
  1. R

    Libido- Sex Drive related to peptides

    I was wondering why nobody talk about low libido and sex drive issues related to peptides? Have somebody experienced the same thing so far? if so how to fix this problem? Thanks alot.
  2. Iron Game

    Testosterone - As We Age

    When we age, the available amount of the male sex hormone testosterone declines. What are the consequences and is it reversible or avoidable? On the path to the shopping mall, a small bent fragile man shuffles behind his rollator. His movements appear a little bit slowed down. His clothes fall...
  3. Iron Game

    Testosterone Supplementation - Fact & Fiction

    Testosterone Supplementation - Fact & Fiction There is bias in the media (and medicine); this results in polarity— one side strongly (and blindly) for an extreme position against a separate side just as vehement (and ignorant) with the opposite stance. Yet, revelations arise that eventually...
  4. Presser

    Post Steroid Cycle SERM's Half-Life Determination Dictates Dosage Schedule. Pharmacokinetics I will Explain how the half-life of a drug works and then list the various SERM's used During Post Steroid Cycle Therpay and eaches Half-Life For our MuscleChemistry members who arent all too familiar with how this works, so they can better understand what...
  5. DefMetalLifter

    I'm Back

    Hey brothers and sisters. As a few of you know I use to be really active on this site a year ago as well as a Site Rep. I seperated from my ex and was going through a divorce. It was a nasty, hands up, burn the Father type of deal. In my best interest I decided it wasn't a good idea to publicly...
  6. Iron Game

    Oral Health, What You Need To Know

    Your mouth, teeth, tongue, and gums provide clues to the health of your body. Many of these clues are related to nutritional deficiencies or hidden underlying problems. Some of these signs are frequently passed off as normal or missed. Recognizing these clues often give us the first hint related...
  7. 3J

    The ask 3J anything thread!!! Q & A with 3J

    Circle up kids!!! Im opening this thread and inviting anyone who may have a question about anything diet, training, or gear related to feel comfortable in asking.. no question is too stupid! this is a safe place!! i will not tolerate any flaming what so ever!! So, got a question about your...
  8. C

    Introducing myself!

    Hello guys. Nice to meet you! My name is Cubensis iam 22 years old and iam addicted to bodybuilding. If anyone needs bodybuilding related help he/she is free to ask me anything if he/she feels like!
  9. Presser

    Chris 250 AKA Chris Genkinger Has Passed Away! Long Time Site Rep Here!

    Some of you newer guys may not know of him, and most of you vets do, as he was a fixture here for years as a Site Representative and a Sponsored Athlete as well! My heart and prayers go out to his family, and especially his little girl! Very sad stuff! Chris Stepped away a...
  10. Powderguy

    Venting about my skills but AAS related

    So I need to vent this so I can stop being frustrated. As most of you know I am good at what I do when it comes to past history of being in the pharm field and production of injectables (as a work thing of course) I tried my own experiments and in high mg/ml doses and trying to solve the issue...