
  1. drtbear1967

    Clean Eating vs Healthy Eating

    Clean Eating vs. Healthy Eating by Mike Arnold “Are they one in the same?” Back in the 80’s, when the term “clean eating” became part of the bodybuilding vernacular, it was primarily used to describe a diet which was low in fat. Most bodybuilders of that era, and even into the...
  2. Iron Game

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy - HRT

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy You say you want some information about test therapy and it's benefits? You say you haven't found any articles or studies? Well bunky this is your lucky day. Boy did you come to the right place or what. As men age past year 40, hormonal changes occur that...
  3. Iron Game

    Young Female Athletes: The Risks

    Young Female Athletes: The Risks by Matt Weik Many kids and young adults these days engage in athletics. For some its recreational and for others it’s organized competition. One thing many don’t focus on is the nutritional aspect and what it could be doing to young athletes’ bodies...
  4. Iron Game

    Using Viagra/sildenafil or Cialis/tadalafil to Make More Testosterone

    Some erection drugs have anti-oestrogenic effect Erection drugs like Viagra/sildenafil or Cialis/tadalafil inhibit the enzyme PDE5, thus making erections easier. Andrologists at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' discovered that tadalafil at least also inhibits aromatase, the enzyme that...
  5. Iron Game

    Performance Enhancing Drugs: The Truth Part 1 of 3

    Chemical Enhancement: The Truth37 Facts You Need to Know - Part 1 TEAM MD First of a three-part series Muscular Development covers the bodybuilding industry better than anyone else on the planet, because we educate readers on how to build muscle, burn fat and enhance performance through all...
  6. Iron Game

    Anadrol Kicks Ass - Here's Why.

    Anadrol Kicks Ass - Here's Why. If you’re looking for serious size and bulk in short order, then you can’t do much better than Anadrol, the common trade name for the anabolic steroid oxymetholone. First marketed by Syntex as “Anadrol 50,” this drug has been around since the 1960s as a compound...
  7. Iron Game

    Anabolic and Androgenic Ratings Explained

    Anabolic and Androgenic Ratings Explained Testosterone is used as a baseline standard that all other anabolic steroids are measured against. Every anabolic steroid has its own anabolic and androgenic value. These values explain a lot about the steroid, and they help to determine what the...
  8. Iron Game

    Steroid Corner - Side Effects of Aromatase Inhibitors

    Steroid Corner - Side Effects of Aromatase InhibitorsMost bodybuilders who use anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) have used an aromatase inhibitor to prevent the otherwise inevitable estrogen excess that accompanies the use of supraphysiologic dosing of testosterone and other aromatizable AAS...
  9. Iron Game

    AAS Ratings Explained

    Anabolic and Androgenic Ratings Explained Testosterone is used as a baseline standard that all other anabolic steroids are measured against. Every anabolic steroid has its own anabolic and androgenic value. These values explain a lot about the steroid, and they help to determine what the...
  10. Iron Game

    Deca vs NPP

    by Mike Arnold Nandrolone Decanoate, affectionately known as “Deca” in the bodybuilding community, is one of the most popular steroids ever produced. For decades this drug enjoyed considerable success on the blackmarket and within the pharmaceutical industry, being used for both muscle-building...
  11. Iron Game

    17-aa Oral Steroid Liver Damage Hype

    <tbody> by Mike Arnold When it comes to the discussion of oral AAS, one topic I see come up more frequently than anything else is the fear of developing liver toxicity. This has led many BB’rs to administer these drugs for very brief periods of time, long before they have reached...
  12. Masher59

    TRT and Aging

    Trt male hormones and aging Quote: As men age past age 40, hormonal changes occur that perceptibly inhibit physical, sexual, and cognitive function. The outward appearance of a typical middle-aged male shows increased abdominal fat and shrinkage of muscle mass, a hallmark effect of hormone...
  13. Iron Game

    Breaking Research Shows New Benefits for Nandrolone

    THE CASE FOR NANDROLONE - BREAKING RESEARCH SHOWS NEW BENEFITS Written by William Llewellyn The Case for NandroloneBreaking Research Shows New Benefits I find the growing medical acceptance of anabolic steroid therapy for age-related hormone (androgen) decline in men to be quite remarkable...
  14. Dean Destructo

    trenbolone protects against loss of femoral bone mineral density and structural strength

    SUMMARY:<abstracttext label="SUMMARY" nlmcategory="CONCLUSIONS">In males, visceral obesity and androgen deficiency often present together and result in harmful effects on bone. Our findings show that both factors are independently associated with adverse effects on femoral bone structure and...
  15. Iron Game

    Another Look at the Basic's of Testosterone

    Testosterone the basics By by Dana Ohl, M.D. Associate Professor of Surgery University of Michigan I. Introduction Androgen use is very prevalent in society. Much of this is due to androgen abuse among athletes and bodybuilders, where black market androgen abuse has reached epidemic...
  16. jimbosmith316

    Bodybuilder Stacie Gladwell Pleasant View competitor:"Bodybuilding is the foundation of all sports"

    MILF? lol I'd tap dat! Stacie Gladwell, from Pleasant View, began bodybuilding four years ago after she fractured her hip and was diagnosed with osteopenia, a condition characterized by low bone density, which may be a precursor to osteoporosis. To improve her health, she changed her diet and...
  17. Masher59

    Ipamorelin (Legitimate HGH Substitute)

    All About Ipamorelin (Legitimate HGH Substitute?) For those of you who are completely new to Peptide Science, take this as a rapid crash course in growth hormone secretagogues. What is Ipamorelin? Ipamorelin has of recently been making rounds, especially in experienced anabolic and peptide...
  18. Iron Game

    The Implications of Cortisol Release

    By: David Robson To increase muscle size and correspondingly reduce body fat one needs to ensure that all aspects of the bodybuilding lifestyle are adhered to. Essentially, a correct bodybuilding lifestyle could be best described as a complex balancing act, and to complicate matters further...
  19. Masher59

    6 Reasons Women Should Lift

    6 Reasons Women Should Lift Lifting is about more than building muscle, although it undoubtedly helps carve a killer physique. <tbody> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 32 32" title="Facebook" alt="Facebook" class="at-icon...
  20. Iron Game

    What are SARMS and how can they help me?

    What are SARMS and how can they help me? What EXACTLY are SARMS? The term SARMS stands for “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.” Androgens are a class of hormones that serve as ligands that bind to cellular androgen receptors. The androgen receptor is involved in a complex signal...