
  1. IronJulius

    PharmaComStore football contest

    First game #9 Florida vs #7 Georgia Second game Saints vs Vikings Pick the winner of each game and total points scored without going over Winner of each gets $200 toward Dragon Pharm test (prop, sust, cyp or enan) You get to guess each game once a day
  2. IronJulius

    PharmaComStore Football Contest

    #6 Michigan vs #24 Michigan State Pick winner and total points scored without going over You get 1 pick per day and only 1 winner so make sure you check the previous picks $200 store credit toward Dragon Pharm testosterone (prop, sust, enan, cyp)
  3. blacktail

    January cycle thoughts

    Ok working on my January cycle and would like some input. 1-12 prop at 150 EOD 1-10 NPP at 150 EOD 1-4 Androl at 50mg ED 1-12 Proviron at 25mg ED What AI do you suggest? I have always ran nolva but am open to something better. And finally caber at .5 twice a week. Never done drol before and...
  4. IronJulius

    PharmaComStore football contest

    #2 Georgia vs #13 LSU Pick winner and total points scored without going over You get 1 pick per day and only 1 winner so make sure you check the previous picks $200 store credit toward Dragon Pharm testosterone (prop, sust, enan, cyp)
  5. Y


    hey guys is there any one who is master of steroids out there, please help me out i am new to steroids.... and by googling and reading some articles i have find out for a cutting cycle steroids and plan MOTIVE OR GOAL: aesthetic physique week:1-6 test e 500mg/wk EOD, equipoise 400mg/wk EOD...
  6. Muscle mechanic

    What y'all cruise at??

    Was just wondering what do u guys cruise at?? Or how long do y'all run TRT dose? I myself like to run higher than TRT. But long ester test seems to raise my blood count too much. I am looking into other things that don't that are pretty safe and not raise red blood cells. Different combos...
  7. blacktail


    Ok been on test E 600mg week and deca 400mg for 5 weeks now with a 4 week prop kick start but tonight I noticed a huge difference! Did chest and tris tonight and holy shit the pumps where outrageous! I have used deca in the past but this is unlike what I have experienced prior. Last run with it...
  8. blacktail

    prop to start test e

    Ok week 4 is this Friday of prop, test E and deca. should that be long enough time for the test E to get fully into my system or should I roll another week of prop to make sure? Been doing 50 mg ED of prop and I love it!
  9. N

    how to tell difference between t prop and t enanthate?

    Hi, I have sachets (packets) of both. I thought I knew which was which, both in same type of sachet. But I may have got them mixed up. I should have asked when I first got them what the discreet labelling translates to. They look very similar in color. From what I know, prop will hurt, when...
  10. blacktail

    ordered today!

    Place my order for prop today! Never done prop so I was thinking ED 75mg for 6 weeks along with rest E at 600 and deca at 400 for 16 weeks. Should have some good mass gains from that!
  11. AuronTidus


    Hello Guys, since I am new to this Forum, I would like to do a quick introdutcion. I am 28 years old from germany. Training for 8 years. Start juicin' after 5 years of training. Have done several diets, cycles etc. Currently on test prop and mast prop 3x/week (year round) and low dose winny...
  12. drtbear1967

    Best Diet when running TREN

    I hear all the time that everyone is running a clean diet. That they are seeing the fat melt off of them when they are running tren a and prop. So instead of beating a dead horse let give some specifics. What is the best diet when running test prop and tren a?
  13. E

    Dosing masteron prop

    I just got a small order if mast prop. Small and prop because I want to see how I respond to this stuff and I figure if it doesn't agree with me it will clear quickly, and hopefully any side effects will also, hopefully. I've never used a short ester in anything. It's dosed 100 mg/ml. So, if I...
  14. zuke

    5 weeks into my test prop cycle

    hello guys i am back.5 weeks into my first test prop cycle and this is my 6 th week so far so side effects got some descent gains not great though.i had low test when i started the cycle it was 177 and my doctor told to go ahead with the cycle.and now the question is if i should up my...
  15. Mountain_Man

    Mbp tbol tren ace and prop

    Love there product
  16. Iron Game

    My First Steroid Cycle...SOME GOOD OPTIONS

    Here is a person that I feel is ready to run their first cycle. A person that has reached at least the age 21 (IMO 25 is a better age), has their diet and training in check, and has also researched enough about AAS to not have to ask all the "newbie questions. Remember this is your body and...
  17. Iron Game

    Steroid Cycles for the Newbie - Intermediate

    by TheMudMan Here is a person that I feel is ready to run their first cycle. A person that has reached at least the age 21 (IMO 25 is a better age), has their diet and training in check, and has also researched enough about AAS to not have to ask all the "newbie questions. Remember this is your...
  18. The Dude

    NPP Cycle questions

    I've never used this stuff as it should be. Just threw some in one time until my Deca arrived. I keep hearing about it. I only do low dose stuff now. I was thinking of maybe trying 100mg of NPP, 100mg of Test prop EOD, with maybe something else?? I'll be using IGF. My goal will only be a denser...
  19. Mountain_Man

    TNE or TEST PROP for pre-workout?

    I hate base products to hard to time and judge and keep bloods stable I'm old and a dinosaur but prop for me every day of the week lol what is everyone else's thoughts on this ?????
  20. T

    PCT-Shop Best sponsor ever!

    Test Prop, Tren Ace, Mast Prop, and a little TNE Sweet norma and my girlfriends var - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - <a...