
  1. Ox 51

    LeBron Drives Up Ticket Prices

    LeBron James has yet to play his first regular season game for the Lakers, but he's already had a huge impact...on ticket prices. A report of StubHub data from CNBC states that home ticket prices for Lakers games have gone up an astronomical 427 percent this season. And the Lakers home opener...
  2. drtbear1967

    So you want to build Big Arms?

    This is a great exercise to improve the size of your biceps, yet it's rarely used, mostly because it doesn't allow for a lot of weight to be lifted and some egos just can't deal with that. Also, this exercise requires perfect form and control – things the average gym-bro doesn't have. . The drag...
  3. Ox 51

    Dodgers Clinch Playoff Spot

    Yeah, baby! The Dodgers have clinched a spot in the playoffs for the 6th straight season. With a win today, they moved to a half game behind the Rockies, who are currently losing to the Nationals 5-1. They could be tied going into the last day of the regular season tomorrow. The Central...
  4. D

    Preferred drink

    What’s your favorite drink throughout the day? Gator aide Powerade sugar free regular water etc
  5. drtbear1967

    7 Signs of Good Digestion

    7 Signs of Good Digestion I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “you are what you eat,” but I’d like to take the sentiment one step further to claim you are what you absorb. Digestion is the complex process by which your body reduces the food you eat into individual nutrients in order to build...
  6. Iron Game

    Jose Raymond: Better Hack Squats, Close-Grip Bench Press for Meaty Triceps

    Help for Hack Squats I no longer can do hack squats, as my right knee can’t bend at the angle anymore. What can take its place? I can get leg presses in without the pain, but will that give me the same results hacks give me? They seemed to be the only exercise that hit that “teardrop” above the...
  7. drtbear1967

    Just Keep it Simple

    So, that pizza everyone was eating was just too good to pass up, and instead of having only 2 slices like you’d planned, you couldn’t resist adding an extra 3 more on top of it. You’ve now gone 1000 calories over your target for the day, and it feels as though all that fat loss progress you’ve...
  8. B

    Your experience with hydrolyzed whey protein

    Hydrolyzed whey has become more readily available, and it's touted as being far more digestible than even regular whey isolate. Has anyone else tried it and what do you think? I tend to not digest whey very well, so I'm hoping this works better for me.
  9. drtbear1967


    "Balance:" One of the most common follies of underachievers, is not acknowledging that achieving takes sacrifice. Now there's asinine ways to do things; there's paralysis by analysis, OCD tendencies and generating much more sacrifices than is needed. But if you want to succeed at ANYTHING in...
  10. 9

    Regular People Try Punching A UFC Fighter

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. Iron Game

    The Stomach Vacuum, Lost Secret Weapon of the Pro's

    The Stomach Vacuum Exercise By Karen Sessions Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 10K SHARES I can teach you a simple technique to reduce your midsection in as little as 3 weeks. By incorporating this technique, with your regular abdominal training, it will give you a carved midsection! The vast majority...
  12. Presser

    WTF!!! Another Card Hit with Fraud! Its INSANE

    So as you know i been bitching about my Bank of AMerica ATM card being hit with fraud so often and having to be closed each time, well i just got my new card maybe 10-14 days ago, and it was my 4th BOA debit card this year , So after a couple weeks, guess what, got hit with another fruadluant...
  13. Presser

    Font and Back Squats work leg muscles just the same.

    Front squat versus back squat Makes no difference to your leg muscles For your leg muscles it makes no difference whether you bring the bar down behind your neck or let it rest at the front of your torso on your shoulders when doing squats. Sports scientists at the University of Florida...
  14. akn

    Insulin Analogues – Pros and Cons

    by Mike Arnold With insulin now popular among all levels of bodybuilders, the demand for information has grown exponentially, especially over the last 5 or so years. This has led to a variety of articles being published addressing everything from insulin-based nutrition, injection timing...