. The dosages given are general recommendations for a first cycle, and can be decreased for extra caution and increased on subsequent cycles if desired effects are...
  5. RagingWhoreMoan

    Prohormone stacks

    Prohormone stacks Here are a number of prohormone stacks for those who are new to prohormones and attempting to reach various goals. The dosages given are general recommendations for a first cycle, and can be decreased for extra caution and increased on subsequent cycles if desired effects are...
  6. RagingWhoreMoan

    Transdermal basics

    Q: What is transdermal delivery? Transdermal delivery is a method of delivering active drugs through the skin barrier, and is in many cases superior to other forms of delivery (oral, sublingual, etc). It involves applying active substances (such as prohormones) dissolved in a carrier (a...
  7. Presser

    Steroids Like Halotestin and Oral Turinabol for mass and/or strength cycles.

    Why Do You Rarely Discuss Steroids Like Halotestin and Oral Turinabol?BY BILL ROBERTS Q: “There are a lot of anabolic steroids that you only rarely mention like Halotestinand Oral Turinabol. Why is that, and are there times when actually one or more of them could be an optimal choice for a...
  8. guardianactual

    Q&A IFBB PRO oral tren

    Q. first time trying an oral...I have heard good things about gps oral tren (other than the toxicity).. and I was just curious as what should I expect to see while using so ikow weather to adjust my dosage up or down.. starting with 500mcgs 1 in the morning and other in afternoon for the first...
  9. guardianactual

    Q&A W/ IFBB Pro Eq dosing frequency and oral tren question

    Q. Hi just wondering is it just as effective pinning EQ 200mg eod totaling to 800 a week then just doing two 400mg pins twice per week ? As for tren besides possible severe liver damage overall what will give better results between oral tren and injectable tren ? I've used injectable in the past...
  10. guardianactual

    Q&A W/ IFBB Pro part 48 Oxandrolone Injectable

    Q. I trying to research the Oxandrolone Injectable but no information can be found. Please explain a)Oxandrolone Injectable has the same result like the Oral one; b) Dosage; c) Sides; d) is it painless injection sites. thanks you; e) can be mixed in the same syringe with other oil biased...
  11. guardianactual

    Q&A With IFBB PRO PART 13 Nutrition -IGF 1 lr3 - HGH - test - dianabol - anadrol

    Q. Im 35, 180 @ 8% BF and 5'11". 1st cycle at 21 I went from 145 to 160, at 25, from 160 to 180... Then slacked from gym until recently. At 32, from 165 to 185 and droped to 180 after waterLoss... Worked out non stop after cycle and got to about 175 @ 7%. But this past year i decided to bulk, in...