performance enhancement

  1. Presser

    Peptide Cycles Beginners Advanced Bodybuilders. Dosage Samples HGH frag, CJC 1295 dac #1 in Quality and Customer Service of Research Chemicals and Peptides. Peptides: GHRP-2 GHRP-6 , Melanotan 2 , MGF , HGH Frag 176 191, sermorelin , CJC 1295 MOD GRF , PT 141, Hexarelin, Ipamorelin , b12 complex, TB 500 Thymosin Beta 4, Sterile Water, CJC...
  2. dorian123


    wanting some opinions here on my next cycle thinking of running test C at 600-750 mg/week what should I run with it? been running deca with test for the past 3 years now was thinking of maybe changing it up? opinions? MORE ON IMGUR
  3. akn

    IGF-1 lr3 the Anabolic Muscle Builder. Better Then HGH

    What is IGF1-LR3 IGF-1 is basically a legal polypeptide hormone that has the same some of the same molecular properties as insulin. IGF dose actually stand for insulin-like growth factor. IGF-1 is mainly responsible for long bone growth in children and it also affects muscle growth and...
  4. Presser

    IGF-1 lr3 aka Long R3 IGF-1 FAQ cycle doses use. Best Peptide IGF-1 lr3

    The use of peptides by bodybuilders is still relatively new... so in an attempt to find out more about their applications and benefits I interviewed one of the premier research scientists at a lab responsible for their production. IGF 1 lr3 Growth Factor -1 / Peptide: ((...
  5. Presser

    Deca, Winstrol, Proviron cycle dosages for lean cutting steroid cycle

    Cutting & Lean Mass CycleIngredients: 300 tabs of Dianabol 5 mg, 10 x 2 ml vials of Testosterone Cypionate (or Enanthate) 250 mg, 10 x 2 ml vials of Deca Durabolin 200 mg, 4 x 1 ml vial of HCG 5000 u.i. Comments: This is an excellent bulking cycle based on Testosterone Cypionate and Deca...
  6. gandhisays

    Testosterone Suspension. TNE Test No Ester in Oil or Waterbased Injection

    Testosterone Suspension Testosterone Suspension is the oldest steroid ever created. Basically it is pure testosterone without any ester attached to it. This has its disadvantages because without any ester the testosterone won’t last very long in the body and will probably need to be...
  7. Presser

    Clenbuterol FAQ. How to cycle Clen and Clen Side Effects and Doses

    Clenbuterol FAQ How to cycle Clen and Clen Side Effects and Doses Carries The Best Clenbuterol! Clenbuterol FAQ: Everything you need to know about Clen I wrote this because of all the confusion that surrounds this drug. Enjoy. What is Clenbuterol? Clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist and is...
  8. Presser

    Trenbolone (Acetate / Enanthate). Tren Steroid Cycles and Dosages

    Trenbolone Acetate & Enanthate information Name: Trenbolone (Acetate / Enanthate) Other common names and terms: Tren, Tren Acne, Tren E, Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate, Fina Active Life: Ester dependant Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Detection...
  9. Boomer

    turinabol Turaject - (injectable t-bol)

    Has anyone had any experiance with this ? Injectable turnabol. what could you compare it too? i cant say ive heard of it before. what are the gains like, is it an ed or eod injectable? any info about it would be great thanks guys
  10. swole27

    Any point in taking Masteron and Proviron together?

    Any point in taking Masteron and Proviron together or should my lab rat take test propionate and proviron? And if the rat takes proviron with the test propionate, will the proviron help with less water retention from the propionate?