
  1. F

    The Finestgears Lab Testing Results Product Thread

    Welcome to the Finestgears Lab Testing Results Product Thread. In this thread we will continue to post new labs tests for all of our products. At Finestgears, we understand the importance of trust and transparency and make this a priority to all of our customers. Our credibility and reliability...
  2. F

    The Finestgears Lab Testing Results Product Thread

    Welcome to the Finestgears Lab Testing Results Product Thread. In this thread we will continue to post new labs tests for all of our products. At Finestgears, we understand the importance of trust and transparency and make this a priority to all of our customers. Our credibility and reliability...
  3. T

    My experience w Clen

    Now Im officially over the hill about a month ago I went on clen, 20mcg/day then upped to 40 a few weeks later. Ive done clen pre-contest many yrs ago and my body acclimated to it very well. But now at my age, not so. I had shakes so bad writing was challenging and God forbid I use a small hand...
  4. yourmuscleshop

    Best retailer & wholesaler of bodybuilding Gear

    We provide high quality steroids at your doorstep in USA ➢ Secured USA domestic shipping ➢ Fast results ➢ Guaranteed same day shipping (We ship within 24hrs from USA) Kindly visit: Your Muscle Shop for Health Products - Your Muscle Shop
  5. J


    We provide a tra*****# with every order for peace of mind. Order and pay by 4pm pst and you will get a trac****# same day.
  6. N

    ANNOUNCEMENT - Call for Volunteers - All expenses paid, FREE products and much more!

    Hello members, NAPSGEAR is looking for five of you to help us test our products. You must be willing to provide Blood Test results for any of the below - TESTE 250 TEST Cyp 250 TEST Prop 100 For participating in this, you must fulfill the following criteria: You must be a member for over one...
  7. drtbear1967

    How to make gains. Simple but not easy.

    Muscle grows as long as we provide enough building blocks to built it (food & mainly protein) and the right stimuli to force the adaptation (training). ⁣ ⁣ We all know that.. but for as "simple" as that may sound, it's actually not easy, for multiple reasons. ⁣ ⁣ First of all it takes *TIME* to...
  8. drtbear1967

    Understanding Macronutrients.

    Macronutrients provide the energy (measured in calories) we need to maintain life and perform physical work. As you probably know, there are three main macronutrients that provide energy: Protein, Carbs, and Fats. Some macronutrients (like carbs or fats) are often put in a bad light because of...
  9. drtbear1967

    Understanding Macronutrients.

    Macronutrients provide the energy (measured in calories) we need to maintain life and perform physical work. As you probably know, there are three main macronutrients that provide energy: Protein, Carbs, and Fats. Some macronutrients (like carbs or fats) are often put in a bad light because of...
  10. M


    I've been away for about 5ish yrs. Looking forward to the great info you all provide.
  11. Steroidify Rep

    Ask an IFBB Pro - Powered by Steroidify

    Steroidify has hired a retired IFBB pro to give you some guidance on your bodybuilding endeavors. It goes like this: - For customers only. - This is not a prep service, so no advanced pre-competition protocols, like water manipulation, SEO or things like that. - No cut/paste answer will be...
  12. drtbear1967

    Ice Baths and Cold Therapy

    Ice baths and cold therapy have increased in popularity. Many use it to improve their recovery. There is increasing research to support that ice baths are effective for muscle recovery [1, 2]. But just because ice baths improve markers of recovery, doesn't mean it also benefits muscle and...
  13. drtbear1967

    Research on Fructose

    Fructose-containing sugars are known to be a target target for their putative role in causing obesity and cardiometabolic disease. However, current studies to support this claim are limited. . Evidence from systematic reviews and meta-analyses of controlled trials has not shown that...
  14. drtbear1967

    How Technology will change fitness

    by Matt Weik When you look at all of the things we can do today compared to 10 or even 20 years ago, you can’t help but have your mind blown. Who would have thought that in our pocket we would literally be carrying around a mini computer where we can accomplish almost anything by simply typing...
  15. drtbear1967

    Fake Supplement Reviews.

    by Matt Weik Recently, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has cracked down on a supplement company for purchasing fake reviews for their products on Amazon and slapped them with a $50,000 fine. This supplement company paid a third-party website to create fake reviews of their product on the...
  16. Steroidify Rep

    Happy New Year from PharmaComStore

    Happy New Year from PharmaComStore We want to thank you all for a great 2018 and we are looking forward to a even better 2019! We are constantly adding new products to make your shopping experience easier In 2019 we will strive to provide you with the best products, prices, service and...
  17. C

    Re:Tren E raws, bulk order VIP price

    Re:Tren E raws, bulk order VIP price :) :)
  18. Presser

    Trenbolone Acetate , Enanthate, Hex or Tren base PCT protocols

    Trenbolone Acetate , Enanthate, Hex or Tren base PCT protocols Why Is PCT after a Tren Steroid Cycle Important?Although Trenbolone doesn’t aromatize, post cycle therapy is still a very important consideration. Your body’s natural testosterone production effectively shuts down while using...
  19. Y

    Kindly provide details

    How to use clomid for loads of rope splashWhen to takeFor how many daysHow much to takeWhat are the sides Please make me understand
  20. Iron Game

    MK-2866 with Steroids

    We are all looking to make progress and achieve the goals we set. Being able to obtain our goals in the most effective, yet safest manner, is imperative to ensure heath and longevity. Many of us find that time after time, plateaus are reached due to genetic limits we are born with. At this...