
  1. W

    Purple panada labs

    Their anavar and dbol was fake. eq looks real, hopefully the winny deca and test are good. - - - Updated - - - purple panda labs .PPL
  2. drtbear1967

    Flexatron - Leave him alone

    by Christian Duque Ok, ok, I’m not about to make a video crying like that kid way back when did about leaving Britney Spears alone, then again.. Look here’s the deal folks. You can always count on me, The Iron Duque, to tell it like it is. What do I have to worry about? Getting trolled? I’ve...
  3. 9

    Real Vicious Muay Thai Transitioning to MMA

    <iframe width="1423" height="620" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> **Receive 10% off your MC Store order of $50 or...
  4. Presser

    M-Chem Coin Is Now Live.

    M-Chem Coin Went Live Tonight. 1 M-Chem Coin = $1 Real World Dollar. Simple As That! If Under Your Avatar Your M-Chem Coin Says 98, Then You have $98 Real World Money. This Can Be Used Towards Anything You Want To Purchase From Our Store. Either Applied To Your Store Order Or Used To Pay In...
  5. D


    I know tren does not convert to estro. However I've been told the Prolactin can bloat you. I was very confused, as I was not looking as I thought I would on Tren. Well I have from a very smart board member that Caber which should be on hand at a minimum while on tren can take care of the...
  6. CH3NO2

    CBD Oil?

    Who takes it? What do you take it for? My wife has anxiety and is interested in taking it. There is a shit ton of hype and a million different pop up companies. Is this stuff for real? Does it help with anxiety? What dose do you take? What brand do you use? I did a search on here and did not...
  7. drtbear1967

    Lee Labrada - Always a Champion

    by Christian Duque The sport of bodybuilding seems to know no time, because the champions of yesterday continue inspire the youth today. In fact, I’ve found that the obsession most have with the 1990’s is a lot more than mere nostalgia. People miss the huge bodybuilders of that era, guys like...
  8. Metal85

    Is anyone a real estate agent on here?

    Possibly looking into transitioning into this as I love houses & properties as much as I love cars. I look them up al the time, & after 15.5 years in healthcare I do believe I can not continue to move patients at the rate they are continually gaining weight. Any suggestions or info?
  9. J


    Hey everyone. New guy out of Myrtle Beach here. Been training for a years off and on, but didn’t get serious about it until the last year or so. With the help of some local friends I’ve made some decent progress in that time and just hoping to keep it going. If you want to know more just let me...
  10. drtbear1967

    Does you training partner affect you workouts?

    We all know that there are different kinds of people with regards to sociability and the “need” for social interactions. This can quite easily be seen in the gym. Do you see yourself as a lone wolf or a social creature, buddying up with everyone you see? Maybe you are somewhere in between. Jonas...
  11. Ox 51

    Terrell Owens Says He'd Kneel During Anthem

    'I'm with Kap': Terrell Owens says he'd kneel during anthem Cassandra Negley,Yahoo Sports,Nov 29, 2018 Sports Illustrated aptly titled this month’s sit-down with Terrell Owens, the newly inducted Hall of Famer, “Terrell Owens Isn’t Done Talking.” And as is apt to happen with the 2018 inductee...
  12. Ox 51

    Boston Red Sox Win World Series!

    The Red Sox made pretty short work of the Los Angeles Dodgers, winning the World Series four games to one. They even won two games in Los Angeles. This is the fourth championship for the Red Sox in 15 years. It also raises the question, is there any real competition for Boston as title town...
  13. K

    Mibolerone/TNE - (Injectable Cheque Madness)

    Hey Guys, so ive been a long time member but I just read so I dont think ive ever actually posted. Anyway, i recently acquired a few grams of Mibolerone and couldn't find a way to suspend it in liquid for oral admin. I also dont have a real press so making pills isnt really an option, especially...
  14. 9

    No Excuses - Real KILLER Training - Jose Luis Sanchez

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  15. drtbear1967

    Why Some Gear is Faked.

    One of the most commonly fakes steroids is oxandrolone aka Anavar. Why is this? It's not a very strong anabolic and results you get are not dramatic, so why would this be counterfeited a lot?? The answer is money! Real oxandrolone is expensive to synthesize bc of the oxygen atom in the A ring of...
  16. blacktail

    Igf1 lr3 is amazing

    Ok add igf to my current cycle of test e 600mg and deca 400mg a week after reading about it for a year. I will tell you that 3 weeks in and I'm shocked at how my muscles stay hard all day long. And I'm not saying hard when I flex, I mean hard when relaxed! The best part and correct me if I'm...
  17. Big Joe

    is It real or scamming me?

    Good morning everyone.. yesterday I received a message on my taptalk app on my android through MC not sure if I’m allowed to say the name so I won’t offering me to sign up as a new member to some shopping site so I had to look it seems they offer some good stuff .. if you need more info on wtf...
  18. EkHatch

    Whey and creatine

    Does Whey and Creatine actually work? Is there any members on here who trained with no whey or creatine and then after a while moved onto taking whey and creatine and noticed an improvment? I'm just wondering as i've read loads recent and some people say not to waste money on supps at...
  19. drtbear1967

    Libido, Gear and the Ladies

    If you are on Test and keeping your E2 in check then chances are your sex drive is through the roof! But what if your significant other isn’t on the same level as you? It can become frustrating! Right? The ages of members vary on here from young guys still chasing tail to us older married guys...
  20. George Cook

    Dbol or Oxy

    My first post... In short I want to introduce a kick into my cycle and have both at my disposal. Have used dbol in the past a few time and like it. Bloat is a pain but not the end of the world. Never used oxys before and wondered how they compare. Probably the only med I have not used. Would...