
  1. Presser

    225lbs Bench Repetition Contest - Bodybuilders versus Football Players

    225lbs Bench Repetition Contest - Bodybuilders versus Football Players. Combine Style! I love It. Anyone here know their Max Reps for 225lbs ? I do and posted it here many years ago with the video. Anyways, cool stuff here <iframe width="854" height="480"...
  2. 9

    NFL Players Who Tried MMA

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. drtbear1967

    Real Anabolic Usage in the US

    by John Romano Just Say No. Well, Maybe. Every sports federation on earth has banned steroid use. In the U.S., there are federal and state laws against their importation, manufacturing, sale, and distribution, with penalties as high as 30 years in...
  4. Iron Game

    NHL and Anabolic Steroids

    NHL and steroids consumption The use of steroid in NHL has been in the spotlight for a long time especially during the 1990’s. At this period, the league saw a lot of player performing the best with many teams outshining others in their performances at amazing paces. This was attributed to the...
  5. Iron Game

    Trust the Process — Perfection

    Trust the process. We hear this all the time, but what exactly is it and what does it mean? The process is the plan that the head coach has laid out for the program. It is the plan that is driven by the relentless pursuit of success. It is a step-by-step, rep-by-rep, long-term plan that is the...
  6. Presser

    NFL Players Testing Positive for PED Steroids from Eating Meat from Mexico and China. Clenbuterol

    The NFL Players Association put out a warning to its players that if they were eating meat from Mexico or China, there was a chance that the meat could be tainted with steroids. It sounds crazy to think that a positive test could result from a burger, but this is real and there are not only a...
  7. Presser

    MLB Players Testing Positive for PED Turinabol dehydrochlormethyltestosterone (DHCMT)

    Major League Baseball is expected to announce in the next few days that another player has tested positive for the steroid Turinabol, a drug that was commonly used by East German athletes in the 1970s. The positive test is one of a handful being processed, two sources familiar with the cases...
  8. Presser

    Can I fail a drug test at work for steroids. How do they test for anabolic steroids. WADA checks athletes testosterone and epitestosterone Ratio

    Can Urine Drug Test show Steroids? Many athletic groups, including the IOC, or International Olympics Commission, use a variety of methods to test for anabolic steroids in athletes’ bodies. The most common method used for steroid testing is urinalysis, although some companies and...
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    Pro Athlete Arrest Rates

    Although NFL athletes are often in the news for domestic violence, DUIs and other transgressions, NBA athletes actually commit more 'crimes'. In work done last summer over at fivethityeight, Ben Morris showed that NFL athletes actually commit crimes at lower rates than the general...
  10. C

    NBA to institute HGH testing

    NEW YORK (AP) — NBA players will be blood tested for human growth hormone beginning next season. The league and the Players Association announced Thursday that HGH testing will start during training camp next fall. All players will be subjected to three random, unannounced tests annually -- two...