
  1. drtbear1967

    Stick with it, it is all about being persistence.

    by Josh Hodnick Experience has shown me that a large number of people that begin a new workout and diet program, do so with unrealistic expectations. With two-thirds of the American population being overweight, and one-third being obese, countless weight-loss programs are being marketed to...
  2. drtbear1967

    Do Pro BB Have the Right to Not Post Progress Pics?

    by Matt Weik In an industry that is judged on appearance, do bodybuilders have the right to hide their physique during their prep, or do they owe it to the fans to showcase their progress leading up to the show? Contractual Selfie Stick? Personally, in my opinion I feel as if bodybuilders...

    How I tell everything is on point

    I know some people judge progress based on scale weight gained or lost. Some focus on everyday beach muscles like chest, arms, ect. After all who doesn't like the feeling after a chest or arm workout. Am I nuts because I judge my progress and get off on hams and rear delts?
  4. LeatherHead

    Anyone Else on Instagram?

    I've been using my instagram as a video/photo journal of some of my training and progress on this journey to my first show. Just wondering if anyone else on here uses it. It's funny to see how far some things have already changed on me in a few short weeks. I'm 11 weeks out now, and I have a...
  5. Iron Game

    Study Shows ARA Breaks Plateau In Training

    The news pretty much changes our whole understanding of how and when we grow. It begins with the word plateau, something every weightlifter knows well. Also known as “hitting the wall”, it is that dreaded point in your training where muscle and strength gains have stagnated. You continue to put...
  6. Iron Game

    Ways You Could Be Killing Your Progress

    We all make mistakes in life, that’s how we learn and grow. Well, the same principle can be used when it comes to our overall health and fitness progress. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or advanced exerciser, anyone can fall into a trap if they aren’t careful. If you don’t understand...
  7. Iron Game

    4 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss Progress Has Stalled

    How many of you started your weight loss journey and the weight started dropping like bird poop on a clear day in July? Then all of a sudden it was like your body started pumping the brakes and your weight loss progress seemed to have slowed down or even stopped all together? Well, you aren’t...
  8. Iron Game

    #1 Factor in Gaining Muscle or Losing Bodyfat

    ​Persistence by Josh Hodnick Experience has shown me that a large number of people that begin a new workout and diet program, do so with unrealistic expectations. With two-thirds of the American population being overweight, and one-third being obese, countless weight-loss programs are being...
  9. Chocolate Rain

    3J Program Progress Log

    I've decided to finally take the plunge and see what I could achieve with 3J's help along the way. Just a little background I am 6'1" 280 currently sitting at around 25-28%BF just guesstimating. With 3J's help I plan to cut quite a bit of body fat here in the next few months see if I can finally...
  10. J


    Feel as if I need to add or change to progress more what do you suggest in order to progress more other than proper diet and training
  11. squidfarken

    quick question to admin

    Hey guys I want to start a thread with my training progress, where should I post it? Cheers.
  12. The Dude

    Got my training partner back!

    So today will be the first complete rotation Silk and I have done together in nearly two years. This is Silks return to the gym after over a one year layoff due to health issues and my circumstances. It has been amazing. Workouts are so much more rewarding and I feel like I can focus on getting...
  13. Iron Game

    IFBB Pro Derek Leverant Guest Posing At The 2016 NPC Progress & Pride Classic

    IFBB Pro Derek Leverant Guest Posing At The 2016 NPC Progress & Pride Classic, <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  14. Iron Game

    Study: bodybuilders grow on 10mg dianabol per day

    Study: bodybuilders grow on 10mg dianabol per day Way back in 1975, sports scientists at Manchester University in England made a discovery that mainstream science would only come to accept twenty years later. The researchers gave bodybuilders who worked out in fitness centres pills containing...
  15. Masher59

    5 tips for your next Mass phase

    FIVE TOP TIPS FOR YOUR NEXT MASS GAIN PHASE 0 Is this your first shot at getting big? Or have you already been around the mass-gaining block a couple of times? Whatever the case, you've got to get your training, diet, and MIND in the right place.If you're a skinny guy, every missed meal means...
  16. akn

    Are Heavy Weights Necessary for Maximizing Muscle Growth?

    by Mike Arnold It seems like just yesterday that every aspiring bodybuilder was following the example of men like Dorian Yates and Ronnie Coleman, who were known for lifting ungodly amounts of weights on a near daily basis. But over the last 10 or so years bodybuilders seem to have moved away...
  17. 3J

    Tax Season Sale! 3Js online nutritional/training coaching

    Its tax season!!! Why not spend some of that uncle same money on bettering your nutrition and making that next cycle count!!! Gain lean weight, lose fat while minimizing muscle loss. Let 3J personally coach you through the whole process!!! For the rest of march, the 6 month 500 dollar...
  18. Presser

    Myostatin inhibition a therapeutic strategy to promote muscle

    This review summarizes recent progress in the development of myostatin inhibitors for the treatment of muscle wasting disorders. It also focuses on findings in myostatin biology that may have implications for the development of antimyostatin therapies. Recent findings There has been progress...
  19. 3J

    The Steroid Nutrition Connection by 3J

    THE STEROID AND NUTRITION CONNETION BY: 3J WWW.3JSDIET.COM There seems to be this mythological idea in the amateur bodybuilding community that the use of steroids only allows for temporary muscle gain. In other words, many mistakenly believe that the gains that you see while...
  20. 3J

    The Steroid Nutrition Connection by 3J

    THE STEROID AND NUTRITION CONNETION BY: 3J WWW.3JSDIET.COM There seems to be this mythological idea in the amateur bodybuilding community that the use of steroids only allows for temporary muscle gain. In other words, many mistakenly believe that the gains that you see while...