
  1. Masher59


    <section class="main-container" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 22px;">Masteron InformationArticle by mad_cereal_lover – MuscleTalk Moderator Pharmaceutical Name: Drostanolone Propionate /...
  2. Presser

    Large amounts of Trenbolone acetate hormone residue in the live stock you eat! lmao

    I will summerize what this is about, Are you the consumer ingesting trenbolone acetate hormone residue from treated heifers aka live stock, aka the fucking meat you eat. steak! pubmedPharmacological and endocrinological studies on anabolic agents.Abstract<abstracttext>When used in connection...
  3. Iron Game

    DMSO - for sprains and strains

    DMSO - for sprains and strains DMSO stands for Dimethyl Sulfoxide—an organic solvent with numerous biological and therapeutic properties. DMSO is best known for helping with musculo-skeletal injuries and disorders such as strains, sprains, fractures, and a range of arthritic conditions. In...
  4. Iron Game

    Prostaglandins: PGE1 &amp; PGE2 Secret to Muscle Building...

    Prostaglandins: PGE1 & PGE2 Secret to Muscle Building... Since World War II one major bodybuilding trend has remained constant: Every year the athletes are both bigger and leaner. Obviously, the athletes who are the champions know some things that the others ignore. In the early 1950s the...