
  1. drtbear1967

    IGF Info

    Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are peptide hormones that are primarily involved in stimulating the growth of many types of cells. They participate in the growth and function of almost every organ in the body, and are also partially capable of reducing blood glucose levels. The name...
  2. Presser

    Bioavailability, Potency of Theacrine Enhanced When Combined with Caffeine, Study Suggests

    Bioavailability, Potency of Theacrine Enhanced When Combined with Caffeine, Study Suggests A new eight-subject human, clinical trial found that TeaCrine, Compound Solutions Inc.’s (Carlsbad, CA) patented theacrine ingredient, shows greater bioavailability and potency when consumed with caffeine...
  3. Steroidify Rep

    100% Shipping Success Rate to USA - Guaranteed Delivery

    !!! EXCELLENT NEWS !!! We are proud to announce that 2 of our new 2 PharmaComStore warehouses are exceeding our expectations, performing incredibly well with 100% shipping success rate to US this year, with an average transit time of only 6-7 days. A perfect period we may say, currently...
  4. drtbear1967

    GH Protocol w EOD being better.

    theguerillachemist There has long been debate between protocols for using exogenous GH for muscle-building purposes. Some say use everyday, some say EOD(every other day), some say 5/2, ect. This paper compared taking the same weekly dose of GH given daily vs EOD in GH deficient youths. The...
  5. Steroidify

    Shipping success rate - STEALTH + NEW warehouse !!!

    UPDATE SUPER STEALTH DISGUISE - sachets - doing extremely well through customs and seem to be bulletproof. Please don't post pics or details about it. There is also the option of normal stealth, which is basic and only works for several regions. No extra costs for neither of them, offered...
  6. drtbear1967

    BCAA Supplementation is it needed?

    theguerillachemist This recently published study is a meta analysis of all the literature(studies) about BCAA supplementation and protein synthesis. This paper uses not only oral supplementation, but intravenous supplementation of BCAA and the conclusion the researchers made will upset a lot of...
  7. drtbear1967

    Drop a Pound of Fat Per Day? Really??

    Can you lose a pound of fat per day? No, that’s not a typo, I said lose a pound of fat per DAY not per WEEK. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking (especially if you’re a regular Burn the Fat Blog or Tom Venuto reader), but don’t get yer britches in a bunch just yet, just read the post first, THEN...
  8. drtbear1967

    Steroids for Fat Loss

    Fat Loss Steroids When it comes to anabolic steroid supplementation, most are generally concerned with bulking or cutting. To truly get the results you desire, you're always best served by focusing on one direction at a time, and when it's time to cut, fat loss steroids are often the answer. Go...
  9. Iron Game

    Cardarine (GW-501516), Tren and Burning Fat by Sarm Sciences

    Cardarine (GW-501516) aka Endurobol, Tren and Burning Fat Q) Is Endurobolic GW aka Cardarine a fat burner like Aqua-Burn and Cyto-Burn? A) . Endurobolic GW a.k.a. Cardarine GW-501516 dosent actually stimulate your metabolism like Aqua-Burn and Cyto-Burn. It increases preferential lipid...
  10. Iron Game

    What Are Helios

    by Mike Arnold After receiving a question about Helios in one of my Q & A’s this last week, I started asking myself why more people don’t use this product. Despite being one of the most effective Clen preparations on the market, it gets relatively little fanfare, coming up in conversation only...
  11. Iron Game

    T3 (Cytomel), liothyronine sodium,

    Cytomel (liothyronine sodium) Cytomel is a synthetic T3 hormone. As you may already know, most natural T3 is not produced directly by your thyroid gland, but rather is converted from the T4 thyroid hormone. (8) Cytomel T3 Weight Loss Natural T3 is a regulator of the oxidative metabolism of...
  12. Iron Game

    T3 (Cytomel), liothyronine sodium

    Cytomel (liothyronine sodium) Cytomel is a synthetic T3 hormone. As you may already know, most natural T3 is not produced directly by your thyroid gland, but rather is converted from the T4 thyroid hormone. (8) Cytomel T3 Weight Loss Natural T3 is a regulator of the oxidative metabolism of...
  13. Presser

    Post Steroid Cycle SERM's Half-Life Determination Dictates Dosage Schedule.

    MuscleChemistry.com Pharmacokinetics I will Explain how the half-life of a drug works and then list the various SERM's used During Post Steroid Cycle Therpay and eaches Half-Life For our MuscleChemistry members who arent all too familiar with how this works, so they can better understand what...
  14. Iron Game


    BCAAs: THE MANY BENEFITS OF BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS Dieting down will get you shredded, but it might also shave some size from your biceps. BCAAs can help protect your muscles against the catabolic effects of dieting!In recent years, branched-chain amino acid supplements have come back into...
  15. Iron Game


    BCAAs: THE MANY BENEFITS OF BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS Dieting down will get you shredded, but it might also shave some size from your biceps. BCAAs can help protect your muscles against the catabolic effects of dieting!In recent years, branched-chain amino acid supplements have come back into...
  16. Iron Game

    Get Ripped with High Intensity Interval Training

    Get Ripped with High Intensity Interval Training TEAM MD There is a prominent tissue in the body that is nearly universally hated; vehement, irrational anger is evoked. Entire industries have arisen to deprive, deplete, even hack away and suck out the vile offender— fat. Nearly everyone is so...
  17. Iron Game

    Long Term Fat Loss, 1-10

    1. Do some resistive weight training 3 to 4 times a week using short rest periods between sets of 30 to 60 seconds. Work out no longer than 1 hour to keep your anabolic (muscle-building) hormones high and catabolic (muscle-wasting) hormones low. Over-training is a quick way to lose muscle along...
  18. Iron Game

    Hair Loss and AAS Usage, What Are Your Options

    by Mike Arnold When it comes to the subject of hair loss, you will find strong opinions on both sides of the fence. For some, it is simply a natural part of life; not something to be feared or despised. Being met with acceptance, these individuals fret little over the state of their hairline...
  19. Presser


    Effect of trenbolone acetate on protein synthesis and degradation rates in fused bovine satellite cell cultures. Although androgenic and estrogenic steroids are widely used to enhance muscle growth and increase feed efficiency in feedlot cattle, their mechanism of action is not well...
  20. Iron Game

    (AAS) Anabolic - Androgenic Steroids & Hair Loss

    by Mike Arnold When it comes to the subject of hair loss, you will find strong opinions on both sides of the fence. For some, it is simply a natural part of life; not something to be feared or despised. Being met with acceptance, these individuals fret little over the state of their hairline...