
  1. Gofigure_24

    Primobolan Acetate

    Brand new to the threads. I am an experienced figure competitor. I earned my pro card competing in drug-tested natural shows and I am now interested in trying out some shows that are not drug-tested and reaching higher physiological goals. I am 4 weeks into my very first 6 week cycle of Anavar...
  2. Iron Game

    Protecting the Liver During Anabolic Steroid Use

    Q: “What can I do with my anabolic steroid cycle planning to help protect my liver?” A: First, liver harm from anabolic steroids comes principally or entirely from alkylated anabolic steroids. Where the steroids are non-alkylated and estradiol levels remain normal, there’s almost never harm to...
  3. Iron Game

    What Anabolic Steroid Cycles Did Bodybuilders Use During Schwarzenegger’s Time?

    Q: “I’m a middle-aged lifter seriously considering starting cycling. With the last 10 years straight being consistent and I think good quality training, and many years before that being off-and-on, more of the same isn’t likely to add much more for me. I’m a lot more interested in what the guys...
  4. Iron Game

    Using Steroids - 40 and Over- Deca, Testosterone, ETC

    Using Steroids - 40 and Over Let’s face it. At around 40 we all start to see signs of aging. It can’t be denied any longer at that point. You aren’t ready to be old. Some of us have been athletes all of our lives and are not ready to be fat and happy sitting in a sports bar watching ball on a...
  5. Iron Game

    Stacking Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

    Q: What is the premise of stacking and what anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can be stacked? A: The concept of stacking dates back decades, essentially to the beginning of non-medical anabolic steroid use. These drugs were used medically long before athletes began to utilize them for...
  6. S

    Long primo/gh run

    I'm new here, long time lifter. I'm 51 yo and do typical trt base with occasional moderate cycle now and again. I'm thinking about a different approach for the next 12 mos or longer. I have not used gh before but ready to start. So I'm thinking about the following. primobolan 500mg/wk test...
  7. Presser

    Ostarine protocol for raising the dosage week by week throughout cycle

    Ostarine (MK-2866) (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) The first question we need to ask: Is Ostarine suppressive? Since I first suggested the use of Ostarine in PCT over 3 years ago, not much has changed. Ostarine is suppressive at certain doses but at...
  8. Presser

    Rich Piana Get big as Fuck Steroid Cycle. LMAO or as I like to call it, the entire steroid half life chart

    Rich Piana recently published the details of his next anabolic steroid cycle in two Instagram posts on December 10, 2015. He called it the “get BIG as FUCK” steroid cycle program. Within a couple of days, the posts each received almost 5,000 likes and another 1,000 comments. Judging by the...
  9. Iron Game

    Clomid FAQ

    Something I put together that may help some of the new comers out there as well as some of the more experienced. Question: What is Clomid? Answer: Clomid is a synthetic estrogen and is generally prescribed by doctors to trigger ovulation in females. Question: Why Should Bodybuilders use...
  10. Presser

    The Evolution Of Steroids & Other Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) selective androgen receptor modulators (SARM’s) aromatase inhibitors, SERMS

    <h1>The Evolution Of Steroids & Other Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) selective androgen receptor modulators (SARM’s) aromatase inhibitors, SERMS,(PED’s include diuretics, β2-agonists & inhibitors, narcotic analgesics, cannabinoids, a variety of CNS stimulants, corticosteroids, selective...
  11. Iron Game

    Steroids Deca, Primo, anavar and Winstrol for Women. Virilization from nandrolone and higher doses for female competitors

    Good article on steroids for women. I found this on another site but thought it might make good for our members. Enjoy... Steroids for Women One must always remember that steroids are not a fat loss supplements but rather specifically designed to build muscle. If you want to shed those...
  12. Iron Game

    Coming off STEROIDS

    Coming off STEROIDS The reasons why athletes voluntarily or willy-nilly discontinue steroids are various - One of the main reasons which speak for an interruption of the steroid regime are, as the above example has shown, certain possible health risks. Some discontinue steroids simply out of...
  13. Iron Game

    Winstrol & Women

    Winstrol & Women By kodiakGrrl Winstrol, or "winny", is one of the steroids most commonly suggested for women (along with anavar and primobolan). Winstrol comes in both oral and water-based injectable form. Although I have found it in an oil based injectible which is preferable to the...
  14. Iron Game


    BOLDENONE UNDECENOATE Boldane - (Squibb, Germany) Vebonol - (Ciba-Geigy Agrochemicals, UK; Ciba-Geigy, Australia, vet) BOLDENONE UNDECYLENATE Drive - (Australia) Equibold Equipoise - (Squibb) Pace - (Jurox Labs, Australia) - never been made, all counterfits. Parenabol - (Ciba) Sybolin -...
  15. Iron Game

    Winny, Winstrol, stanozolol

    Winstrol, or "winny", is one of the steroids most commonly suggested for women (along with anavar and primobolan). Winstrol comes in both oral and water-based injectable form. Although I have found it in an oil based injectible which is preferable to the water based, which has to be injected...
  16. M

    New member

    Hi, just wanted to introduce myself around the forum and get some advice on a new cycle I plan to run. Stats: Weight: 215lbs Height: 5'11" Body fat: 10% Age: 25 Former professional fighter so the cycles I ran previously were mainly low dose test prop with either anavar, masteron, EQ or...
  17. Iron Game

    Common Types of Anabolic Steroids

    There are numerous types of steroids; in-fact, there are hundreds of variations found in nature, but of course, for our purposes we’re only concerned with anabolic androgenic steroids. Within this group, again we have numerous types of steroids; numerous forms, variations and derivatives, and...
  18. Iron Game

    Albuterol Cycle

    As with nearly all stimulants based fat loss compounds, and most fat loss compounds in general, Albuterol cycles and the manner in which Albuterol can be used is very limited. Because it is almost exclusively used as a fat burning compound, the types of Albuterol cycles run are typically cycles...
  19. D

    Anavar vs Primobolan: Which is Faked More?

    Curious to get some's opinions on which one, Anavar or Primo, is faked more. Whether it be a finished product or raw, which one have you had or heard of being no good, something other than what is was supposed to be (anavar or primo), or low in quality.
  20. Iron Game

    Yates-Levrone-Ray Talk Anabolic Steroids

    June 2, 2015 The Lowdown On Drugs Part 1 Kevin Levrone, Shawn Ray & Dorian Yates Speak Out There have always been plenty of lies and misinformation about steroids and other PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs). Things took a turn for the worse as the Internet made it possible to disseminate bad...